Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

He doesn't use a bro

IN BRIEF: As the Senate is preparing to vote, DCReport finds deep financial ties between Donald Trump’s nominee for Commerce secretary, Wilbur Ross, and close associates of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Sooner or later he will have to hand over his tax returns. It may take a subpoena. He is definitely hinding shit he wants no one ti see. Btw has anyone seen his birth certificate? (Muhammad Ali's Son Detained At Airport, Asked 'Are You Muslim?' | The Huffington Post)
Fuck his Muslim ban !!!
My parents are Muslim!! My kids are raised with Christian values and I'm an atheist!!!
Religion is spiritual state of being not a crime or political view. They want it this way for controlling masses. To them religion is a tool
Hitler had Jews. Trump has Muslims. He is a hater. That's okay because better than half of this country throws up in our mouths every time we see him.
And his followers still see nothing wrong. That's cray cray.

WASHINGTON — The White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, has taken to slapping journalists who write unflattering stories with an epithet he sees as the epitome of low-road, New York Post-style gossip: “Page Six reporter.”

Whether the New England-bred spokesman realizes it or not, the expression is perhaps less an insult than a reminder of an era when Donald J. Trump mastered the New York tabloid terrain — and his own narrative — shaping his image with a combination of on-the-record bluster and off-the-record gossip.

He’s not in Manhattan anymore. This New York-iest of politicians, now an idiosyncratic, write-your-own-rules president, has stumbled into the most conventional of Washington traps: believing he can master an entrenched political press corps with far deeper connections to the permanent government of federal law enforcement and executive department officials than he has.

Instead, President Trump has found himself subsumed and increasingly infuriated by the leaks and criticisms he has long prided himself on vanquishing. Now, goaded by Stephen K. Bannon, his chief strategist, Mr. Trump has turned on the news media with escalating rhetoric, labeling major outlets as “the enemy of the American people.”

His latest swipe — pulling out of Washington’s venerable “nerd prom” — came via Twitter on Saturday. “I will not be attending the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner this year,” Mr. Trump wrote. “Please wish everyone well and have a great evening!”

He has made a sharp break from previous presidents — and from his own comfortable three-decade tango with the tabloids.
Do you believe this hero thinks we are beating a dead horse too? He saved an unburn child from loosing his father.
Do you think these Indian guys caused a threat to anyone? Or was it a domestic terrorist who was acting on the presidents rhetoric..........

I believe that you believe these things matter. So your truth is that they do matter while my truth is different. I believe I alone am responsible for my happiness and that i am also responsible for what i CHOOSE to let into my reality. There are equal measures of positive and negative events here in classroom Earth for me to choose from. I can choose to let who is president upset my entire existence, or i can choose to put my energy into more productive thoughts and actions and be positive regardless of what's going on in the outside world. The world around me will always be chaotic. I realize this and go with the flow. Others like to try to swim against the current, making an already difficult classroom even tougher on themselves. What can be more crazy or stressful than resistance to what has already happened?