Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Scally is an anti-trump computer program. If you block him as i have, you won't have to see his leftist propaganda and it really clears up this thread. Until foreman found it anyway...
I guess my point was ...... if you're seriously THAT into politics; republican or democrat, then why a steroid forum? I mean I don't hugely care about the content but he's like a battering ram in a time vacuum. Like a contant drip of water. I cant get the grocery shopping done, lifting in, house chores, and never mind working for a living and raising my kids. I don't have enough time!! How the hell does one get so much time to be on Meso all day and do propaganda research on top?
Trump administration is repealing federal and state funding for people addicted to opiates.

You guys want to tell me again how republicans and trump in paticular have no ideology towards drugs?
I guess my point was ...... if you're seriously THAT into politics; republican or democrat, then why a steroid forum? I mean I don't hugely care about the content but he's like a battering ram in a time vacuum. Like a contant drip of water. I cant get the grocery shopping done, lifting in, house chores, and never mind working for a living and raising my kids. I don't have enough time!! How the hell does one get so much time to be on Meso all day and do propaganda research on top?

Fighting the good fight takes dedication.
That and he is probably insanely rich and has time while hanging at the beach.

[War with China! Seriously! Chump Trump.]

Trump and Trade: Extreme Tactics in Search of a Point

On Nov. 8, the odds of war with China got shorter.

From his provocative phone call with Taiwan’s president that infuriated Beijing — which considers Taiwan a rogue, breakaway province — to his heated claims that China steals American jobs, President Trump “seems to be pursuing policies that raise the risk of an actual shooting war,” Mr. Mearsheimer said.

War would be a uniquely bad idea. China, after all, has nuclear weapons. But perhaps what troubles the professor most is that Mr. Trump’s stand seems pointless. “One can justify provocative moves if they serve an important strategic goal,” Mr. Mearsheimer told me. “It is not clear what purpose these moves are designed to serve.”

And yet pointlessness is coming to define American foreign policy. Mr. Trump lacks an end game.
The little-noticed bombshell in Trump's immigration order
The little-noticed bombshell in Trump's immigration order

Immigration lawyers who have read the order carefully are now increasingly concerned that one of its provisions could have much wider repercussions, affecting literally every foreign visitor to America, from tourists to diplomats.

The little-noticed section, appearing immediately after the travel ban, calls for the government to develop a “uniform screening standard and procedure” for all individuals seeking to enter the United States. As written, it appears to require all visitors to go through the same vetting measures, regardless of where they come from or how long they intend to stay.

If interpreted as broadly as it’s written, “It would basically shut down tourism,” said Stephen Legomsky, the former chief counsel for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services during the Obama administration.

The U.S. military released a compendium of jihadi video Friday that it said showed “the sort of intelligence information” Navy SEALs seized in a deadly Jan. 29 raid in Yemen. There was just one problem: The clip included 10-year-old footage.

The video was released to the media midday as U.S. military officials said it was obtained in the search of a compound operated by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), a terrorist group that has previously planned attacks in Western nations.


White House press secretary Sean Spicer provided an unusually detailed timeline of how the mission was approved in a news conference Thursday, saying the operation had been under consideration for months and discussed at the White House before Trump took over. Former officials who worked for former president Barack Obama disputed his account afterward. The Pentagon proposed carrying out raids against AQAP in Yemen, they said, but never discussed the specific mission carried out Jan. 29.
A federal judge has halted Trumps Muslim ban nationwide.
Voice of reason 1
trump 0