Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The latest shit from orangeman. At the CIA he again said we should have kept the oil in Iraq. He just said we may have another chance. How many vets want to go back and take the oil? Mind you it will be an international war crime.

Same old BS about the media. I said yesterday he would claim that a million were at his inauguration. A true megalomaniac, he say there were countless people there.

Looking forward to the impeachment of orangeman. :) What a fucking douche bag.
I don't think I understand what you are asking, my friend.

If you are referring to the lack of attendees, I can say that a lot of Americans who do support Trump also realize that there is a degree of personal safety risk involved in publicly showing support for Trump.

Two weeks ago 4 teenagers who were anti-Trump kidnapped a mentally challenged classmate, held him against his will, and used Facebook Live to broadcast themselves physically torturing and emotionally abusing this poor mentally challenged kid, while screaming "fuck Trump" and threatening to kill the kid. They claimed that their torture of this helpless kid was a statement against Trump winning the election.

There have also been riots and demonstrations and very disturbing public behavior in opposition to those who support Trump.

This has caused many folks to lay low in fear that something bad may happen to them if they are caught supporting Trump.

It seems tolerance for differing views only goes one way with many deranged individuals, who want everyone else to tolerate them.

Sad but true.

Amen to that. I would not dare put a Trump sticker on my car. It's so obvious to all but dyed in the wool liberals that freedom of expression is severely restricted for non-liberals, with physical harm being a clear reality.

Still, liberals act as if this is not an issue, as if it doesn't exist.

"Liberal privilege" anyone?
He's not "my" candidate, as such. I primarily voted against the criminal Hillary. As the bumper sticker said "I stand with Trump" which isn't the same as "I stand for Trump".

I'm just trying to get some honesty out of liberals, which apparently is a doomed cause.

Take a look at this, these psychotic liberals out there marching against Trump, there's was NOTHING like that from Republicans against Obama, nothing. Can you admit as much?

Women's March on Washington brings thousands of protesters | Daily Mail Online

Sir this is what this country all about !
Freedom of assembly without the fear of persecution. This is why this country in my mind is the top model for society. Out of curiosity why should've been any protests against the first black president
Sir this is what this country all about !
Freedom of assembly without the fear of persecution. This is why this country in my mind is the top model for society. Out of curiosity why should've been any protests against the first black president

FFS, stay on topic! The topic is how the losing side acts - and particularly why liberals can't handle defeat without going on a riot.

Re Obama, perhaps those who didn't want a left-wing community organizer from a kleptocratic party (and from corrupt Chicago at that) would be against his win?

But no, Republicans took that on the chin and didn't whine like all the Liberal bitches are out there doing now.

The freedom of assembly you speak of doesn't apply much to nonlibs, does it?

BTW, take your race-baiting and stick it somewhere the sun doesn't shine.
Amen to that. I would not dare put a Trump sticker on my car. It's so obvious to all but dyed in the wool liberals that freedom of expression is severely restricted for non-liberals, with physical harm being a clear reality.

Still, liberals act as if this is not an issue, as if it doesn't exist.

"Liberal privilege" anyone?
I don't know where the hell you come up with this bullshit. It is true that more people in this country hate the guy than tolerate him, but most will not key your car if you have a trump bumper sticker. It is a very small minority, kind of like the KKK who embrace trump.

We will get rid of orangeman the right way. In 2018 the Republicans will be handed a crushing defeat. My guess is Republicans will lose both houses of congress, and in 2020 say goodbye to your champion.

Not my president.
FFS, stay on topic! The topic is how the losing side acts - and particularly why liberals can't handle defeat without going on a riot.

Re Obama, perhaps those who didn't want a left-wing community organizer from a kleptocratic party (and from corrupt Chicago at that) would be against his win?

But no, Republicans took that on the chin and didn't whine like all the Liberal bitches are out there doing now.

The freedom of assembly you speak of doesn't apply much to nonlibs, does it?

BTW, take your race-baiting and stick it somewhere the sun doesn't shine.

Problem with you, I am here as a liberal calling Mr Trump my president. You on the other hand resort to name calling and get vulgar because you don't have a real reason to get mad at my statements. There is no baiting here what ever is bothering you is comin from within. I am proud to have an opinion and be able to express it.
And no republicans didn't take anything on the chin. Define birther !!!!
30% republicans still believe he is Muslim like it matters. So I'm still open for a intelligent debate. I don't find your point of view invalid. Just prove your point don't try to jam it up my, you know where
Why would the left be talking impeachment and voting trump out before he was even sworn in? Yet, if he was a black man you say "why would Republicans protest the first black president". This is one of the biggest points to drive home. The left is always obsessed with race. Who are the racists? The ones who are obsessed with race or the ones who never even think about it?
FFS, stay on topic! The topic is how the losing side acts - and particularly why liberals can't handle defeat without going on a riot.

