Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The Star’s running tally of the bald-faced lies, exaggerations and deceptions the president of the United States of America has said, so far.

Last updated: Feb. 3, 2017

33. Feb. 3, 2017 — Twitter

The claim: “Thank you to Prime Minister of Australia for telling the truth about our very civil conversation that FAKE NEWS media lied about.”

In fact: The media did not lie about their phone call, which was not civil. A senior Trump official (acknowledged to the Washington Post) that it had been “hostile and charged,” and prominent news outlets in both countries reported that Trump had berated Malcolm Turnbull. Turnbull denied that Trump had “hung up” on him, but he did not deny that the call had ended abruptly after 25 minutes, as the Post reported. “Was it cut short?” an Australian radio host pressed Turnbull. “The call ended courteously. That’s all I want to say about that,” Turnbull responded.
Critics charge that Trump is looting the country to enrich his friends. Trump counters that he's looting the country to enrich his friends.

It's wonderful isn't it? The dems have lost over 1200 seats at state and federal levels and have control over only 5 states. After all the organized protests designed to make Trump supporters feel like they're a minority, after all the cries of racism and labels they attempt to tack onto him, in the end its all desperate tactics used by desperate politicians who still haven't figured out how to admit defeat. Madonna is a perfect example of the stupidity we're dealing with here. Im soooo glad im not a democrat any more. Its pathetic
Well that is not "back tracking". She was explaining the error. She apologized for the error and in this particular article they are only discussing her explanation and never mentioned her apology. For the record it wasn't exactly what I would call the best apology or even one I would consider appropriate.
This is just yet another desperate tactic to try to grab onto anything they can and get some kind of foothold to back up all the lies they constantly tell the world about Trump and his cabinet. They take a simple misstatement and try to act as though it was an intentional lie. Its truly gotten to a point where they are the only ones who dont realize how bad they're making themselves look. The rest of America is just shaking their heads in disbelief at the lengths the left are willing to go. I say, keep on making yourselves look just as terrible as you have this far and you're parties downfall will continue uninterrupted
I've noticed a trend here. Are you going to every thread to pick a fight with anyone who would give you the time of the day?
Go get laid bro.
Dick strokes inside a pussy are more satisfactory than key strokes!!! You should try sometimes. If you can't get beautiful pussy there are a lot of women in need would give you the time of the day but you gots to go look. Stop waisting your time with keystrokes go get something to poke on!!!
Now thats what rules Mr George Forman
That's what rules