Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The hours since Wednesday afternoon have seen a tidal wave of calls for Donald Trump to lose the powers and duties of the office for his role in the historic storming of the U.S. Capitol. There is a new push for impeachment. And news reports suggest that members of Trump’s Cabinet are considering invoking the 25th Amendment to take from Trump, in the words of the Amendment, “the powers and duties of the office” he holds. (We should note that this reporting is thinly sourced; Maggie Haberman of the New York Times reported last night that a source merely says “the 25th Amendment discussions are staff-based within the administration and with some Republicans on the Hill, and that they're not particularly focused.”)

This comes on the heels of a very strange series of events from inside the executive branch, including a statement on Wednesday afternoon by the Secretary of Defense that after consulting with Vice President Pence and top congressional leaders—but seemingly not President Trump—he was “activating D.C. National Guard to assist federal and local law enforcement as they work to peacefully address the situation.”

Shortly before 4 a.m. this morning, a reconvened Congress finally confirmed President-elect Biden’s presidential victory. And then President Trump issued this statement: “Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th.” But it is far from clear that Trump will stick by, or do what it takes to carry out, this pledge.

Talk of removing a president is easy. But getting rid of one is hard, as it should be in a constitutional republic with a well-established system for electing its leaders. Any decision to remove a president is also fraught with peril. This post reviews the basic law governing the questions about taking a president’s powers away.

Although the fortunes of many have been wiped out, although their professions have been taken away from them, and although they live in a state of rigid suspense and fear of the moment when they will be humiliated, beaten, or imprisoned, a large number of German Jews continue to remain ##ithful to the fatherland.

A few of them even support the current anti-Semitic National Socialist administration because of the party’s policies on non-racial questions. They applaud the party’s success in uniting the various divergent parts of Germany. They strongly approve Germany’s demands for restoration of the old empire and the rearmament of the country. And in certain of its aspects they even support the current action of the Nazis against their race.

Dr. Max Naumann, leader of the Union of National German Jews, (Verband Nationaldeutscher Juden) an organization enrolling seven thousand Jewish citizens of Germany, declared in an interview that Nazi action against Jews was in many ways justified. He further stated that patriotic German Jews did not want the support of foreign Side in New York, and the Grenadierstrasse here.

“Unwilling to slough off their oriental traits, they are a disturbing factor to us who are bound to the soil.”

Dr. Naumann scored the Zionists for their retention of Jewish customs and their unquenchable desire to create a Jewish nation. He declared they were intrinsically traitors to the country in which they lived. On this basis he supported Nazi action against the famous scientist, Albert Einstein, because he is a Zionist.

Let the record state, I told you so.

In 2015, I told you a selfish, narcissistic, racist reality TV show host with the intellectual and reading level of a toddler would make a bad president. I told you this conman was too stupid to grasp the severity and seriousness of the job. I told you Donald Trump would put himself first and if it came down to it, would choose himself before this country. I told you Donald Trump would be the worst president in our nation's history. I'm not alone. A lot of Americans are with me, and not just liberals. We told you so.

Over the past four years, we've seen him grift the nation. We've seen him take Putin's side over that of America. And yesterday, we watched him incite a riot. What we saw yesterday was not a protest. It was a riot. It was a terrorist attack. Once again, Donald Trump proved he's a threat to national security.

MAGAts are funny. The ones who weren't there blame Antifa while defending the rioters. I've seen them make posts that the guy with the Braveheart face paint with horns on his head has been identified as a member of Antifa. In reality, he's Jake Angeli from Arizona who is a Trump supporter and a member of Qanon. While blaming the riot on Antifa, which doesn't exist, they're also defending the rioters. I've seen the same people claiming it was Antifa state the rioters were defending democracy, weren't violent, and are heroes.

These "nonviolent protesters" left four people dead in their wake. They interrupted Congress during a Constitutionally mandated action, the counting of the electoral college. They believe people shouldn't protest for civil rights but when they don't get what they want, they can burn the Congress down. That's MAGA.

These people, this mob, these terrorists, walked from a Trump rally to Capitol Hill where they proceeded to riot, break in, smash windows, vandalize, and tear the place apart. Donald Trump told them "we" are going to march to the capitol building right before he jumped into a limo and went back to the White House, which has so much security now, you can barely see the White House.

So using these MAGAts' logic, Donald Trump was addressing an Antifa rally. He wasn't. He was talking to his MAGA base who are now comprised of terrorists and enemies of the United States of America. These MAGAts are equivalent of al Qaida and ISIS. They lost an election so yesterday, they attempted a coup. They engaged in sedition. And Donald Trump told htem to do it.

Donald Trump is such a threat to the United States, Twitter blocked his account for 12 hours to prevent him from inciting further violence. Facebook followed suit. They need to make it permanent.

Now, the Trump cabinet needs to be as responsible as Twitter. A man who can't be trusted with a social media account can't be trusted with the nuclear codes. We can't afford to let him have 14 more days.

Donald Trump started his presidency by declaring, "This American carnage stops right here and right now." He said this delivering his inauguration speech on the steps of the capitol building...the same building where his presidency is ending with American carnage. How fitting. Donald Trump always projects so it's natural that the guy who said "only he can fix" burns the place down. Who could have predicted this would happen? Along with a lot of other liberals, I did.

I told you so.



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