Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

We've been through 8 years of Bush jr, 4 years of Bush senior whose entire campaign slogan was "read my lips, NO NEW TAXES!" Guess what the first thing he did when he got into office was? He raised taxes. We're all still here. The world isnt going to stop turning just because Trump is president.

I hear people whining and crying about illegal immigrants. There is a process in place for people who want to become US citizens to follow. Just because the Obama admin ignored illegal immigration, doesn't mean it isn't illegal and shouldn't be monitored. All Trump wants is for the laws that are ALREADY IN PLACE to start being instituted instead of ignored. I don't think that's heinous or crazy at all.

If all one looks for is faults, that's probably what they'll find. I count my blessings and know and have faith in my higher power that things will work out exactly how they are supposed to.
There is a process in place for people who want to become US citizens to follow. Just because the Obama admin ignored illegal immigration, doesn't mean it isn't illegal and shouldn't be monitored. All Trump wants is for the laws that are ALREADY IN PLACE to start being instituted instead of ignored. I don't think that's heinous or crazy at all.

The legal process is just as much of a problem as illegal... The legal process is what created illegal immigration.
We've been through 8 years of Bush jr, 4 years of Bush senior whose entire campaign slogan was "read my lips, NO NEW TAXES!" Guess what the first thing he did when he got into office was? He raised taxes. We're all still here. The world isnt going to stop turning just because Trump is president.

I hear people whining and crying about illegal immigrants. There is a process in place for people who want to become US citizens to follow. Just because the Obama admin ignored illegal immigration, doesn't mean it isn't illegal and shouldn't be monitored. All Trump wants is for the laws that are ALREADY IN PLACE to start being instituted instead of ignored. I don't think that's heinous or crazy at all.

If all one looks for is faults, that's probably what they'll find. I count my blessings and know and have faith in my higher power that things will work out exactly how they are supposed to.
Posting in this thread is not worth your time. @Michael Scally MD and his collection of sheep have transformed this thread to nothing more than a constant fear mongering propaganda stream. They will post articles and other people's twitter postings and never add any actual discussion. Simply do what I and others have done and just let them trade likes back and forth on their meme and gif postings. Much like a small child that doesn't get their way this thread is one big temper tantrum and the children will continue to throw fits. Just sit back and laugh at how amazingly pathetic it is and be thankful that you are not indoctrinated into their group think.
Posting in this thread is not worth your time. @Michael Scally MD and his collection of sheep have transformed this thread to nothing more than a constant fear mongering propaganda stream. They will post articles and other people's twitter postings and never add any actual discussion. Simply do what I and others have done and just let them trade likes back and forth on their meme and gif postings. Much like a small child that doesn't get their way this thread is one big temper tantrum and the children will continue to throw fits. Just sit back and laugh at how amazingly pathetic it is and be thankful that you are not indoctrinated into their group think.

Thanks for adding something to the discussion?
Posting in this thread is not worth your time. @Michael Scally MD and his collection of sheep have transformed this thread to nothing more than a constant fear mongering propaganda stream. They will post articles and other people's twitter postings and never add any actual discussion. Simply do what I and others have done and just let them trade likes back and forth on their meme and gif postings. Much like a small child that doesn't get their way this thread is one big temper tantrum and the children will continue to throw fits. Just sit back and laugh at how amazingly pathetic it is and be thankful that you are not indoctrinated into their group think.
Right on brother. Anyway, this weight isnt going to lift itself

Senior policy adviser Stephen Miller said President Trump’s revised travel ban will have “mostly minor technical differences” from the iteration frozen by the courts, and Americans would see “the same basic policy outcome for the country.”

That is not what the Justice Department has promised. And legal analysts say it might not go far enough to allay the judiciary’s concerns. (A new travel ban with ‘mostly minor technical differences’? That probably won’t cut it, analysts say.)
Thanks for adding something to the discussion?
I have quite often if you would care to read. My reply was simply stating to @DedLift that his time here in this thread is a waste of effort on his part. So in actuality I did contribute to the target of my discussion, which was @DedLift. I don't recall you saying one word to anyone that shares your views in this thread that make posts not adding to any discussion. Perhaps I missed it?
We've been through 8 years of Bush jr, 4 years of Bush senior whose entire campaign slogan was "read my lips, NO NEW TAXES!" Guess what the first thing he did when he got into office was? He raised taxes. We're all still here. The world isnt going to stop turning just because Trump is president.

