Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I doubt any of the senators have actually read all 5.593 PAGES. It didn't stop them from voting on it. So why would you expect anyone else to read it before posting opinions?
I honestly think you are right. I do doubt most the members of congress did read it. I am guessing most the opinions on it are without reading it too. This just makes me a little melon collie. Having an opinion is based upon having information. The willful rejection of information (lack of reading) makes finding compromise more difficult.

Personally I am not remotely on any one side. I really do wish we all worked together for a better way forward. You are right I am expecting too much, but I will keep hoping.

Thank you for reading my thought and responding. When we share and communicate our ideas we all grow stronger.
You are a blind ideologue. You throw the authoritarian word so matter of fact. Please fill me in on the facts. What did he do that was authoritarian? Please details.not just your talking points.

I disagree, Biden got so many votes because of the illegal changes to voting rules allowing ballot stuffing. I know it's all conspiracy theory to you. Plenty of evidence and affidavits nobody cares to explore. To give you an example, in Georgia, supposedly Biden won, but somehow Perdue and Leoffler still best their opponents easily (don't make me explain the run off). I guess you will say that the left wanted to balance power right? LOL

Trump legal teams are incompetent, doesn't change the fact that illegal changes were made in leftist states, specifically to allow the extra millions of votes. Courts didn't have the balls to see this through. Rather they just want to put it to bed.

I bet you also think that Biden isn't in bed with Chinkina, and the investigation against this son is a witch-hunt too. Yeah and I am the earth is flat guy? Go and pitch your BS in your Huff post echo chamber, I'm sure you've got buyers there.


List of Authoritarian like things trump did

1. Soldiers in unmarked uniforms and no identifying insignia swoop in as the president’s personal militia to arrest peacefully protesting pedestrians in the middle of the night, throw them into unmarked vans and streak away. Check. (Happening in Portland, Oregon, and Trump promises it will happen in other cities. Trump is of German descent but apparently never heard about the feared secret police and the Gestapo.)

2. Data about a pandemic are hidden from the public so that the president can control who sees such information as the number of available hospital beds. Check. Trump ordered that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention no longer gets the data, hence the public can’t see it.

3. Enemies are punished and friends are rewarded. Check. Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen is in jail not just for doing Trump’s bidding but for telling Congress and law enforcement about it. Roger Stone was convicted of felony offenses by a jury and is free because he lied to Congress and the FBI to benefit Trump.

Nothing illegal happened with voting. Now THATS a talking point.

There is no evidence besides a bunch of trump supporters claiming they saw something. Every voter claim fraud has been knocked down, time and time again. You literally can not accept the facts because you didn’t win. It’s childish.

Quit the fucking gish gallop too while you’re at it. You look hysterical.

I bet back in Salem you be the guy holding the torch to the fires burning people alive because people said they saw woman practicing which craft.