Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

THE CIA? Good gracious...a black site? shit...
We could take you more seriously if we didn't already know that you are blinded by conspiracy theories. Dude where the fuck do you come up with this shit?
I don't look at "tweets" BP. I really don't even know what a tweet is...and I don't care. Just curious if there is a definition of "hate speech".:)
Here is the tweet in question.

"If U.C. Berkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view—NO FEDERAL FUNDS?”

Clearly states not allowing free speech and the violence that was allowed to happen by the college could have consequences. Peaceful Protest is fine but what happens and did happen at UC Berkeley is criminal. Of course @Big_paul will flat out lie about what Trump said and the context of it to fit the leftist narrative. Then again that's what this thread is built on.
Hate speech is a term used to describe senseless hate and racism that spews from the mouths of the ignorant.
No it isnt. Free speech is just that, free speech. If I am not threatening physical harm it's not hate speech. You don't get to label opposing views as hate speech in order for you to feel justified in trying to shut people down.
Here is the tweet in question.

"If U.C. Berkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view—NO FEDERAL FUNDS?”

Clearly states not allowing free speech and the violence that was allowed to happen by the college could have consequences. Peaceful Protest is fine but what happens and did happen at UC Berkeley is criminal. Of course @Big_paul will flat out lie about what Trump said and the context of it to fit the leftist narrative. Then again that's what this thread is built on.
Don't see anything wrong with that.
I don't look at "tweets" BP. I really don't even know what a tweet is...and I don't care. Just curious if there is a definition of "hate speech".:)
Me neither. I just see them on CNN. Trump apparently uses twitter a lot. If you wish to be a disciple you should follow his tweets on twitter so you can stay current on the latest psycho babble from your emperor.
No it isnt. Free speech is just that, free speech. If I am not threatening physical harm it's not hate speech. You don't get to label opposing views as hate speech in order for you to feel justified in trying to shut people down.
Hitler started with hate speech. The simple minds of the time believed him and that turned into 50,000,000 dead and the destruction of 2 continents.
Don't see anything wrong with that.
Nobody with a clear mind would see anything wrong with it. The college administrations need to be held accountable for allowing this type of behavior on their campuses. Like I said peaceful protest is fine but when it turns violent and stops people from speaking then it becomes a crime as well as an attack on everyones free speech rights.
In a way Trump has served a purpose. The nation will be united like it has not been in 50 years. We now have the most corrupt president this country has ever seen. Lock him up! You degenerate fucks voted for a man you know nothing about. No disclosure what so ever.
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Just a will Trump make good on this promise. At this rate the country's money may be spent on another war imo. o_O
People have to pay for mistakes to learn. Electing Trump was a huge mistake. I would rather only the fools that voted for him pay, but I will have to go along as well. Stupid mother fuckers!

UC Berkeley Chancellor Nicholas Dirks sent out this message today in response to the events of last night:

UC Berkeley condemns in the strongest possible terms the actions of individuals who invaded the campus, infiltrated a crowd of peaceful students and used violent tactics to close down the event. We deeply regret that the violence unleashed by this group undermined the First Amendment rights of the speaker as well as those who came to lawfully assemble and protest his presence.

Mr. Trump issued a threat over Twitter on Thursday, suggesting that he would pull federal funding from the world-renowned university after it canceled a speech by polarizing Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos. UC Berkeley officials said they canceled the event because of violence sparked by a group of 100 vandals. who aren’t university students, that “undermined the First Amendment rights of the speaker” and attendees.

Despite the veiled threat, education experts said Mr. Trump would face serious legal obstacles pulling federal funding from UC Berkeley. First, the bulk of the federal monies for universities are earmarked for student loans and grants under Title IV. The law requires institutions to meet certain conditions, mostly involving educational standards, and the president’s questionable assertion that the school violated free speech rights likely wouldn’t offer sufficient legal pretext for excluding Berkeley.

“Like most things Trump tweets, the threat to pull funding from Berkeley is more bluster than fact,” said Ben Miller, senior director for postsecondary education at the Center for American Progress, a centrist think tank, and a former policy advisor in the U.S. Department of Education. “The vast majority of money from the Department of Education flows through students first. It’s not like the Department of Education cuts Berkeley a big check. it’s based on how many students choose to use its federal student aid. It’s a student’s right.”

UC Berkeley Chancellor Nicholas Dirks sent out this message today in response to the events of last night:

UC Berkeley condemns in the strongest possible terms the actions of individuals who invaded the campus, infiltrated a crowd of peaceful students and used violent tactics to close down the event. We deeply regret that the violence unleashed by this group undermined the First Amendment rights of the speaker as well as those who came to lawfully assemble and protest his presence.

Yes so useful after the fact. They stood by while protestors assaulted students,set fires, and vandalized the campus. One girl was beaten with sticks and poles. Another girl was pepper sprayed at point blank range by a protestor. One man was beaten unconscious and left in the road. Those are a few on the incidents. If I'm not mistaken the mayor is also responsible for inciting and encouraging this riot. Here is his tweet.

You don't get to silence someone just because you don't like what they have to say. The hypocrisy of the left labeling Trump as a fascist while their supporters are using violence to silence opposing views. Who are the fascists again? This country would be better served if California would fall into the ocean.

The most intellectually important essay of the 2016 election cycle, and possibly of the whole political era that has begun, is “The Flight 93 Election.” Its previously anonymous author turns out to be former Bush administration speechwriter Michael Anton, reports (Michael Warren). Anton is now working as a senior national security official in the Trump administration. Anton’s role in the administration lends his signature essay all the more importance as a statement of Trumpism. The essay has many interesting aspects, which made it the subject of fervent debate during the election. But its most notable characteristic is its almost textbook justification for authoritarianism.

The premise of democracy is that — unlike dictatorships, in which the winning side gains total and essentially permanent power — the losers can accept defeat, because they know they have a chance to win subsequent elections. Without that predicate in place, the system collapses. Anton’s essay makes the case that conservatives should support Trump because, despite his manifest flaws, they cannot survive a single election defeat.


Anton describes the government (pre-Trump) as “the junta.” This cannot be dismissed as mere rhetorical exaggeration. To Anton, the rising share of the nonwhite population is a foreign invasion: “The ceaseless importation of Third World foreigners with no tradition of, taste for, or experience in liberty means that the electorate grows more left, more Democratic, less Republican, less republican, and less traditionally American with every cycle,” he writes. He describes the children of immigrants as “ringers to form a permanent electoral majority.” The racial and political implications of this argument are both clear and extreme: Anton believes the white Republican base is the only legitimate governing coalition. Democratic governments are inherently illegitimate by dint of their racial cast.