Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Bad news Bannon. He is a flash in the nazi pan. In 4 years this wrong will be made right. Trump will either be impeached or be crushed in the next election and die in disgrace. His brand will be destroyed so that his seed will be destroyed with it. 2018 will be a forshock of things to come.

Last two sentences are pure comic gold. Doesn't get more hilarious than that.
Last two sentences are pure comic gold. Doesn't get more hilarious than that.
I know. That was my intention. Been sick for a couple days. I'm headed to the gym. Chest and shoulders today. My favorite:)
NEWSFLASH : CNN News , NY Times , LA Times have just now been barred from a White House news briefing . Barred from reporting . 11:15 am pac time
Trump is now controlling the news and who reports it...:eek::eek:
NEWSFLASH : CNN News , NY Times , LA Times have just now been barred from a White House news briefing . Barred from reporting . 11:15 am pac time
Trump is now controlling the news and who reports it...:eek::eek:

Media outlets blocked from White House press briefing.
Media outlets blocked from White House press briefing - The Boston Globe

Reporters from multiple media outlets said they were barred from attending a White House press briefing Friday.

White House reporters from CNN, New York Times, BuzzFeed, and the Los Angeles Times all said they were not allowed to attend an informal briefing by White House press secretary Sean Spicer.

Reporters from Breitbart, the Washington Times, and One America Network were allowed in, according to a BuzzFeed reporter. The Associated Press and Time magazine both boycotted the gathering, called a “gaggle,” as a result, according to a CNN reporter.
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Media outlets blocked from White House press briefing.
Media outlets blocked from White House press briefing - The Boston Globe

Reporters from multiple media outlets said they were barred from attending a White House press briefing Friday.

White House reporters from CNN, New York Times, BuzzFeed, and the Los Angeles Times all said they were not allowed to attend an informal briefing by White House press secretary Sean Spicer.

Reporters from Breitbart, the Washington Times, and One America Network were allowed in, according to a BuzzFeed reporter. The Associated Press and Time magazine both boycotted the gathering, called a “gaggle,” as a result, according to a CNN reporter.
Two words......North Korea
I'm sure you hysterical people are also educated enough to know that Obama staff also had talks/briefings with hand picked reporters as well? I apologize for impeding the narrative, carry on.

History tells us something very simple: states run by people with such extreme political beliefs that can genuinely call them fascists, people who believe that they are superior by virtue of blood, follow a universal ten step pattern. Let me outline it:

  1. Authoritarian government
  2. Demonization of minorities
  3. Glorification of the majority
  4. Media intimidation
  5. Purges and putsches
  6. Segregation (laws designed to separate minorities from majorities)
  7. Expropriation (the legal seizure of the assets of minorities)
  8. Detainments, repression, internment
  9. Ghettos
  10. Ethnic cleansing
How far are we along that path? We are already halfway along the pathway of fascism. And it is only week one. No. That isn’t exact. You can dispute and disagree how far along we really are. What I think is indisputable is this: fascism follows a universal pattern. The pattern is always the same. It has been the same in Bosnia, Rwanda, Germany, Argentina, to name just a few. Why would it be different for us?

Now let us answer the question: “what happens next?”, because those steps aren’t what happens next.

What happens next is you deny all the above. Fascism is always the same. But you think: “it can’t happen here”. “It won’t get that bad”. “That is just a fantasy”. And that is exactly how it does. Don’t you think that is exactly what the Germans, Bosnian, Rwandans, Argentinians thought? You deny all the above — and that is why you are constantly thinking, every single day: “why, this is happening faster and harder than I thought!”. Why you always seem to be taken by surprise, left aghast, shocked, confused.

Fascism counts on you. Not on your support. But on your denial.
I'm sure you hysterical people are also educated enough to know that Obama staff also had talks/briefings with hand picked reporters as well? I apologize for impeding the narrative, carry on.
Very true sir... have you read about those nut bar reporters that were complaining? I have and would ban them too lol
Very true sir... have you read about those nut bar reporters that were complaining? I have and would ban them too lol
For the record I don't agree with the Trump administration hand picking people to attend gaggles any more than when Obama and others before him also did it. I think everyone should be invited or nobody all. My point is the media driven hysteria over this is complete nonsense considering it's been done by every administration.