Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The leader of the far-right Proud Boys told The Wall Street Journal he expects more unrest to come as he and other members celebrate the pro-Trump mob that invaded the Capitol and the group’s leader.

Reached by phone on Wednesday afternoon, Enrique Tarrio, the leader of the extremist group, blamed Democrats and President-elect Joe Biden for not listening to Trump voters’ concerns about the legitimacy of the election.

“This is going to keep happening if they don't listen to the people,” he said.
Guys here will love him

They should be aware that websites, ... are actively being scanned for promotion, encouragement, defending, ... for these individuals/groups/affiliates. Steroids are on their radar. One does not need to have been in DC to be charged. I have blocked a number of members for their rhetoric that borders/crosses the line wrt violence and more. This has been relayed to me by a veteran [15+ years] CIA employee. Stay tuned.

It wasn’t hard to see, when it began, that it would end exactly the way it has. Donald Trump is America’s willful arsonist, the man who lit the match under the fabric of our constitutional republic.

The duty of the House of Representatives and the Senate, once they certify Joe Biden’s election, is to reconvene, Wednesday night if possible, to impeach the president and then remove him from office and bar him from ever holding office again.

To allow Trump to serve out his term, however brief it may be, puts the nation’s safety at risk, leaves our reputation as a democracy in tatters and evades the inescapable truth that the assault on Congress was an act of violent sedition aided and abetted by a lawless, immoral and terrifying president.

From the moment Trump became the G.O.P. front-runner in 2015, it was obvious who he was and where, if given the chance, he would take America. He was a malignant narcissist in his person. A fraudster in his businesses. A bully in his relationships. And a demagogue in his politics.

