Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The only war the left knows how to fight is the one against the republican party. They fight and when they lose they cry, protest, burn flags and post terrible memes on the internet. All the while explaining how intolerant the right is of other peoples views. (Eye roll)
You mistakenly assume that those who have resisted the campaign of division and hate ran by Orangeman are not patriots. I disagree. I believe we are informed and see our new president for who he truly is. Time will tel.
I would like to see him be the best and most compassionate president this country has ever seen. I don't think it will happen, but we can pray. Where the rubber meets the road, we want what is best for our country.
BTW i really liked his stupid fund raiser thingy last night?
Trump jus dont care. Kind of a cool cat
He was supposed to be there to kiss the assss of his donors but instead used the air time to ramble on about this and that
It was refreshing to see a president act REAL for a change
Spot on

About "the world" - who the fuck cares? These ingrates have no appreciation for us anyway. They'd all be speaking German or Japanese or Russian if it weren't for us - and that wasn't even long ago. If that sacrifice didn't get us any favors, what will? Fuck'em!
Well I can't agree with that, it wasn't just "US" the war was won by all the Allies matter of fact many would argue that without Russia's involvement the outcome would have been different not to mention that we had quite a large number of Nazis sympathizers in this country pushing hard first not to enter the conflict then lobbying to exit. Anyway I am not sure how we ended up talking about WWII so I would leave it at that.
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I liked how he called out the ESTABLISHMENT in his speech and didn't kiss there ass!!! I bet the left thought he was gonna change his tune and do the go along play along like everyone else did..
Well I can't agree with that, it wasn't just "US" the war was won by all the Allies matter of fact many would argue that without Russia's involvement the outcome would have been different not to mention that we had quite a large number of Nazis sympathizers in this country pushing hard first not to enter the conflict then lobbying to exit. Anyway I am not sure how we ended up talking about WWII so I would leave it at that.

We wound up talking about the world's opinion (if there is such a thing) of the US since you brought it up:

"Trump on the other hand is a whole new breed that no one expected to see in a final presidency run in the US, his statements on climate change, women, immigrants and taxes etc. Where it is nothing new no one overseas expected the American people to tolerate it let alone encourage it. You may disagree but the rest of the world view of us has changed."

WWII won by all the allies? Without the US, there wouldn't have been any opposition to Germany and Japan.

That is a different topic, I just brought up the point that what the "world" thinks of us is irrelevant, since a sacrifice of the WWII magnitude is so soon forgotten - it's only the Brits who have any recollection it seems.
We have a new president. Voted for him or not, like him or not, scared of his policies or not, trust the constitution and the system that's in place and had been in place for centuries. His likebilty will not have any impact on his governing. All presidents I mean all has to lead close to center not far right or not far left, our political system is set this way.
I believe in this free society and that's why I call USA home for 20+ years,not my birth country Turkey. If anyone wants to see how a weak democracy can be manipulated and the freedom of choise we enjoy here not attainable for some in the world, should watch the live feed from the Turkish parliament voting on constitutional amendments. I am very grateful that all our politicians are well-educated. Like them or not, agree with their policies or not, there are always actual debates for policymaking. This privilege is ours. Unless you ever experienced an authoritarian regime and Unbearable pressure that you were subjected to for having a difference of opinion,Fear for well being of all you love; You shouldn't be despaired of the outcome of a free election. I Did not vote or never will vote for Trump. I am still honored to have him as a president because I believe in the constitution, political system and its people.

Policy will be made with all sides heard in congress. Stop payin too much attention to twitter.
Don't forget now he is the president it's our job to hold him accountable.
Good luck and Godspeed Mr President WE WILL BE WATCHING and will be actively holding you accountable. That's what the democratic system is all about

We wound up talking about the world's opinion (if there is such a thing) of the US since you brought it up:

"Trump on the other hand is a whole new breed that no one expected to see in a final presidency run in the US, his statements on climate change, women, immigrants and taxes etc. Where it is nothing new no one overseas expected the American people to tolerate it let alone encourage it. You may disagree but the rest of the world view of us has changed."

WWII won by all the allies? Without the US, there wouldn't have been any opposition to Germany and Japan.

That is a different topic, I just brought up the point that what the "world" thinks of us is irrelevant, since a sacrifice of the WWII magnitude is so soon forgotten - it's only the Brits who have any recollection it seems.
You are right I guess I did somewhat.
I broke all the tv's in my house so I don't have to watch this crap. I broke my Obama phone too after I tried to call him on it and he wouldn't answer.
I don't recall ANY Republicans doing that when Obama got elected - contrary to the opinions of the typical "both parties are the same" crowd.

I guess you missed republican congressman yelling at our former president from the house floor " you are a lier"...... we all see what we want to see. Have an open mind so if things are not as promised in near future, you won't be a follower but an educated and impowered individual who can make a difference. I do have an open mind hoping for the best for our county and our president.
We have a new president. Voted for him or not, like him or not, scared of his policies or not, trust the constitution and the system that's in place and had been in place for centuries. His likebilty will not have any impact on his governing. All presidents I mean all has to lead close to center not far right or not far left, our political system is set this way.
I believe in this free society and that's why I call USA home for 20+ years,not my birth country Turkey. If anyone wants to see how a weak democracy can be manipulated and the freedom of choise we enjoy here not attainable for some in the world, should watch the live feed from the Turkish parliament voting on constitutional amendments. I am very grateful that all our politicians are well-educated. Like them or not, agree with their policies or not, there are always actual debates for policymaking. This privilege is ours. Unless you ever experienced an authoritarian regime and Unbearable pressure that you were subjected to for having a difference of opinion,Fear for well being of all you love; You shouldn't be despaired of the outcome of a free election. I Did not vote or never will vote for Trump. I am still honored to have him as a president because I believe in the constitution, political system and its people.

Policy will be made with all sides heard in congress. Stop payin too much attention to twitter.
Don't forget now he is the president it's our job to hold him accountable.
Good luck and Godspeed Mr President WE WILL BE WATCHING and will be actively holding you accountable. That's what the democratic system is all about

Cant argue with it
Always liked Turkey. I mean with gravyo_O

You do realize that this was never in effect and so you can't raise something that never was implemented. I mean of course you have to actually read the article while bypassing the misleading title. Again you can't raise taxes on something that to this point never changed. Keep pushing the leftist propaganda my man. Taken straight from the article:

The Department of Housing and Urban Development on Friday reversed a scheduled 0.25 percent cut in mortgage insurance premiums issued by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). For a mortgage worth $200,000, this adds $500 to a homebuyer’s annual costs.

These insurance fees are effectively a tax on middle-class homeownership. By reversing the cut, which was scheduled to go into effect on January 27, one week from today, Trump will be taking more money from FHA homebuyers to keep in government coffers.