Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Why exactly did you find it necessary to involve race into a non racial discussion? This tactic is straight from the progressive textbook. Be better than that and debate your position without placing race where it doesn't belong. Don't be that guy, we have enough of them here.
This was a light hearted notch at the friendly convo, nothing serious. I hope you read the back and forth. I am not suggesting you this will happen!! I'm saying there are people in this administration like to see that. Again wasnt an attack but a light hearted comment about the people in power who scares me !!!!
Trump is delaying a rule that requires retirement advisors to act in their client's best interests. Seriously. That's not a joke.
After reading the article it also states it's being delayed for the high possibility of it being rewritten. As usual some good based legislation has some unintended consequences and from what I see that is what the is being looked at. Completely normal for any pending legislation that was not instituted by the newly elected administration. Quote below from the article pretty much sums up my point.

"Mr. Cohn said to comply with the rule, companies would be forced to offer retirement products with the lowest fees even if it isn’t best for their client." (Kellyanne Conway Literally Fabricated A Massacre To Justify Trump's Immigration Ban | The Huffington Post)
How about this one my friend ?
This is something I watched before, a fabricated story and tell it like it's real, if you say it enough times enough people will believe you. Not important if it's true or not, as long as it severs their purpose (Kellyanne Conway Literally Fabricated A Massacre To Justify Trump's Immigration Ban | The Huffington Post)
How about this one my friend ?
This is something I watched before, a fabricated story and tell it like it's real, if you say it enough times enough people will believe you. Not important if it's true or not, as long as it severs their purpose
I believe she has already apologized for the error. Apparently she meant to say Bowling Green terrorist or something along those lines. I highly doubt she intentionally made up a non existent massacre that can be easily disproven in two minutes. Logically speaking I can't see this being a deliberate act but more of a careless and wrongly articulated talking point. She made the mistake so I don't have any issues with her being criticized for it. To get people to believe she purposely tried to make up a massacre that never happened is quite the stretch.
Sarah Silverman calls for military to overthrow President Trump

And here is cooco from the left now.
Coup is the worst possible answer to any conflict
I have been alive long enough to remember when the religious right were the ones pushing censorship and trying to shut down freedom of speech. Trying to outlaw porn,video games,certain music,movie censorship and the list goes on. Those radical views ironically have moved to the other side and is just as important to be called out and defeated.
I believe she has already apologized for the error. Apparently she meant to say Bowling Green terrorist or something along those lines. I highly doubt she intentionally made up a non existent massacre that can be easily disproven in two minutes. Logically speaking I can't see this being a deliberate act but more of a careless and wrongly articulated talking point. She made the mistake so I don't have any issues with her being criticized for it. To get people to believe she purposely tried to make up a massacre that never happened is quite the stretch.
I agree in most instances just a mistake.
This administration though had been trying to create alternative facts since the inauguration so I'm very skeptical. There are a lot of his base supporters will beileive what ever They hear..... this is red meat for them imho

When Gen. Michael Flynn marched into the White House Briefing Room to declare that “we are officially putting Iran on notice,” he drew a red line for President Trump. In tweeting the threat, Trump agreed.

His credibility is now on the line.

And what triggered this virtual ultimatum?

Iran-backed Houthi rebels, said Flynn, attacked a Saudi warship and Tehran tested a missile, undermining “security, prosperity, and stability throughout the Middle East,” placing “American lives at risk.”

But how so?

The Saudis have been bombing the Houthi rebels and ravaging their country, Yemen, for two years. Are the Saudis entitled to immunity from retaliation in wars that they start?

Where is the evidence Iran had a role in the Red Sea attack on the Saudi ship? And why would President Trump make this war his war?

As for the Iranian missile test, a 2015 U.N. resolution “called upon” Iran not to test nuclear-capable missiles. It did not forbid Iran from testing conventional missiles, which Tehran insists this was.

Is the United States making new demands on Iran not written into the nuclear treaty or international law — to provoke a confrontation?
House of Cards: Building Our National Security on the Alt-Right’s Alternative Threats
House of Cards: Building Our National Security on the Alt-Right’s Alternative Threats

In November, I cautioned that then-President-elect Trump’s appointment of Breitbart CEO Stephen Bannon as his chief strategist and Michael “Fear of Muslims is RATIONAL” Flynn as his national security adviser would create “deep risk” for U.S. security.

More specifically, I argued that the problem was one of “architecture”: from inside the Oval Office, these extreme advisers would be positioned to orchestrate “the construction of an alt-right reality that denies and derides facts and insists on setting U.S. national security priorities without regard for what the threat data actually tells us.”


This may not be 1925 Italy, but anyone who thought Bannon and Flynn would stand quietly in the wings, whispering in the president’s ear—that they would be a nefarious, largely unseeable fringe force—has been proven wrong. Bannon, in particular, is pursuing his revisionist project with high-level visibility and underappreciated deliberation. At minimum, principled politicians should refuse to confirm Trump’s remaining cabinet picks until Bannon is removed—not from the NSC Principals Committee but from the White House altogether.

The stakes really are that high. They are reality itself.
I agree in most instances just a mistake.
This administration though had been trying to create alternative facts since the inauguration so I'm very skeptical. There are a lot of his base supporters will beileive what ever They hear..... this is red meat for them imho
But why the outrage about alternative facts from this administration when every administration push misinformation? Remember the Benghazi being a result of a YouTube video, or everything that was guaranteed about obamacare, etc. The media wants to kick Conway off thier programs when they themselves perpetrate false narratives and out right lies.