Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Michael Scally CNA................avoids any discussion like the plague, why, because this dumb anti American CNA has no ability to mount an opinion or argument. This low IQ slave is just that a racist, and has never had in her life an original opinion in her life.

I know real Doctors, I work with them every day, arguing with them is a bad move, they are so fucking smart. However Michael Scally CNA has a IQ of about 100, why not argue with this boring lazy Marxist.

I personally don't blame anyone for not engaging you in any sort of rational discussion. You see it's ok to have a different view but there is also a productive way to engage in debate or conversation about each other's views. While I agree certain people choose the path of cowardice instead of defending their views I wouldn't blame anyone for not engaging you in a healthy debate. What you are doing is essentially the same thing in that you are showing your unwillingness to listen and perhaps see another side.

I'm not saying to agree with conflicting ideas, I'm saying allow someone to voice their view without all the hostility that in the end just turns people away from even trying. I don't care what anyone's view here is on any topic. I only ask that if any person is going to post things in a thread meant for discussion, especially in politics, that they are prepared to have their views challenged. If not then what exactly is the purpose of this thread if not to debate ideas? I don't personally agree with most of your views but if your end goal is to start discussion then I would suggest dialing your emotions back. Either that or you will just be placed on ignore like a few others here that can't seem to have a semi heated debate without insults,racist remarks ect.
I agree, so why did you personally attack me, judge me and try to defame me?

When i defend my self with the same tactics you use to assault me, you all of a sudden you get all noble.

Stop it, it is old and you alt left thugs are just not good at it.
There have been personal attacks on both sides. Let drop the attacks and lets all voice or opinions without making it personal. I will post my opinion and you voice yours without mentioning names. You can rail on liberals and I will rail on alt right. You don't mention me and I will not mention you.

It's clear no one is going to change his mind, and we are making enemies for no good reason. As much as we would like to think what do here solves the worlds problems this isn't the right platform.

I'm willing to give it a short. We have nothing to lose. Things can't get worse.

On October 28, "political parties were summoned to the General Secretariat for Defense and National Security" to participate in a "digital security awareness" seminar. The representatives were thus able to recover a USB key on which is a "guide of computer hygiene" . The Canard Enchaîné emphasizes that all the parties were present "except the Front national, but invited, the formation of far right has declined".

According to the DGSE, Russia intends to support the application of Marine Le Pen "on social networks, thanks to computer robots which will generate positive messages by the thousands or by revealing the data and confidential emails of its opponents". Contacted by, the vice-president of the National Front Florian Philippot explains to rely on "the State in order to secure the presidential election". It also highlights the "strong smell of reciprocity" .

It worked here.

America has gone from the Obama Years to the Trump Years, like going from the West Wing to a sitcom where the incidental music involves a tuba. I actually think Donald Trump is going to prove a lot of people wrong, but sadly not George Orwell, Margaret Atwood, or whoever wrote the Book of Revelation. It says a lot about the man that building a giant wall isn’t even in the top five most Game of Thrones things about him. Of course, presidents always enter office with something to prove, it’s just rarely their sanity.

You look into Trump’s eyes and you see the fear and confusion of a man who has just been told he’s got stage-four cervical cancer. He is a super-villain in a world without heroes, a man so obnoxious and unhappy that karma may see him reincarnated as himself. You kind of wish he’d get therapy, but at this stage it’s like hiring a window cleaner for a burning building. It’s still difficult to classify him exactly: he’s not a classic Nazi, but would burn books if his supporters knew how to read.

In 1991, shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Islam Karimov was elected Uzbekistan’s first – and heretofore only – president. His transition to the presidency was seamless: Karimov, a long-time communist apparatchik, had served as first secretary of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic since 1989, and the 1991 election, like every election that would follow, was a rigged process that forbade the meaningful participation of opposing parties.

Backed by military might and a vast surveillance system inherited from the Soviet KGB, Karimov maintained dominance as Uzbekistan transitioned from communism to “democracy,” from enforced atheism to a narrow but heavily promoted vision of Muslim cultural identity. The repressive Soviet power structure, glossed with a nationalist sheen, was easy to preserve. More difficult was making Uzbeks believe in the legitimacy of the new nation and assuring them that the chaos they had endured would have a happy ending. By 1992, Karimov had found it: a slogan, ubiquitous, recited in schools and plastered on billboards throughout the country:

“O’zbekiston – kelajagi buyuk davlat!” “Uzbekistan – a state with a great future!”

In other words, Karimov was making Uzbekistan great again.

The rise of Donald Trump has spurred a resurgence of the study of comparative dictatorship. Most comparisons emphasize the West’s famed fascists: Adolf Hilter, whose command of the crowd and proposed persecution of ethnic minorities prompt obvious parallels with Trump (with cable news taking on the role of propagandist Leni Riefenstahl); and Benito Mussolini, whom Trump approvingly cited in a retweet of a Gawker-run Mussolini fan account, “IlDuce2016.” Others have noted parallels between Serbian strongman Slobodan Milosevic, who similarly capitalized on ethnic tension; Russian leader Vladimir Putin, for whom Trump has expressed admiration, and the authoritarian dictators of the Middle East.

Left out – as always – have been the dictatorships of former Soviet Central Asia: Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, and (to a lesser degree) Kyrgyzstan. (Trump Aide Derided Islam, Immigration And Diversity, Embraced An Anti-Semitic Past | The Huffington Post)
So is the white supremacists have the White House by the balls or what