Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

On October 28, "political parties were summoned to the General Secretariat for Defense and National Security" to participate in a "digital security awareness" seminar. The representatives were thus able to recover a USB key on which is a "guide of computer hygiene" . The Canard Enchaîné emphasizes that all the parties were present "except the Front national, but invited, the formation of far right has declined".

According to the DGSE, Russia intends to support the application of Marine Le Pen "on social networks, thanks to computer robots which will generate positive messages by the thousands or by revealing the data and confidential emails of its opponents". Contacted by, the vice-president of the National Front Florian Philippot explains to rely on "the State in order to secure the presidential election". It also highlights the "strong smell of reciprocity" .
Why would I waste my time. You have written off any reporting before you even looked at it. It would be like me saying "prove it but be forewarned that I won't trust any data from any outlet you retrieve it from". Kind of silly don't you think?

No. Thats where your wrong. You provide proof from any other news out let from fox and ill read it with an open mind.

Someone posted something from fox on here today that I read. It was making allegations in the headline that 100% were not substantiated in the article.

What would be the point of all these alleged climate scientists fabricating data?

You obviously dont know very many people who do this type of work. The science is the holy grail. They do it because they believe in the truth and the scientific method. There is zero financial gain in it.

Thats why I say...if the fraud is so widespread surely there are other news agencies reporting it right?

Wrong. And you cant prove otherwise because its right wing climate denying bullshit.

You know who the most prominent climate denier is? The man who rights and puts out the majority of these nonsense storys?

Its the same man who big tobacco hired to say tobacco isnt addictive and isnt harmful. This is who the oil and power companies have hired to refute climate change.

Get informed dude.

LESS THAN A MONTH into the new administration and not even a presidential bath robe can protect President Trump’s orange from becoming the new anti-black. This week on Intercepted we sit down with intrepid investigative reporter Allan Nairn, who breaks down Trump’s relationship with the CIA, the president’s murderous affection for Vladimir Putin, and the killer assembly of establishment neocons and right-wing conspiracists running the U.S. war machine.

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Princeton professor and author of “From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation,” dismantles Obama’s problematic legacy, offers strategic advice for resisting Trump, and shares her scorecard on Nazi punching.

The Intercept’s own distinguished alt-historian, Jon Schwarz, offers a (morbid) lesson on the origins of presidential executive orders. And singer-songwriter Kimya Dawson of The Moldy Peaches performs a powerful song about racism and the police state.
Trump is doing the best job in the last 50 years as president, the only scum saying this are anti Americans who love Marxism and want to destroy the west.

Sounds like Michael Scally CNA
Michael Scally CNA................avoids any discussion like the plague, why, because this dumb anti American CNA has no ability to mount an opinion or argument. This low IQ slave is just that a racist, and has never had in her life an original opinion in her life.

I know real Doctors, I work with them every day, arguing with them is a bad move, they are so fucking smart. However Michael Scally CNA has a IQ of about 100, why not argue with this boring lazy Marxist.

I'm sorry for all my transgressions. I'm doing my best to be a good person. Right now I'm not doing so good. I'm doing my best.