Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Here you go. I didn't bother to check them all. I don't mind saying my bias is set in stone for the foreseeable future, or to paraphrase a most unlikable person, "I know where the lies are".

Ha ha. Storys about photoshopped hands and twitter? And actually cnn and msnbc made a correction on the bust of mlk story. Come on dude. You can do better.

There is no question bias exists but out and out intentionally fabricated storys are not the norm with mainstream news with the exception of one that rhymes with box.

Whats sad is fox knows thier viewers dont care about the facts. And thier right.

The issue seems people don't understand the difference between the two.

Absolute failure of education.

You can actually be fact checked and any respectable organization knows it.

Im trying to remember the last time fox made a correction on any of thier storys?
Are you kidding? It's exactly the kind of crap everyone goes nuts over. The fake news about Syria and Yemen is ignored by both sides.

You have a point there but I thought the point was to produce overwhelming evidence of fabricated storys by mainstream news.
You have a point there but I thought the point was to produce overwhelming evidence of fabricated storys by mainstream news.

The evidence of the MSM fabricating and propagating lies IS overwhelming. If I thought there was a chance in hell I could convince you, I would put some time into it. But no one on these forums is here to learn or have their minds changed; they are here to argue.
If you cant tell when mainstream news outlets are leaning left and appealing to viewers who will believe what is basically the reporting of opinions, not facts. Theres a reason CNN has been labeled the Clinton News Network. They're not printing facts, they're printing half truths and purposely omitting pertinent information that doesn't align with their opinionated, leftist agenda. Thats todays news. Its a soap opera for people that dont have the time or the inclination to get the real facts for themselves. @ronin17 , you asked me where i get my news from? I dont watch the news amd i dont read most of the big name papers you'd know about. I get my facts from a couple sources ive found to have integrity.

I absolutely abhor todays news networks and always have. They report everything negative they can get their hands on. Im not talking politics, im talking arson, murder, thefts, etc. IMO the media is just another outlet for fear, separation and disinformation. Its damaging to everyone who watches it. Apparently it's what people want to see because drama sells. Just look at Jerry Springer. I dont watch the news. I try to stay positive and its hard enough to do that without watching the news.