Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

You and many others here calling Conway a cunt over and over again. The left is all about tolerance and acceptance. All about equality both racially and sexually. There are many examples of this type of behavior that I've seen in these threads. Conway is doing what she is hired to do just like any other paid mouthpieces on both sides. They may tell half truths, lies and false facts and such, but a cunt? I think that tells more about you and guys like big p than it does about the people you guys refer to. And I dont dislike you or big p, just think you guys get carried away with politics.

I'm not apart of the left... So your argument there is null.

I think Hillary was a cunt half the time too... But, blatantly piss on my shoes and tell me it's raining like Conway does and yeah, I'll call you a cunt.

She calls the news fake and infers we should get our information from her or Trump's tweets meanwhile coming up with terms like alternative facts or terror attacks that never even occurred just to push her fucked up agenda... And you're defending her?
I luv u man. Just don't ask me to spot you on bench. I will tea bag your ass lol
Did I hurt your feelings?
I'm quite confident most of the world knows who the crazies are. Just because the crazies are the loudest doesn't mean they are the majority. Easy to see that when people's absolutely lose thier minds over such common and trivial things they are being disingenuous. I could make some many examples, but take this one. When Conway is dishonest, or lies, on a talk show she is absolutely trashed. Fact is its common practice. The crazies, including the nutty left wing media, are suggesting she should no longer be allowed a forum on these talk shows. Where was this type of thinking in the past. The last administration has lied plentiful. Hillary Clinton lied plentiful. The media and thier hosts lie and mislead every minute of the day. Yet with this administration the radical left is having a meltdown over it. That's just one out of a million examples.
Dumb and dumber. The entire world is in shock over the bowling green attack. The Atlanta attack was stunning. Now with Sweden sinking into the Baltic, when will the rest of the world accept our new president? I hope it is soon he has less than 2 years and president pence may not be as easy to work with. He doesn't use the same intelligence network, fox:)

Save America from the fake news, everything other than fox and the bannon network. They are so unfair and just filled with hate for trump being trump. Why?
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BREAKING: Swedish Terror Attack Confirmed by Voices in Trump's Head:

Trump Accuses Media of Not Reporting Voices He Hears in Head

Trump Accuses Media of Not Reporting Voices He Hears in Head

TAMPA (The Borowitz Report)—In a blistering attack on the media, President Trump said on Monday that the press has consistently refused to report the voices he hears in his head every day.

Trump praised the “really terrific information” he gets from the voices, which often speak to him when he is roaming the White House in his bathrobe in the middle of the night.

“They tell me that I won by the most votes ever and had the biggest Inauguration crowd ever,” Trump said. “These are fantastic voices and they’re doing a great job.”

Trump said the refusal to report what the voices tell him makes the media “the most dishonest people on earth.”

“There might be a hundred people protesting outside the White House, and at the exact same time, five hundred voices talking to me inside my head,” he said. “Guess which the press will write about?”

Offering an example of the media’s deceitfulness, Trump referred to the widely circulated story about him hanging up on the Prime Minister of Australia. “What they didn’t say is that I had to hang up because I was getting an incoming call in my head,” he said.

Trump said that because the voices in his head “keep saying that I’m the best President ever,” he does not expect the media to quote them anytime soon.

“If you want to find out what the voices in my head are saying, don’t even bother reading the newspaper,” he said. “Follow me on Twitter.”
They are so unfair and just filled with hate for trump being trump? Why?

They loved trump when he was a Democrat. Then, as a Republican, wanted to impeach him even before he became president. I think that's pretty telling. Liberals would rather destroy the country rather than lose ground.
Examples of lies please not just anecdotal bickering. If the best you guys can come up with for the hell we had been experiencing as a country, you all deserve the Trump empire.
This is the best they have. What more could anyone expect? They did vote for trump though. Maybe next time they could stay at a holiday. It's worth a try:)
They loved trump when he was a Democrat. Then, as a Republican, wanted to impeach him even before he became president. I think that's pretty telling. Liberals would rather destroy the country rather than lose ground.
The man at the top who can't discern fiction from reality is who you should be concerned about.
They loved trump when he was a Democrat. Then, as a Republican, wanted to impeach him even before he became president. I think that's pretty telling. Liberals would rather destroy the country rather than lose ground.

Liberals are not in charge of His ship that's going off course. I can't argue wih anyone who doesn't want to see Mr Trump is lying through his gore !!!!

Deflection deflection deflection........

Have you looked at the book I recommended? It's an eye opener for a liberal I hope you are as genuine as you say about being about the truth and read it for some insite to why he is doing the things he is doing. All other things are smoke screen. In history no dictator came out and said this is what I'm doing. They all lied their way in to power and what's funny is he is bad at it and you people will allow him to do it. Question is why
Example of lies? Where do I begin. The YouTube video caused Benghazi, anything and everything about obamacare, he can't use executive order on immigration then did just that, said he didn't call isis a jv team, said he called Benghazi "an act of terror" the day after, said he never met bill ayers, his denial of everything Rev wright, fuck... I could go on all day. Then you have hillary who is probably the most untruthful person who ever existed. You think the media or anyone for that matter would deny them an interview?
Don't forget Tom Daschle nominated to Obama's cabinet but couldn't because of tax evasion. Bill Richardson taking money for influence backed out because he didn't want investigation into it and there was a 3rd lying scumbag who was rejected after being nominated. This is nothing new. I wonder if Scallywag was posting his B's then, I doubt it.
1) you tube caused Benghazi

The Benghazi Timeline, Clinton Edition

2) Obama care
Is Obamacare Worth It?
3) immigration
Courts ruled against him and he respected th supreme courts decision

Supreme Court Tie Blocks Obama Immigration Plan

4)how is the defenitins of a terror group can be classified as a lie ??? He admitted fairly quick isis were a bigger problem than originally thought. Did you want him To put 100000 American combat servicemen on ground ? I didn't think so

5) bill Ayers

‘He Lied’ About Bill Ayers?


Voters may differ in how they see Ayers, or how they see Obama’s interactions with him. We’re making no judgment calls on those matters. What we object to are the McCain-Palin campaign’s attempts to sway voters – in ads and on the stump – with false and misleading statements about the relationship, which was never close. Obama never “lied” about this, just as he never bragged about it. The foundation they both worked with was hardly “radical.” And Ayers is more than a former "terrorist," he’s also a well-known figure in the field of education.

6) Rev. Wright
Oooh sigh

Gingrich: Obama got a 'pass' on Rev. Wright controversy

so here is fact checkable rebuke to your so called lies.
I want evidence of the same for this presidents remarks daily. A pathological lier.....
What happened in Sweden?
Electoral win
Illegal voting
Muslim terror threat
Russian business ties
Russian blackmail

This is just 4 weeks oh my

Why is media attacked for calling out With proof his outrageous lies. Including Fox News now

Wake up please it's not going to end well for conservatives or liberals. Russia had been wating to take the power leader role from us since Gorbachev

Your turn

Ayers being a terrorist casts a shadow over his other accomplishments. He was involved in bombing the Capitol, pentagon, and a police station. Isn't Assad a physician for Christ's sake?