Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Because rich people need more tax deductions ... [Just like good ole dad!]

"The child care proposal is generous and broad; almost everyone with young children will get some benefit from it. However, the largest benefits will go to relatively affluent dual-income families using paid child care," said Alan Cole, an economist with the Tax Foundation.

For many months on the campaign trail, Donald Trump sent a clear message about his fellow Republicans: Ideologically, I’m not one of them. This wasn’t just true on trade, but also on safety-net programs that protect, among others, low-income whites. President Trump, he said, won’t let people die in the streets and will protect Medicare and Social Security from those heartless Paul Ryan types who are forever salivating at the chance to slash them to ribbons.

But now the New York Times reports that congressional Republicans believe they will be able to get around this niggling problem. Republicans have seen Trump appoint people who want to downsize the safety net — like Tom Price to oversee health care and Mick Mulvaney to shepherd the budget — and they think Trump can be persuaded to forget about all that inconvenient campaign talk:
Harvard scientist worries we’re ‘reverting to a pre-Enlightenment form of thinking’

George Q. Daley, the new head of Harvard Medical School, knows what it's like when presidential politics collides with science.Daley was a leading stem cell scientist back in 2001 when President George W. Bush suddenly barred federal funding for research on new embryonic stem cells — a gesture to Republican antiabortion backers that, many believe, put a chill onone of the most cutting-edge areas of biology.

Stem cell science has come under political attack in the past, and Vice President Pence has said he opposes embryonic stem cell research. Are you worried about the future of your field?

I always felt very strongly and passionately, as an advocate for stem cell research of all kinds. To be able to use the new technology and biology of regenerative medicine to serve the relief of suffering and the treatment of disease, I just think is a very noble calling. I’ve always argued that we need to exploit every possible advantage in the fight against disease. I would continue to advocate for research on all sorts of stem cells. And if there is an attempt to restrict the research in the future, I will be out there again, speaking from the scientific and medical perspective to justify this work.

Former House Speaker John Boehner predicted on Thursday that a full repeal and replace of Obamacare is “not going to happen.”

Boehner, who resigned in 2015 amid unrest among conservatives, said at an Orlando health care conference that the idea that a repeal-and-replace plan would blitz through Congress is just “happy talk.”

Instead, he said changes to former President Barack Obama’s signature legislative achievement would likely be relatively modest.

“[Congressional Republicans are] going to fix Obamacare – I shouldn’t call it repeal-and-replace, because it’s not going to happen,” he said.
Trump says he wants to make the U.S. nuclear arsenal 'top of the pack'

So, I had been screaming about Bannon and Mr Trump wanting to take this country to a mass war since inauguration.
Republican or conservative or libertarian or liberal or socialist or anything else you want to call yourself, WHAT GOOD COULD POSSIBLY COME FROM EXPANDING NUCLEAR ARSENAL?

For decades we had been a force on keeping the nukes to a minimum keeping Russia on par with reducing since Reagan years. Why is the sudden change? I am terrified of true ignorance of the right to see what's going on? We are on a brink to be an authoritarian power and go back to nationalist way of life with the rest of the world. If anyone forgot what happened when nationalism was running rampant in the world?
Trump says he wants to make the U.S. nuclear arsenal 'top of the pack'

So, I had been screaming about Bannon and Mr Trump wanting to take this country to a mass war since inauguration.
Republican or conservative or libertarian or liberal or socialist or anything else you want to call yourself, WHAT GOOD COULD POSSIBLY COME FROM EXPANDING NUCLEAR ARSENAL?

For decades we had been a force on keeping the nukes to a minimum keeping Russia on par with reducing since Reagan years. Why is the sudden change? I am terrified of true ignorance of the right to see what's going on? We are on a brink to be an authoritarian power and go back to nationalist way of life with the rest of the world. If anyone forgot what happened when nationalism was running rampant in the world?

Out of context, again.

Our nuclear capabilities that includes outdated missile silos and lots of the weapons are inoperable. There was a show dedicated to this not too late long ago on one of the news networks/discovery channel.
We need to stay current and up to date. Our enemies are only getting more and more advanced this includes North Korea , Iran etc. have to be able to respond effectively, rapidly and with full prejudice if need be.
Out of context, again.

Our nuclear capabilities that includes outdated missile silos and lots of the weapons are inoperable. There was a show dedicated to this not too late long ago on one of the news networks/discovery channel.
We need to stay current and up to date. Our enemies are only getting more and more advanced this includes North Korea , Iran etc. have to be able to respond effectively, rapidly and with full prejudice if need be.
Categorically false. We never advertised our nuclear capabilities out in the open even when we upgraded them. I do not wish to discuss policy with people who hasn't looked into Steve Bannon'S ideology for the future of United States and his documentary generation zero. He's pretty clear about his worldview and what needs to change in America. I am actually just repeating his words of the New World order for this country. Take an hour and a half of your time this evening I posted on this thread if you search generation zero you will find out. You may agree with most of whats being said but the conclusions he comes to four turnings will scare the shit out of you. They really believe we are at our worst now because of the liberal movement of the 60's and 70's and it's only gonna get worse until the "crisis" happens. Please educate yourself so you and I can have something to discuss. I do value your opinion and a few others over most trump posters here.
[Nothing to see here ... LMAO]

Washington (CNN)The FBI rejected a recent White House request to publicly knock down media reports about communications between Donald Trump's associates and Russians known to US intelligence during the 2016 presidential campaign, multiple US officials briefed on the matter tell CNN.

White House officials had sought the help of the bureau and other agencies investigating the Russia matter to say that the reports were wrong and that there had been no contacts, the officials said. The reports of the contacts were first published by The New York Times and CNN on February 14.

The direct communications between the White House and the FBI were unusual because of decade-old restrictions on such contacts. Such a request from the White House is a violation of procedures that limit communications with the FBI on pending investigations.