Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Not sure I understand what you're trying to express here? You mean I don't argue any points or debate with someone that shares my same views? If so... What else would you expect? That's kind of a silly idea, isn't it? If I share the same views as them, there wouldn't be much to debate with them. Maybe I misunderstood.
You may have misunderstood. I was simply responding to your snark comment about not adding to the discussion. There are tons of posts here from left thinking people that absolutely add nothing and I have never seen you comment on them yet you chose to comment on mine.

I have read lots of your posts and usually enjoy them in this thread, even if I don't always agree, because you usually have good points. I was disappointed to see that particular post because it wasn't your finest
Unfortunately I can't please everyone and I don't expect you or anyone to agree with all my posts. I also don't proclaim to be without fault and in acknowledging that I'm fully aware I'm capable of making posts that others may deem unworthy. I'm ok with that.

I did care to read, kind of obvious since I quoted you, and I did so because I disagreed with this quote the most. I like listening to others points of view if they are valid... I thought most in this thread are pretty respectful and reasonable with others who think differently. Aside from a few, usually Trump supporters, who really don't add much to any discussions and usually say things like this:
There are a small few that are capable of having discussions but it's very few. I also take no issue with people having opposing views and I think my post history will prove that. My issue has more to do with the the people that do not participate in any discussion and are only here to spread their particular narrative without having to engage in discussion on their views or position.

Fear mongering propaganda stream, really? Kind of the type of exaggerated, overblown remarks I'd expect a hardcore liberal to make according to a hardcore righty.
I don't know what to tell you here. This thread is clearly full of fear mongering nonsense,propaganda, ect. I mean I don't even know how a reasonable person could find that even debatable if they were to read the contents of this thread. I stand by my opinion in this matter.

Now this part reminded me of a kid throwing a temper tantrum because they aren't being listened to...

This thread is an ongoing discussion about Trump, not a temper tantrum. If Trump signs off on something like removing regulations to allow coal mines to dump debris in streams or defunding planned Parenthood or firing his security advisor for lying about having contact with Russia - I like reading about it here and seeing who wants to talk.

Unfortunately, the post you made indicated your not willing or capable to do that because all that is posted here is propaganda and anyone that doesn't think like you is a sheep... Like I said, not your finest.

I don't get my news from this thread because that would be ignorant of me to do. You of course will like the direction and content of this thread because it's a safe place for you. You see your views and positions echoed throughout the thread. It's clear this is a very one sided thread and anyone that shares my views are in the minority. Logically your experience will differ from mine when reading and engaging in this thread since we have different views. I usually enjoy debating with people but when this thread becomes overrun with twitter shares and meme postings from someone that never has to defend his views or stances on issues it becomes frustrating. Perhaps that is what has come across in my post more than anything else is my frustration.

Perhaps you are right in that my post comes across as the same as what I'm complaining about others doing. The reason I stopped posting in this thread is because the annoyance and frustration and I guess I should have continued to stay out of it. I'm always willing to engage anyone in debate or discussion and I'm happy to do so. I just won't be doing it in this thread.
I was simply responding to your snark comment about not adding to the discussion.

I just wanted to see what happened if I matched your snarkiness... :)

This thread is clearly full of fear mongering nonsense,propaganda, ect. I mean I don't even know how a reasonable person could find that even debatable if they were to read the contents of this thread. I stand by my opinion in this matter.

I don't see how any reasonable person could view the thread as nonsense. There are some posts that may be a bit overblown... But to call it propaganda is pretty outlandish. Cite a few posts you think are spreading false information.

You of course will like the direction and content of this thread because it's a safe place for you.

Not really. If you've followed this thread and seen any of my posts, they almost always result in the exact opposite of what you're pointing to. I have engaged many people in this thread that definitely did NOT echo my POV, then I'm called a liberal snowflake because I don't like something Trump does or agree with the hard right POV. That's another reason it's kind of silly to me that only the left sided individuals can't engage each other in a legitimate debate.
We've been through 8 years of Bush jr, 4 years of Bush senior whose entire campaign slogan was "read my lips, NO NEW TAXES!" Guess what the first thing he did when he got into office was? He raised taxes. We're all still here. The world isnt going to stop turning just because Trump is president.

I hear people whining and crying about illegal immigrants. There is a process in place for people who want to become US citizens to follow. Just because the Obama admin ignored illegal immigration, doesn't mean it isn't illegal and shouldn't be monitored. All Trump wants is for the laws that are ALREADY IN PLACE to start being instituted instead of ignored. I don't think that's heinous or crazy at all.

If all one looks for is faults, that's probably what they'll find. I count my blessings and know and have faith in my higher power that things will work out exactly how they are supposed to.
How about our new slogan, no new lies for at least a week? He won't make it cause he is in TRUMP LAND.
TRUMP SUCKS. Just want to make sure this thread stays on topic.
You may have misunderstood. I was simply responding to your snark comment about not adding to the discussion. There are tons of posts here from left thinking people that absolutely add nothing and I have never seen you comment on them yet you chose to comment on mine.

Unfortunately I can't please everyone and I don't expect you or anyone to agree with all my posts. I also don't proclaim to be without fault and in acknowledging that I'm fully aware I'm capable of making posts that others may deem unworthy. I'm ok with that.

There are a small few that are capable of having discussions but it's very few. I also take no issue with people having opposing views and I think my post history will prove that. My issue has more to do with the the people that do not participate in any discussion and are only here to spread their particular narrative without having to engage in discussion on their views or position.

I don't know what to tell you here. This thread is clearly full of fear mongering nonsense,propaganda, ect. I mean I don't even know how a reasonable person could find that even debatable if they were to read the contents of this thread. I stand by my opinion in this matter.

