Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

A by-the-numbers look at some of Donald Trump's early activity as president:

—24: Executive orders and memoranda signed. That includes orders to withdraw the United States from Trans-Pacific trade deal, impose a federal hiring freeze and reduce regulations related to the health care law enacted under former President Barack Obama.

—1: Executive orders blocked. An order to ban travelers from seven predominantly Muslim nations was blocked by federal judges. Trump is expected to issue a new order next week.

—4: Bills signed into law. They include a bill to halt a regulation blocking coal mining debris from being dumped in nearby streams.

—6: The average number of tweets per day from personal account @realDonaldTrump.

—25.1 million. Twitter followers for @realDonaldTrump.

—15.5 million. Twitter followers for official account @POTUS.

—4: Visits from foreign leaders. (Britain, Japan, Canada, Israel.)

—1: Canceled visit from foreign leader. (Mexico.)

—1: Supreme Court nomination. Judge Neil Gorsuch.

—2: Failed personnel choices. Andrew Puzder withdrew as the nominee for labor secretary; Michael Flynn was ousted as national security adviser.

—14: Cabinet-level nominations approved, out of 24 total.

—39: Percent of respondents who approve of Trump's job performance in Pew Research Center poll conducted Feb. 7-12.

—3: Weekend trips to Trump's Mar-a-Lago club in Florida.
Trump undermines our election process. He tells us that he alone can save America. He doesn't recognize the truth or even where to find it. He is incompetent and delusional He is a megalomaniac. If any trump supporters question why members continue to keep this thread alive, it's because Donald trump is the greatest threat to our way of life this country has ever known. He is completely unqualified to hold the highest office of this land.

Just wanted to remind some of you.:)

John McCain said it well, "This is how dictators start".
Trump undermines our election process. He tells us that he alone can save America. He doesn't recognize the truth or even where to find it. He is incompetent and delusional He is a megalomaniac. If any trump supporters question why members continue to keep this thread alive, it's because Donald trump is the greatest threat to our way of life this country has ever known. He is completely unqualified to hold the highest office of this land.

Just wanted to remind some of you.:)

John McCain said it well, "This is how dictators start".

Egg drop "soup"

Will Trump Rescue the Oligarch in the Gilded Cage?
Dmitry Firtash’s extradition case will test the administration’s intentions toward Russia. Flynn’s ouster just complicated it.
Will Trump Rescue the Oligarch in the Gilded Cage?

Outside of a John le Carré novel, there may be no more perfectly embroiled middleman than Firtash. Russia and the former Soviet republics have more than a few embattled oligarchs, but only one stands accused of being the missing link between Vladimir Putin and the Trump administration. Last summer, in the thick of the U.S. presidential campaign, a host of news reports noted that Firtash, a Ukrainian natural gas magnate, was the onetime business partner of Donald Trump adviser Paul Manafort, the Washington political operative who’d worked in Ukraine for Viktor Yanukovych, the country’s Russia-friendly kleptocratic president. (Yanukovych, for his part, appeared in the explosive, unverified opposition research dossier on Trump that went public just before the inauguration: He was the Ukrainian politician who was said to have assured Putin that no one would ever trace alleged cash payments to Manafort back to the Russian president.)

But the connection to Manafort, and Manafort’s connection to Trump, represent just the latest alleged entanglement for Firtash.