Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Our "so called president" got slapped down by a federal appeals court for his unconditional Muslim ban.

One day closer to impeachment of the least qualified man ever to hold the office of chief executive.
Our "so called president" got slapped down by a federal appeals court for his unconditional Muslim ban.

One day closer to impeachment of the least qualified man ever to hold the office of chief executive.

After almost 20 years on here. Are you not tired ???
After almost 20 years on here. Are you not tired ???
No. How could I be? This is a political forum. Just because I feel you are a douche bag, why would I leave mesorx to ignorant fucks like you and a few other junior members who wouldn't know their asses from a hole in the ground if it jumped up and shit in your faces when the discussion pertains to the world of anabolic androgenic steroids?
No. How could I be? This is a political forum. Just because I feel you are a douche bag, why would I leave mesorx to ignorant fucks like you and a few other junior members who wouldn't know their asses from a hole in the ground if it jumped up and shit in your faces when the discussion pertains to the world of anabolic androgenic steroids?

On the contrary I find your gum flapping entertaining. Lol

Do you consider your self more of a liberal hitler or liberal nazi?
Shut the fuck up junior. A liberal hitler? Are you incoherent? Sure seems like it.

You have made no contributions to Mesorx. You do seem interested in hate politics. Excuse me if I see you as a zero.
Trump wants to stop federal funds to California. What that stupid cocksucker should consider is that democratic states subsidize the ignorant fucks in red states.
Lil Paul. Please cease the 10 year old girl hysteria act. Seems like your going through a nervous and mental break down.

Trump hasn't taken food off your table or dipped into your pockets.
Red states are the poorest in the country. From that we can safly say red states are welfare states. Those on welfare voted for trump. Let them starve.:) no more food stamps in red states until thet wise up and stop voting for wanna be dictators.
Lil Paul. Please cease the 10 year old girl hysteria act. Seems like your going through a nervous and mental break down.

Trump hasn't taken food off your table or dipped into your pockets.
Stop embarrassing yourself . You snival like a cunt evertime someone points out you elected a buffoon.

Sorry bitch. You suck hard on trumps dick:)
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The fact is that the poorest states in the union are red states. You are too stupid to know that apparently. Are you on food stamps? If you are disadvantaged, I will continue to support politicians who will feed you and your family.
Stop embracing yourself . You snival like a cunt evertime someone points out you elected a buffoon.

Sorry bitch. You suck hard on trumps dick:)

I'd rather embrace you lil fairy Paul. While trump is the president it's you who can suck it. Deep throat it biatch. ;)
I'd rather embrace you lil fairy Paul. While trump is the president it's you who can suck it. Deep throat it biatch. ;)
I'm not going to embrace you:) I will cast my vote to feed you even though I feel you should starve for being so stupid.
Seems like your going through a nervous and mental break down.
Excuse me who is having the breakdown junior? I'm not going to stop rubbing your face in trumps crotch. You have something to look forward to. :)
Then I welcome your to sit at the head of the table in my house and break bread with you.
I don't think we are there yet. Although breaking bread at the dinner table goes a long way in breaking barriers. Maybe some day .