I don't get my news from this thread because that would be ignorant of me to do. You of course will like the direction and content of this thread because it's a safe place for you. You see your views and positions echoed throughout the thread. It's clear this is a very one sided thread and anyone that shares my views are in the minority. Logically your experience will differ from mine when reading and engaging in this thread since we have different views. I usually enjoy debating with people but when this thread becomes overrun with twitter shares and meme postings from someone that never has to defend his views or stances on issues it becomes frustrating. Perhaps that is what has come across in my post more than anything else is my frustration.

Perhaps you are right in that my post comes across as the same as what I'm complaining about others doing. The reason I stopped posting in this thread is because the annoyance and frustration and I guess I should have continued to stay out of it. I'm always willing to engage anyone in debate or discussion and I'm happy to do so. I just won't be doing it in this thread.
You must be embarrassed by trumps incompetence so far. There is no excuse for his lunacy.
Trump is absolutely incompetent and must be removed from the office of the presidency. He is bat shit crazy.
Has anyone noticed he isn't being allowed to speak to foreign leaders unless they have a sense of humor? Japans prime minister for example:) What a fucking buffoon and an embassment.
Could any of you shit heads enlighten us and let us know why you feel trump should lead the free world?

A former senior campaign official said Nunberg and his successor, former communications director Jason Miller, were particularly skilled at using alternative media like Breitbart, Washington Examiner, Infowars and the Daily Caller to show Trump positive coverage.

And once they got the stories published, campaign officials with large numbers of Twitter followers would tweet them out.

They would also go to media amplifiers like Fox News hosts and conservative columnists to encourage them to tweet out the story so that they could print out and show a two-page list of tweets that showed that they were steering the message. While Trump still couldn't contain his Twitter-rage with Machado, and ended up tweeting about a mystery sex-tape of the Hillary Clinton surrogate, aides say they dialed back even more posts.

"He saw there was activity, so he didn't feel like he had to respond," the former campaign official said. "He sends out these tweets when he feels like people aren't responding enough for him."

The in-person touch is also important to keeping Trump from running too hot. One Trump associate said it’s important to show Trump deference and offer him praise and respect, as that will lead him to more often listen. And if Trump becomes obsessed with a grudge, aides need to try and change the subject, friends say. Leaving him alone for several hours can prove damaging, because he consumes too much television and gripes to people outside the White House.

A purported cyber hack of the daughter of political consultant Paul Manafort suggests that he was the victim of a blackmail attempt while he was serving as Donald Trump’s presidential campaign chairman last summer.

The undated communications, which areallegedly from the iPhone of Manafort’s daughter, include a text that appears to come from a Ukrainian parliamentarian named Serhiy Leshchenko, seeking to reach her father, in which he claims to have politically damaging information about both Manafort and Trump.

Attached to the text is a note to Paul Manafort referring to “bulletproof” evidence related to Manafort’s financial arrangement with Ukraine’s former president, the pro-Russian strongman Viktor Yanukovych, as well as an alleged 2012 meeting between Trump and a close Yanukovych associate named Serhiy Tulub.

“Considering all the facts and evidence that are in my possession, and before possible decision whether to pass this to [the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine] or FBI I would like to get your opinion on this and maybe your way to work things out that will persuade me to do otherwise,” reads the note. It is signed “Sergii” — an alternative transliteration of Leshchenko’s given name — and it urges Manafort to respond to an email address that reporters have used to reach Leshchenko.

In the text to Manafort’s daughter to which the note was attached, the sender writes from a different address, “I need to get in touch with Paul i need to share some important information with him regarding ukraine investigation.” The sender adds “as soon as he comes back to me i will pass you documents,” but also warns: “if I don’t get any reply from you iam gonaa pass it on to the fbi and ukrainian authorities inducing media.”

Leshchenko disavowed the texts in question, telling POLITICO on Tuesday “I've never written any emails or messages to … Manafort or his family. I don't know their contact details.” He added he said “I have nothing to do with” the email address from which the texts were sent.

And in a Facebook post, he wrote that the “correspondence with Manafort's daughter is obviously fake.”

The White House did not respond to a question about whether Trump had met with Tulub, a hunting buddy of Yanukovych’s who had served as part of government when Yanukovych was prime minister. But a White House official questioned the chronology supporting the claim, explaining that Trump had not worked with Manafort before the 2016 campaign.
[Meso member!]

The confrontation on Flight 1113 from Chicago to Houston began several minutes earlier, when a Pakistani man and woman wearing traditional clothing were boarding the plane, according to VHF affiliate KHOU.

As the couple placed their bags in an overheard bin, a male passenger — who was not identified by the airline — asked the couple if they had a bomb in their luggage, another passenger sitting nearby told KHOU.

“That’s not a bomb in your bag, is it?” the man said, according to the passenger who was not identified by KHOU. The passenger added that the couple did not immediately hear the comment, which prompted the man to repeat his remark.

KHOU reported that a woman sitting nearby alerted a flight attendant, which led other passengers to also complain about the man’s questions. When the Indian American boyfriend of the woman who alerted the attendant complained, a heated exchange followed.

“The person ahead of us turned around and asked where my boyfriend was from; my boyfriend said it’s none of your business,” the woman told KHOU. “At that point he said all illegals and all foreigners need to leave the country.”

Cellphone footage of the incident shows the man saying all the “illegals” need to kicked off the plane, moments before the man and woman are asked to collect their belongings and exit the aircraft.

“I didn’t say anything,” the man protested, shrugging.

“Happy flight home,” he added seconds later while his female companion holds her middle finger up to the person filming. “I hope you stay there.”

“Get out of here,” a woman responded. “Racists aren’t welcome in America! This is not Trump’s America!”