Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Maybe when you guys stop getting all your information from these so called "news" networks whose only true purpose is to push an agenda and get an emotional response from the general public, you'll be able to perhaps put 2 and 2 together on your own. You know, kinda like thinking for yourself, doing some research outside CNN, ABC, etc. Every time i see someone quote some journalistic garbage, it makes me sad. Sad that even after these recent elections, people still believe what's put to print.

Those who want Trump impeached @MassTurk are not the majority. Whatever you believe Trump is(almost everything ive read in todays papers is totally off point and in no way represents his true character), is irrelevant. You dont know the man any more than i do. The difference between us is that even if i dont agree with who was elected, he is STILL the guy AMERICANS voted in. So, if you or anyone else believes fo a second, he will be impeached, you're fools. It would cause a civil war in this country. Understand? The democrats or whats left of them are simply still in denial and are willing to go to any lengths to sway the minds of the people.

Problem is, they are not the people and they are totally out of touch with what "the people" want. The people want Trump as their president. The people do not want HRC aka Obamas stunt double as their president. The people will fight back if you attempt to dethrone their elected official. This proves once and for all that the Democratic Party are a bunch of hypocrites who have no respect for our "democracy "

Where do you get your "news information" from @DedLift?
Can you post fake news storys from cnn and abc? Surely if they were in the habit of putting out fake news stories there would be evidence right?
There have been personal attacks on both sides. Let drop the attacks and lets all voice or opinions without making it personal. I will post my opinion and you voice yours without mentioning names. You can rail on liberals and I will rail on alt right. You don't mention me and I will not mention you.

It's clear no one is going to change his mind, and we are making enemies for no good reason. As much as we would like to think what do here solves the worlds problems this isn't the right platform.

I'm willing to give it a short. We have nothing to lose. Things can't get worse.

Dont engage him Paul. The loser lives for agitating people. Ignore him. It drives him crazy. Well..crazier.
I dont see Pauls frantic, emotional rants anymore. So, am i to understand that something ive said has made you want to ignore me? If that's the case, by all means do so. You wont be missed. This entire forum is a joke to me anymore with all the back and forth, trolling, etc. Theres no need to ignore me. Im done here. Have fun in your bubble
I dont see Pauls frantic, emotional rants anymore. So, am i to understand that something ive said has made you want to ignore me? If that's the case, by all means do so. You wont be missed. This entire forum is a joke to me anymore with all the back and forth, trolling, etc. Theres no need to ignore me. Im done here. Have fun in your bubble
You will still see many posts expressing my feelings regarding spray tan man, but I will leave it at that, and I will not mention by name or refer to members in my future posts. I'll give it a shot and see how it goes.
Why? Go ahead. It would be better as a separate thread, but might become close to this thread in time.

Personally, not gonna happen as long as R in charge. And, I do not see 2018 flipping both chambers.

I see your point. I was thinking within the first year to full 4. Have small fee attached to it so people can put their money where their mouth is. It was a quick twitch response to KellyAnne Conway's remarks from whitehouse press room about Ivanka Trump's business and why people should go buy them.
It's first of many impeachable offenses being committed by whitehouse and its staff
KellyAnne Conway's remarks from whitehouse press room about Ivanka Trump's business and why people should go buy them.
That is just the beginning. Trump is attacking the seperation of power, threatening corpoations who will not bow down, he is a habitual liar, attacks war heros who were pow"s and he wants to "take middle east oil" from sovereign countries.. At some point in time even the craziest bastards in the Republican party will not be able to protect him.
I see your point. I was thinking within the first year to full 4. Have small fee attached to it so people can put their money where their mouth is. It was a quick twitch response to KellyAnne Conway's remarks from whitehouse press room about Ivanka Trump's business and why people should go buy them.
It's first of many impeachable offenses being committed by whitehouse and its staff
I think his heart will give out before he's impeached. Never in his life has he had this much hate coming against him. Howard Stern said that his buddy trump loves to be loved.
I think his heart will give out before he's impeached. Never in his life has he had this much hate coming against him. Howard Stern said that his buddy trump loves to be loved.
I don't think he realized how manipulate Bannon was. He is the kind of guy always been surrounded by yesmen. A rich out of touch and odd ball of the high society. Bannon saw his strive for public's approval and his need for recognition and made several comment in the past how he saw Trump as the blunt force they needed for the alt right. A megalomaniac with a standard IQ who thinks of himself to be special!! You could not find a better front man than him. I believe the only thing Bannon didn't account for is that at 70 + yearsold he is mentally ill!! the low self esteem Finally made him an sour pussy !!
So I think he will be impeached if he keeps relying on his staff who will throw him under the bus when things completely out of hand! Running a country is not a real estate deal!!!!
Dude. Chill. I wasn't referring to you.
Oh, my bad @ronin17 . I know I upset you a bit with my comment about terrorists before and im sorry you took it to heart. I was working and shouldn't have posted anything in a hurry. We've had a few moments politics aside, and i think you're one of the good ones