Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

He didn't specifically say there was a terror attack in Sweden, he pointed to a specific event that happened and didn't elaborate any further. It implied he thought there was one. Whether he actually thought that or not, I have no idea... He's since made multiple claims about the problems in Sweden that are mostly false and or have no basis of fact. Which is what he's best at.
So you don't see the danger in putting words into other people's mouths and making things up that never really happened? Such as the quote that doesn't exist? Isn't that what trump naysayers are claiming trump does. See, my problem is that a large portion of the things trump is bashed on is fake. Maybe not all, but I would say a vast majority. Now, not to mean trump doesn't have his problems, but when you have a shit storm created by the media on what, once again is fake news, then it becomes hard to jump on the anti trump train when the other side is much worse.
Eman, we've heard this answer many many times before from many different sides.
"create better processes to create more optimal outcomes." It's an easy answer!
But why do you think there is a better process? And what is it? This is not the movies where the guy in the white hat eventually overcomes all the problems. This is the real world where things don't always change for the better.... And the "good guy's" don't always win.
putting words into other people's mouths and making things up that never really happened?

Of course I do, it's what Trump does every fucking day! He's given the media a constant story to run with, HE IS A PATHOLOGICAL LIAR, and you are displeased with the ways they are running stories?!

then it becomes hard to jump on the anti trump train when the other side is much worse.

The left vs right and whose worse is becoming a used up talking point. We have no need to talk about the left when the right is the one in the spotlight.

See, my problem is that a large portion of the things trump is bashed on is fake.

I disagree very much... Unless you're watching some seriously hardcore left news 24/7.

A large portion of what Trump is bashed on is based in fact... Most just don't think he should be bashed on for it. "Let's bring coal jobs back!" Who gives a fuck if it's a dying industry and who gives a fuck if we dump the debris in our streams. Or "no one cares about my tax returns" except those million or so people petitioning to see them. "Mexico will pay for the wall and even if they don't it'll pay for itself hundreds of times over" except Mexico isn't paying, we are, and I'm not getting any returns on my investment. "Crime is going up, we need to be tough, we need stop and frisk" except crime is going down...

Are these points all fake news? Do I need to keep going? I have a lot more... Scally wants to join in, I know it.
Of course I do, it's what Trump does every fucking day! He's given the media a constant story to run with, HE IS A PATHOLOGICAL LIAR, and you are displeased with the ways they are running stories?!

The left vs right and whose worse is becoming a used up talking point. We have no need to talk about the left when the right is the one in the spotlight.

I disagree very much... Unless you're watching some seriously hardcore left news 24/7.

A large portion of what Trump is bashed on is based in fact... Most just don't think he should be bashed on for it. "Let's bring coal jobs back!" Who gives a fuck if it's a dying industry and who gives a fuck if we dump the debris in our streams. Or "no one cares about my tax returns" except those million or so people petitioning to see them. "Mexico will pay for the wall and even if they don't it'll pay for itself hundreds of times over" except Mexico isn't paying, we are, and I'm not getting any returns on my investment. "Crime is going up, we need to be tough, we need stop and frisk" except crime is going down...

Are these points all fake news? Do I need to keep going? I have a lot more... Scally wants to join in, I know it.
Preliminary Crime Stats for 2016 Released — FBI
Of course I do, it's what Trump does every fucking day! He's given the media a constant story to run with, HE IS A PATHOLOGICAL LIAR, and you are displeased with the ways they are running stories?!

The left vs right and whose worse is becoming a used up talking point. We have no need to talk about the left when the right is the one in the spotlight.

I disagree very much... Unless you're watching some seriously hardcore left news 24/7.

A large portion of what Trump is bashed on is based in fact... Most just don't think he should be bashed on for it. "Let's bring coal jobs back!" Who gives a fuck if it's a dying industry and who gives a fuck if we dump the debris in our streams. Or "no one cares about my tax returns" except those million or so people petitioning to see them. "Mexico will pay for the wall and even if they don't it'll pay for itself hundreds of times over" except Mexico isn't paying, we are, and I'm not getting any returns on my investment. "Crime is going up, we need to be tough, we need stop and frisk" except crime is going down...

Are these points all fake news? Do I need to keep going? I have a lot more... Scally wants to join in, I know it.
You just got caught spreading fake news. Just because the liberal jihadist say it loud and proud doesn't make it true.
You just got caught spreading fake news. Just because the liberal jihadist say it loud and proud doesn't make it true.

Jesus Christ... Fake news and liberals are the enemy is the most nauseating talking point that Trump wants his little minions to spread, and you're falling right in line sadly.

I didn't spread any fake news, and if that is all you took away from my post I think it says more about you than all of the liberals you hate.
And that makes you the smart one?
"If you meet one asshole a day they're the asshole. If everyone you meet is an asshole, you're the asshole."

Smart one? Was just having a laugh and people got offended. Some of this stuff is funny. C'mon man, he said he had the biggest Electoral victory since Ronald Reagan, and when someone called him on it he said "yeah I've seen that information but this is what I was told"
Jesus, you guys are like non stop with the shit. Like die hard never trumpers. Give it a fucking break already. Trump isnt anywhere near as irritating, incoherent or as incompetent as his haters are. I guess thats what America is all about though huh? Drama.
Jesus Christ... Fake news and liberals are the enemy is the most nauseating talking point that Trump wants his little minions to spread, and you're falling right in line sadly.

I didn't spread any fake news, and if that is all you took away from my post I think it says more about you than all of the liberals you hate.
Face it anything that contradicts trumps lies is fake news.
Smart one? Was just having a laugh and people got offended. Some of this stuff is funny. C'mon man, he said he had the biggest Electoral victory since Ronald Reagan, and when someone called him on it he said "yeah I've seen that information but this is what I was told"
They don't get it. They love the guy. It doesn't matter if the entire world is laughing at the fool, or that he isthe source of an endless stream of lies and anti American behavior such as undermining the electoral process or attacking the first amendment.
Jesus, you guys are like non stop with the shit. Like die hard never trumpers. Give it a fucking break already. Trump isnt anywhere near as irritating, incoherent or as incompetent as his haters are. I guess thats what America is all about though huh? Drama.
We are all expressing how we feel about the troll. Lets leave it at that. Jeeez trumpies are easy to offend. We don't have to make it personal.
We are all expressing how we feel about the troll. Lets leave it at that. Jeeez trumpies are easy to offend. We don't have to make it personal.

Trump Troll Doll Sculpture By Chuck Williams

Trump has been trolled on the Internet before, but this time it was literal. A guy from Wisconsin has turned him into a tiny Troll doll. We’re not making this up.

Former sculptor Chuck Williams revealed his immaculately designed vinyl Trump doll on Kickstarter last week, and the project has already far exceeded its original goal of $38,000 thanks to over a thousand backers. The figure is about 5 inches tall, completely nude, and clutches a miniature smartphone between his itty-bitty fingers. Donald himself has yet to comment on the anatomical accuracy of the doll.

Those who pledged the highest amounts will receive a set of 10 dolls and a limited edition resin casting. Now that Chuck has the funding he needs to start manufacturing these bad boys, backers in the US and around the world should receive their tiny Trumps by the end of the year.



