Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY Sean Spicer asserted at Thursday’s press briefing that Iran had attacked a U.S. naval vessel, part of his argument defending the administration’s bellicose announcement that Iran is “on notice.”

National Security Adviser Michael Flynn on Wednesday said he was “” following the country’s ballistic missile test and an attack on a Saudi naval vessel by Houthi rebels in Yemen (the Houthis are tenuously aligned with Iran’s government but are distinct from it).

The White House Press corps wanted to know what being put “on notice” entailed, and Spicer responded by claiming that Iran’s government took actions against a U.S. naval vessel, which would be an act of war. “I think General Flynn was really clear yesterday that Iran has violated the Joint Resolution that Iran’s additional hostile actions that it took against our navy vessel are ones that we are very clear are not going to sit by and take,” he said.

Pentagon Spokesman Christopher Sherwood confirmed to The Intercept that the attack was in fact conducted against a Saudi warship, and that the Pentagon suspects Houthi rebels. “It was a Saudi ship – it was actually a frigate” said Sherwood. “It was [conducted by] suspected Houthi rebels off the coast of Yemen.”

No reporters in the room corrected Spicer’s mistaken claim or attempted to follow up.

WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY Sean Spicer asserted at Thursday’s press briefing that Iran had attacked a U.S. naval vessel, part of his argument defending the administration’s bellicose announcement that Iran is “on notice.”

National Security Adviser Michael Flynn on Wednesday said he was “” following the country’s ballistic missile test and an attack on a Saudi naval vessel by Houthi rebels in Yemen (the Houthis are tenuously aligned with Iran’s government but are distinct from it).

The White House Press corps wanted to know what being put “on notice” entailed, and Spicer responded by claiming that Iran’s government took actions against a U.S. naval vessel, which would be an act of war. “I think General Flynn was really clear yesterday that Iran has violated the Joint Resolution that Iran’s additional hostile actions that it took against our navy vessel are ones that we are very clear are not going to sit by and take,” he said.

Pentagon Spokesman Christopher Sherwood confirmed to The Intercept that the attack was in fact conducted against a Saudi warship, and that the Pentagon suspects Houthi rebels. “It was a Saudi ship – it was actually a frigate” said Sherwood. “It was [conducted by] suspected Houthi rebels off the coast of Yemen.”

No reporters in the room corrected Spicer’s mistaken claim or attempted to follow up.

What a mad house
I heard trump loves war straight out of his tight mouth. He will not be doing the dying though nor will any of his bad seed.
Wait... I've only been here 6 months? I've never helped anyone on this board? I mean, if your gonna spout personal attacks then at least get them correct or it just becomes more fake news... frown.
Not that I know of. If wkm meant anything there would be a time on board requirement as well as posts. To many douche bags run up post counts with bullshit like what you post. Wkn means nothing to me. You are far from a vet imo.

Get ready for the most corrupt president in US history. He is here. The summer of 2017 will not be good for president duck. I see nothing but social uprising that will send that bigoted fuck into obscurity if not prison. LOCK HIM UP!
Trump says UC Berkeley will get no federal funds unless it allows hate speech on campus. How long will we suffer this fool. Lock him up!
Donald Trump, Stephen Bannon and the Coming Crisis in American National Life
Donald Trump, Stephen Bannon and the Coming Crisis in American National Life

During the 1990s, two amateur historians, Neil Howe and the late William Strauss, developed a new theory of American history in two books, (Generations: the History of America’s Future) (1991), and (The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy (1997).) They identified an 80-year cycle in American history, punctuated by great crises that destroyed an old order and created a new one.

Though their theory is not widely taught in colleges or discussed in the media, Strauss and Howe may well play a major role in Donald Trump's administration. Stephen Bannon, the former head of Breitbart News who has been appointed Trump’s chief strategist in the White House, is very familiar with Strauss and Howe’s theory of crisis, and has been thinking about how to use it to achieve particular goals for quite a while. I know this because Bannon interviewed both Neil Howe and myself in 2009 while he was making a documentary film about the ongoing financial crisis. The film, called (Generation Zero,) discussed those ideas in some detail.

Bannon focused on the key aspect of their theory, the idea that every 80 years American history has been marked by a crisis, or “fourth turning,” that destroyed an old order and created a new one: The great crises identified by Strauss and Howe included the era of the American Revolution and the Constitution (1774-1794); the Civil War and its immediate aftermath (1860-68); and the Depression and the Second World War (1929-45). Doing the math, they predicted another great crisis sometime in the first 15 years of the 21st century.

Trump says UC Berkeley will get no federal funds unless it allows hate speech on campus. How long will we suffer this fool. Lock him up!
I'm out of touch with all this BP...What is "hate speech"? What doesn't Berkley allow on their campus? Is there a definition or a list?

Just a will Trump make good on this promise. At this rate the country's money may be spent on another war imo. o_O
I'm out of touch with all this BP...What is "hate speech"? What doesn't Berkley allow on their campus? Is there a definition or a list?
Hate speech is a term of the left. Simply means words and opinions they don't agree with. They use the term hate speech to justify their violence and the shutting down of free speech especially on college campuses.
I'm out of touch with all this BP...What is "hate speech"? What doesn't Berkley allow on their campus? Is there a definition or a list?
Look at his tweets brother. He said if UCB didn't allow an alt right speaker he would withhold federal funds. It was one of Bannons cronies.
Look at his tweets brother. He said if UCB didn't allow an alt right speaker he would withhold federal funds. It was one of Bannons cronies.
I don't look at "tweets" BP. I really don't even know what a tweet is...and I don't care. Just curious if there is a definition of "hate speech".:)