Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

But why the outrage about alternative facts from this administration when every administration push misinformation? Remember the Benghazi being a result of a YouTube video, or everything that was guaranteed about obamacare, etc. The media wants to kick Conway off thier programs when they themselves perpetrate false narratives and out right lies.
I think you are deflecting. She made up a story for their agenda and I don't remember previous administration fabrications any lies. Benghazi was an terorist attack which killed American diplomats and servicemen. It was a real fact. Blame for the incident was some how distorted and debated not actual facts being refuted. In this instance there isn't even an event it's completely fabricated!!!! Not the same thing :)
I think you are deflecting. She made up a story for their agenda and I don't remember previous administration fabrications any lies. Benghazi was an terorist attack which killed American diplomats and servicemen. It was a real fact. Blame for the incident was some how distorted and debated not actual facts being refuted. In this instance there isn't even an event it's completely fabricated!!!! Not the same thing :)
Yeah, but she came out afterwards acknowledging the fact that she made a mistake. It's a possibility it was unintentional.
Yeah, but she came out afterwards acknowledging the fact that she made a mistake. It's a possibility it was unintentional.
That's true. Track record so far is looking intentional to mislead.
Do you remember the 3-5 million illegal voters ? the huuugh deal "illegals voted and we will get to the bottom of it"
What happened now? Where is the investigation ? SMOKE SCREEN all that is
Keep changing the subject is another ploy too. I rest my case it is possible to be a mistake but very unlikely
That's true. Track record so far is looking intentional to mislead.
Do you remember the 3-5 million illegal voters ? the huuugh deal "illegals voted and we will get to the bottom of it"
What happened now? Where is the investigation ? SMOKE SCREEN all that is
Keep changing the subject is another ploy too. I rest my case it is possible to be a mistake but very unlikely
Just so I'm not mischaracterizing what your stance is here, are you saying that Kellyanne Conway purposely made up a massacre that could be disproven immediately? Using Trump's opinion about illegals voting and equating it to what Kellyanne said is a false equivalency. Kellyanne's statement under no circumstance has any possibility of being true and any logical person knows this. Trump's comment on illegal votes is his opinion which is accurate in principle but his numbers are debatable. You could possibly make an argument that he was attempting to mislead or conflate but to put the Kellyanne's comment in the same category is complete nonsense.

Can you explain to me what possible benefit she or the administration would receive to purposely put out a false massacre that didn't happen? I can see some other story that she could spin a little but a non existent massacre? Are people really that politically deluded that they think someone would/could purposely make up a massacre knowing any 8 year old can Google it and find it false in 20 seconds? Or is it clearly a mistake (a dumb mistake) that's been blown out of proportion and framed to fit their narrative? The answer to me is pretty clear and so is the motive to frame it otherwise.
@GigaloRob i'm saying it's a possibility. A real possibility. And that's why I mentioned their track record with the truth as they see it.
My skepticism comes from seeing someone like Steve Bannon being able to infiltrate himself into the defense counsel. When you see an extremist in the White House and there are stories like massacres didn't happen been talked about, and knowing how many Trump supporters from rule areas believed most of fake news I believe I have a point sir.
Sir how much do you know about Steve Bannon and and his old news organization ?
Just so I'm not mischaracterizing what your stance is here, are you saying that Kellyanne Conway purposely made up a massacre that could be disproven immediately? Using Trump's opinion about illegals voting and equating it to what Kellyanne said is a false equivalency. Kellyanne's statement under no circumstance has any possibility of being true and any logical person knows this. Trump's comment on illegal votes is his opinion which is accurate in principle but his numbers are debatable. You could possibly make an argument that he was attempting to mislead or conflate but to put the Kellyanne's comment in the same category is complete nonsense.

Can you explain to me what possible benefit she or the administration would receive to purposely put out a false massacre that didn't happen? I can see some other story that she could spin a little but a non existent massacre? Are people really that politically deluded that they think someone would/could purposely make up a massacre knowing any 8 year old can Google it and find it false in 20 seconds? Or is it clearly a mistake (a dumb mistake) that's been blown out of proportion and framed to fit their narrative? The answer to me is pretty clear and so is the motive to frame it otherwise.

Here is what scares me !!!

Steve Bannon's obsession with a dark theory of history should be worrisome
@GigaloRob i'm saying it's a possibility. A real possibility. And that's why I mentioned their track record with the truth as they see it.
My skepticism comes from seeing someone like Steve Bannon being able to infiltrate himself into the defense counsel. When you see an extremist in the White House and there are stories like massacres didn't happen been talked about, and knowing how many Trump supporters from rule areas believed most of fake news I believe I have a point sir.
Sir how much do you know about Steve Bannon and and his old news organization ?
I know plenty. I also know that having Bannon inside defense meeting and others is not some unique occurrence. David axelrod attended meetings during the Obama administration as well although he was not appointed to the actual council.

I'm well aware of Bannon and Breitbart. I know that he allowed the alt right a platform at Breitbart and that the publication was completely pro Trump. I can see why anyone left leaning would be skeptical of Bannon and I have no issue with concerns.

My issue is making an obvious attempt to inflate a mispoken statement and turn that into some kind of grand scheme to mislead people. Your claim that Trump supporters basically feed off fake news is biased opinion and I could easily say the same for the democratic party supporters. Anything is a "possibility". We use common sense and logic to determine what the most likely reason or explanation is especially when trying to prove intent. I'm sorry, I just don't see how anyone can think she would purposely make up a massacre when
(1) It was so blatantly false that the damage of making it up is far more damaging than any perceived benefit.
(2) Diehard Trump supporters don't need to be mislead. They are diehard for a reason which means no story will sway their opinion one way or the other.

There would be zero benefit for Kellyanne to purposely make up a massacre and again it's abundantly clear it was in error. By all means be concerned about Bannon as I can see your point of view in having concerns but the Kellyanne comment is another example of the media completely over-blowing it to push their Trump narrative. This is a good example of how the media pushes their agenda in order to push the narrative.
Look in to Bannon's book my friend.
He is the only one not Axlerod is talking about apocalypse and New World order as they see fit. I do not believe he had any kind of position like Bannon in these meetings it's a false statement. All I want to know is do you agree with Steve Bannon's idea for new United States and world order?
My issue is making an obvious attempt to inflate a mispoken statement and turn that into some kind of grand scheme to mislead people. Your claim that Trump supporters basically feed off fake news is biased opinion and I could easily say the same for the democratic party supporters. Anything is a "possibility".
She retracted her apology just like I thought. And started attacking the media!!! the made up enemy.....
Look in to Bannon's book my friend.
He is the only one not Axlerod is talking about apocalypse and New World order as they see fit. I do not believe he had any kind of position like Bannon in these meetings it's a false statement. All I want to know is do you agree with Steve Bannon's idea for new United States and world order?
I never said axelrod was appointed to council, I actually said he wasn't. So my statement wasn't false you just didn't read it correctly. Again I'm not here to defend Bannon or his views as I have stated I can see where people can make the case for why he is concerning. I'm more trying to address the Kellyanne mistake that has been completely spun out of control by the mass media.