I hear people whining and crying about illegal immigrants. There is a process in place for people who want to become US citizens to follow. Just because the Obama admin ignored illegal immigration, doesn't mean it isn't illegal and shouldn't be monitored. All Trump wants is for the laws that are ALREADY IN PLACE to start being instituted instead of ignored. I don't think that's heinous or crazy at all.

If all one looks for is faults, that's probably what they'll find. I count my blessings and know and have faith in my higher power that things will work out exactly how they are supposed to.
It's funny you say that about a higher power and things working out. I heard a lot of religious groups believe trump will bring about some bible prophecies.

Apocalyptic thinking in the age of Trump
Thanks for adding something to the discussion?
We've been through 8 years of Bush jr, 4 years of Bush senior whose entire campaign slogan was "read my lips, NO NEW TAXES!" Guess what the first thing he did when he got into office was? He raised taxes. We're all still here. The world isnt going to stop turning just because Trump is president.

I hear people whining and crying about illegal immigrants. There is a process in place for people who want to become US citizens to follow. Just because the Obama admin ignored illegal immigration, doesn't mean it isn't illegal and shouldn't be monitored. All Trump wants is for the laws that are ALREADY IN PLACE to start being instituted instead of ignored. I don't think that's heinous or crazy at all.

If all one looks for is faults, that's probably what they'll find. I count my blessings and know and have faith in my higher power that things will work out exactly how they are supposed to.

I have contributed something very helpful did you watch it?

Mr Steve Bannon directed it. He is the top adviser to the potus. Also a very disturbed individual

There is a reason for the outcry of "more Than half" of this country. We are scared of an era filled with hate, division and polarization. It's hard to see when it's your guy who is in hot seat. I bet though it won't take long for everyone to see. They are full force committed to causing The Fourth turning!!!! For the prosperity to return.....
You should find out what that means and than we can discuss policy. You are defending a point of view without knowing what it is, if you haven't seen Steve Bannon's work yet
I don't recall you saying one word to anyone that shares your views in this thread that make posts not adding to any discussion.

Not sure I understand what you're trying to express here? You mean I don't argue any points or debate with someone that shares my same views? If so... What else would you expect? That's kind of a silly idea, isn't it? If I share the same views as them, there wouldn't be much to debate with them. Maybe I misunderstood.

I have quite often if you would care to read.

I have read lots of your posts and usually enjoy them in this thread, even if I don't always agree, because you usually have good points. I was disappointed to see that particular post because it wasn't your finest.

My reply was simply stating to @DedLift that his time here in this thread is a waste of effort on his part

I did care to read, kind of obvious since I quoted you, and I did so because I disagreed with this quote the most. I like listening to others points of view if they are valid... I thought most in this thread are pretty respectful and reasonable with others who think differently. Aside from a few, usually Trump supporters, who really don't add much to any discussions and usually say things like this:

collection of sheep have transformed this thread to nothing more than a constant fear mongering propaganda stream.

Fear mongering propaganda stream, really? Kind of the type of exaggerated, overblown remarks I'd expect a hardcore liberal to make according to a hardcore righty.

Much like a small child that doesn't get their way this thread is one big temper tantrum and the children will continue to throw fits. Just sit back and laugh at how amazingly pathetic it is and be thankful that you are not indoctrinated into their group think.

Now this part reminded me of a kid throwing a temper tantrum because they aren't being listened to...

This thread is an ongoing discussion about Trump, not a temper tantrum. If Trump signs off on something like removing regulations to allow coal mines to dump debris in streams or defunding planned Parenthood or firing his security advisor for lying about having contact with Russia - I like reading about it here and seeing who wants to talk.

Unfortunately, the post you made indicated your not willing or capable to do that because all that is posted here is propaganda and anyone that doesn't think like you is a sheep... Like I said, not your finest.