Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Three consecutive reports, each studying one of the largest new state voucher programs, found that vouchers hurt student learning. Researchers and advocates began a spirited debate about what, exactly, was going on.
Categorically false. We never advertised our nuclear capabilities out in the open even when we upgraded them. I do not wish to discuss policy with people who hasn't looked into Steve Bannon'S ideology for the future of United States and his documentary generation zero. He's pretty clear about his worldview and what needs to change in America. I am actually just repeating his words of the New World order for this country. Take an hour and a half of your time this evening I posted on this thread if you search generation zero you will find out. You may agree with most of whats being said but the conclusions he comes to four turnings will scare the shit out of you. They really believe we are at our worst now because of the liberal movement of the 60's and 70's and it's only gonna get worse until the "crisis" happens. Please educate yourself so you and I can have something to discuss. I do value your opinion and a few others over most trump posters here.

Always enjoyed a good back handed compliment. Thank you bro :)
I am serious about the documentary though. Steve Bannon in an rare public appearance gave a Little insight to what I'm trying to say.uts called generation zero. This is not conservatism it's nationalist doctrine. Glen Beck out of all people was saying the exact same thing I had been saying for over a month. Bannon want the torch the establishment and destroy everything the way we know it to give back to the right owners of this wealth, I quote from his speech today " We have history, we have a purpose"
You his is not fear mongering this is scary shit for non white non nationalist who call this place home too :)
What I Heard From Trump Supporters
What I Heard From Trump Supporters

After the election, I decided to talk to 100 Trump voters from around the country. I went to the middle of the country, the middle of the state, and talked to many online.

This was a surprisingly interesting and helpful experience—I highly recommend it. With three exceptions, I found something to like about everyone I talked to (though I strongly disagreed with many of the things they said). Although it shouldn’t have surprised me given the voting data, I was definitely surprised by the diversity of the people I spoke to—I did not expect to talk to so many Muslims, Mexicans, Black people, and women in the course of this project.

Almost everyone I asked was willing to talk to me, but almost none of them wanted me to use their names—even people from very red states were worried about getting “targeted by those people in Silicon Valley if they knew I voted for him”. One person in Silicon Valley even asked me to sign a confidentiality agreement before she would talk to me, as she worried she’d lose her job if people at her company knew she was a strong Trump supporter.

I wanted to understand what Trump voters liked and didn’t like about the president, what they were nervous about, what they thought about the left’s response so far, and most importantly, what would convince them not to vote for him in the future.

Obviously, this is not a poll, and not ‘data’. But I think narratives are really important.

Here’s what I heard.

The TL;DR quote is this:

“You all can defeat Trump next time, but not if you keep mocking us, refusing to listen to us, and cutting us out. It’s Republicans, not Democrats, who will take Trump down.”

I am serious about the documentary though. Steve Bannon in an rare public appearance gave a Little insight to what I'm trying to say.uts called generation zero. This is not conservatism it's nationalist doctrine. Glen Beck out of all people was saying the exact same thing I had been saying for over a month. Bannon want the torch the establishment and destroy everything the way we know it to give back to the right owners of this wealth, I quote from his speech today " We have history, we have a purpose"
You his is not fear mongering this is scary shit for non white non nationalist who call this place home too :)
Bad news Bannon. He is a flash in the nazi pan. In 4 years this wrong will be made right. Trump will either be impeached or be crushed in the next election and die in disgrace. His brand will be destroyed so that his seed will be destroyed with it. 2018 will be a forshock of things to come.