I am on topic. This is the only country loosing side can freely assemble against the winner and know that the CONSTITUTION protects them be sure of that. See you are only one who wants to stump and put your foot down. I am asking why They should stop?
Do you agree with him not making apologies for the comment he made about woman ? Do you have any woman in your family wouldn't be offended by the comment since he is so rich and prominent he can grab them by the you know what?
Do we have to treat him like he is teflon? Nothing sticks ? Or do you want him in power for this country and its future?
I am on topic. This is the only country loosing side can freely assemble against the winner and know that the CONSTITUTION protects them be sure of that. See you are only one who wants to stump and put your foot down. I am asking why They should stop?
Do you agree with him not making apologies for the comment he made about woman ? Do you have any woman in your family wouldn't be offended by the comment since he is so rich and prominent he can grab them by the you know what?
Do we have to treat him like he is teflon? Nothing sticks ? Or do you want him in power for this country and its future?
He's apologized for his comments. Did bill?
Why would the left be talking impeachment and voting trump out before he was even sworn in? Yet, if he was a black man you say "why would Republicans protest the first black president". This is one of the biggest points to drive home. The left is always obsessed with race. Who are the racists? The ones who are obsessed with race or the ones who never even think about it?
I guess you are in every American house hold to know what they feel ha!
First Black president have nothing to do with liberals being racist but an historic moment on a country where same people had to fight for their civil right in the 50,s-60,s
So the race relations in the states is peachy keen for the white community??
I'm confused to who is racist.
He was impeached!!!
Yes sir. Stone cold busted. And yet I still don't remember him apologizing. Why let those losers back in the white house. Haven't they embarrassed the presidency enough? Haven't they sold this country for a profit enough? Or are they just trying to pave the way for Chelsea and her Goldman sacks hubby?
I guess you are in every American house hold to know what they feel ha!
First Black president have nothing to do with liberals being racist but an historic moment on a country where same people had to fight for their civil right in the 50,s-60,s
So the race relations in the states is peachy keen for the white community??
I'm confused to who is racist.
Your the one who brought up race.
He's apologized for his comments. Did bill?
Infidelity = sexual assault is that sound fare to you? I doubt Bill can keep his weeny in his pants he was eyeing Trumps daughter at inauguration. But I also don't believe he ever insulted women.Hi did apologize and asked forgiveness for his infidelity which runs rampant on both sides of about Mr Trump for his comments about women??? That is my only issue.
Your the one who brought up race.
By stating we had the first Black president? I think we are dancing around for a hand up now. I'm done responding to both. I want you and I and everyone else to have an open mind about the 45. It may not be what you paid for that's all I'm saying. We will all see in realtime and discuss it with our friends and foes.
Stop with we want to feel our win stumping. All protests have a reason and should be respected. It's the essence of freedom I seek that brought me here to this country. I am defending it's constitutional rights that's all
Infidelity = sexual assault is that sound fare to you? I doubt Bill can keep his weeny in his pants he was eyeing Trumps daughter at inauguration. But I also don't believe he ever insulted women.Hi did apologize and asked forgiveness for his infidelity which runs rampant on both sides of about Mr Trump for his comments about women??? That is my only issue.
My opinion, I don't appreciate trumps comments coming from Someone that wants to lead the country, but shit, I talk worse than I've heard from him. But trumps not a politician that's been selling himself his whole life so his speech is not well guarded. I'm by no means a trump fan, but I agree with most of what he wants to do for the country. I think liberals want to take this country in the wrong direction.
I like debate, makes me more educated. If you start a convo with precondition you end up in circles. This felt going that way but I'll give you this. Our country leaned too far left in last 8 years.we were talking unisex bathrooms and a justice died. It scared the conservatives to core and I agree they may not like Trump but more progressive direction would divide this country even more. So we are going pretty far right to equal out. You can't suppress the people who will have a lot to loose in next 4 years like the women, muslims,LGBT community though. Let our system play out.stop complaining about the protests, its in the core of our democracy
I like debate, makes me more educated. If you start a convo with precondition you end up in circles. This felt going that way but I'll give you this. Our country leaned too far left in last 8 years.we were talking unisex bathrooms and a justice died. It scared the conservatives to core and I agree they may not like Trump but more progressive direction would divide this country even more. So we are going pretty far right to equal out. You can't suppress the people who will have a lot to loose in next 4 years like the women, muslims,LGBT community though. Let our system play out.stop complaining about the protests, its in the core of our democracy
I don't think folks would complain much about the protests if they didn't seem so destructive and bought and paid for. It appears, from the outside looking in, that these people just want to destroy the country. Not all of the protests, but some of them. Peaceful protests, great... but there's a difference between that and the mob burning cars, chanting "kill cops, especially the white ones", etc.
FFS, stay on topic! The topic is how the losing side acts - and particularly why liberals can't handle defeat without going on a riot.

Re Obama, perhaps those who didn't want a left-wing community organizer from a kleptocratic party (and from corrupt Chicago at that) would be against his win?

But no, Republicans took that on the chin and didn't whine like all the Liberal bitches are out there doing now.

The freedom of assembly you speak of doesn't apply much to nonlibs, does it?

BTW, take your race-baiting and stick it somewhere the sun doesn't shine.

My god, you are such a whinny little girl @tenpoundsleft. You complain about the liberals and democrats and it's always YOU who is bitching and crying about stuff.

Boo hoo obama, protesters, liberals, waaaaa. Jesus dude. Your side won the election. Shut the fuck up already and be happy!