Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Such original thought from you which is extremely rare. Surely you wouldn't poach someone else's words and attempt to pass them off as yours. Then again.....

Thanks. After copying the Tweet, I lost the link! Meso would not be the place to claim this if one wanted to promote a phrase.

FWIW: I end up doing this often! Go back to other posts and find the same.

And, you should take those words to heart. But, clearly have no mind for critical thinking.

Finally, ZFG.
I love how the alt left, the corporate media and snowflakes are so anti American, pro riots and assault. Every move they make guarantees Trump will be president for 8 years and the liberals will continue to lose offices all over this great nation.
Thanks. After copying the Tweet, I lost the link! Meso would not be the place to claim this if one wanted to promote a phrase.

FWIW: I end up doing this often! Go back to other posts and find the same.

And, you should take those words to heart. But, clearly have no mind for critical thinking.

Finally, ZFG.
You just took a shot at my critical thinking skills? How laughable. This coming from the guy who never defends his views and only posts the thoughts of others. How much critical thought have you ever expressed in this thread? You have shown the ability to copy others and post it to a bodybuilding forum. Defend any of your views or propaganda shares and maybe then you can make comments about someone else's capacity for critical thinking.
Such original thought from you which is extremely rare. Surely you wouldn't poach someone else's words and attempt to pass them off as yours. Then again.....

Who has made the greater contribution to Mesorx, you or Dr Scally? He thinks your "so called" president sucks. 73 millon Americans agree and I'm one of them. Lets leave it at that without the personal attacks. Has Dr Scally called out one member by name. Its the Trump supporters here having the breakdown.
I love how the alt left, the corporate media and snowflakes are so anti American, pro riots and assault. Every move they make guarantees Trump will be president for 8 years and the liberals will continue to lose offices all over this great nation.
Altright white nationalist prepare for the demise of spray tan man.:)
You just took a shot at my critical thinking skills? How laughable. This coming from the guy who never defends his views and only posts the thoughts of others. How much critical thought have you ever expressed in this thread? You have shown the ability to copy others and post it to a bodybuilding forum. Defend any of your views or propaganda shares and maybe then you can make comments about someone else's capacity for critical thinking.
You brought it on yourself.
I am a nationalist, however my nation is not only white and never was. Sure I love my race, I would bet you most people love their race. The fact that you do not care about your Nation is disturbing, the fact that you have been brain washed to not be proud of and love your race is very telling
The fact that you do not care about your Nation is disturbing, the fact that you have been brain washed to not be proud of and love your race is very telling
How does this sound to you and other alt right Mesorx members. I suggest we speak our minds without making things personal? Post whatever you like and others will do the same.

This country's turmoil will not be settled on an AAS forum. It will be settled in the judicial system and when congress impeaches Donald Duck.

I can say that without making it personal.
Lets leave it at that without the personal attacks.
I don't think you should be the one to take up the "let's leave personal attacks out of this" flag as you are not capable of doing so. You even made a statement saying you would try and that didn't last a day. You are a typical liberal sore loser who is having a break down. If you stopped listening to fake news and Dr Scally's memes you would certainly be better off. Good luck.

Bannon’s readings tend to have one thing in common: the view that technocrats have put Western civilization on a downward trajectory and that only a shock to the system can reverse its decline. And they tend to have a dark, apocalyptic tone that at times echoes Bannon’s own public remarks over the years—a sense that humanity is at a hinge point in history. His ascendant presence in the West Wing is giving once-obscure intellectuals unexpected influence over the highest echelons of government.

Bannon’s 2015 documentary, “Generation Zero,” drew heavily on one of his favorite books, “The Fourth Turning” by William Strauss and Neil Howe. The book explains a theory of history unfolding in 80- to 100-year cycles, or “turnings,” the fourth and final stage of which is marked by periods of cataclysmic change in which the old order is destroyed and replaced—a current period that, in Bannon’s view, was sparked by the 2008 financial crisis and has now been manifested in part by the rise of Trump.


Before he emerged on the political scene, an obscure Silicon Valley computer programmer with ties to Trump backer and PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel was explaining his behavior. Curtis Yarvin, the self-proclaimed “neoreactionary” who blogs under the name “Mencius Moldbug,” attracted a following in 2008 when he published a wordy treatise asserting, among other things, that “nonsense is a more effective organizing tool than the truth.” When the organizer of a computer science conference canceled Yarvin’s appearance following an outcry over his blogging under his nom de web, Bannon took note: Breitbart News decried the act of censorship in an article about the programmer-blogger’s dismissal.

Moldbug’s dense, discursive musings on history—“What’s so bad about the Nazis?” he asks in one 2008 post that condemns the Holocaust but questions the moral superiority of the Allies—include a belief in the utility of spreading misinformation that now looks like a template for Trump’s approach to truth.“To believe in nonsense is an unforgeable [sic] demonstration of loyalty. It serves as a political uniform. And if you have a uniform, you have an army,” he writes in a May 2008 post.

In one January 2008 post, titled “How I stopped believing in democracy,” he decries the “Georgetownist worldview” of elites like the late diplomat George Kennan. Moldbug’s writings, coming amid the failure of the U.S. state-building project in Iraq, are hard to parse clearly and are open to multiple interpretations, but the author seems aware that his views are provocative. “It's been a while since I posted anything really controversial and offensive here,” he begins in a July 25, 2007, post explaining why he associates democracy with “war, tyranny, destruction and poverty.”

Moldbug, who does not do interviews and could not be reached for this story, has reportedly opened up a line to the White House, communicating with Bannon and his aides through an intermediary, according to a source. Yarvin said he has never spoken with Bannon. During the transition, he made clear his deep skepticism that the Russians were behind the hacking of the Democratic National Committee, the source said—a message that Trump himself reiterated several times.

Lets not push too hard to get rid of "sewer rat" trump will fall soonr with him.
We now have an education Secretary who didn't attend public school and neither has any of the kids she pushed out of her cunt. Bad!:)