Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Three consecutive reports, each studying one of the largest new state voucher programs, found that vouchers hurt student learning. Researchers and advocates began a spirited debate about what, exactly, was going on.

Education is fucked up, but rather than investing in Americas future, republicans only want to see to it that the privileged and a token number of commoners are educated.

John Banner admits healthcare for all is here to stay. The republican party will stall progress but not long.

If republicans would get real and cut cost they could earn credibility. My wifes mother is in medicare and pays
$400 a month for cymbalta, an antidepressant. Trump is doing nothing.

The republicans have these nitwits convinced that the poor are screwing America. Wrong the wealthy are fucking you.

The rich get richer and the dumb get dumber.
I see the West Coast breaking away from the union , if this is our new union . Now the Trump Admn. is going after marijuana , more broken promises .
The new white Nazi party. :eek:
I see the West Coast breaking away from the union , if this is our new union . Now the Trump Admn. is going after marijuana , more broken promises .
The new white Nazi party. :eek:
You may not be too far from the truth. That red cocksucker trump is directing the justice department to crack down on recreational marajuana. What about states rights?
I see the West Coast breaking away from the union , if this is our new union . Now the Trump Admn. is going after marijuana , more broken promises .
The new white Nazi party. :eek:
I promise bro this is only a temporary set back. A liberal jackboot on tge throat for everyone on them:)

The republicans lost the election by 3 million votes to a 70 yo woman who very few people were enthusiastic about. In 4 years there will be a river of alt right tears. Oh and riots in the streets because trump will never concede defeat. Its time to stomp these fascists into the ground anyway. A liberal jack boot on the throat for everyone of them.
You may not be too far from the truth. That red cocksucker trump is directing the justice department to crack down on recreational marajuana. What about states rights?

He really lost my support/vote way back when he insulted McCain and then he supposed "some Mexicans were good people".... I never regained confidence or trust in him after that . Billionaire , Russian sympathist , white separatist , racist.

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He really lost my support/vote way back when he insulted McCain and then he supposed "some Mexicans were good people".... I never regained confidence or trust in him after that . Billionaire , Russian sympathist , white separatist , racist.

I said the same thing. This draft dodging pile of shit belittled a pow. Trump would have been blowing nva dick. The entire nva that is.
He really lost my support/vote way back when he insulted McCain and then he supposed "some Mexicans were good people".... I never regained confidence or trust in him after that . Billionaire , Russian sympathist , white separatist , racist.

If he was a conscientious objector he could have been a medic

Trump said he loves war. I take it that meaning as long as he isn't fighting. Fucking coward!
Im not strictly liberal , some things . Im conservative too and Trump has some good ideas , but its muddyed by his OCD mouth and this weird white separatist environment we are going in ....scary shit for alot of people . I stopped getting a tan....:eek: