Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

@Millard Baker
If I wanted to start a thread and a contest for when Trump will be impeached, would that go against the rules of this site?

Why? Go ahead. It would be better as a separate thread, but might become close to this thread in time.

Personally, not gonna happen as long as R in charge. And, I do not see 2018 flipping both chambers.
Why? Go ahead. It would be better as a separate thread, but might become close to this thread in time.

Personally, not gonna happen as long as R in charge. And, I do not see 2018 flipping both chambers.
If the democrats can't get out the vote with trump making one colossal fuck up after another we deserve trump.

His pick for the supreme court thinks he is dangerous. He's at war with John McCain and Nordstrom, all this 2 weeks in.
Trump has no shame. He doesn't even know what it is. His contribution was to build some buildings. He actually compared that to military service. After that I can't see how any vet could support him other than Clinton was probably the worst candidate the Democrats could have picked.

They have to scrap the super delegates and allow the people to make that choice not the dnc.
Trump is still talking about taking the oil of a sovereign nation, iraq. He is the poster boy for jehad with that talk.

Hasn't someone sat him down and explained that the US doesn't do that hitlers do.
Georgia white supremacist under FBI investigation after police find evidence of ricin in his car
Georgia white supremacist under FBI investigation after police find evidence of ricin in his car

William Christopher Gibbs, a 27-year-old man from Fannin County, Georgia is under FBI investigation after driving himself to the hospital last week, claiming he came into contact with the deadly substance ricin.

Fannin County Sheriff Dane Kirby confirmed that Gibbs’ car tested positive for ricin, a deadly poison that is found in castor beans. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the substance can come in the form of a powder, a mist, a pellet, or can be dissolved in liquid and just a small amount of it can kill. The CDC notes, “It would take a deliberate act to make ricin and use it to poison people.”
Maybe when you guys stop getting all your information from these so called "news" networks whose only true purpose is to push an agenda and get an emotional response from the general public, you'll be able to perhaps put 2 and 2 together on your own. You know, kinda like thinking for yourself, doing some research outside CNN, ABC, etc. Every time i see someone quote some journalistic garbage, it makes me sad. Sad that even after these recent elections, people still believe what's put to print.

Those who want Trump impeached @MassTurk are not the majority. Whatever you believe Trump is(almost everything ive read in todays papers is totally off point and in no way represents his true character), is irrelevant. You dont know the man any more than i do. The difference between us is that even if i dont agree with who was elected, he is STILL the guy AMERICANS voted in. So, if you or anyone else believes fo a second, he will be impeached, you're fools. It would cause a civil war in this country. Understand? The democrats or whats left of them are simply still in denial and are willing to go to any lengths to sway the minds of the people.

Problem is, they are not the people and they are totally out of touch with what "the people" want. The people want Trump as their president. The people do not want HRC aka Obamas stunt double as their president. The people will fight back if you attempt to dethrone their elected official. This proves once and for all that the Democratic Party are a bunch of hypocrites who have no respect for our "democracy "