Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Only good think Mr Trump gave us so far is a few good men on both side of the arguement.
Enjoy my only positive comment of the day gents, I'm full of rage this morning....I spilled my venti
Only good think Mr Trump gave us so far is a few good men on both side of the arguement.
Enjoy my only positive comment of the day gents, I'm full of rage this morning....I spilled my venti

But can the 4-star Generals reason with a unreasonable man ? Thats the question :confused:
It almost feels like he is a nanny hired by republicans to keep him at bay so they can run their agenda. I don't know if they can keep Bannon down though he is a pittbull gunning for the kill. This is now or never for alt right and his movement so be prepared for nothing you have ever seen kind of fight between the progressives and the alt right
This is now or never for alt right and his movement so be prepared for nothing you have ever seen kind of fight between the progressives and the alt right
I'm elated that the alt right is now willing to fight back against the radical liberal jihadIst. It's time to push back.
That rhetoric doesn't exist but I'll go along until shit it's the fan. I remember how people were screaming Obama is trying to change the constitution while he was in office for eight years and was a racist president in my neck of the woods. This president is actually doing it and everyone is complicit. We all are going to see the good the bad the ugly altogether. I will keep resisting, you just keep reminding me I'm an elitist jihadist lefty.....
I did mention I'm an atheist though so I have to get some training on being a jihadi

1. Powerful and continuing nationalism
2. Disdain for human rights
3. Identification of enemies as a unifying cause
4. Rampant sexism
5. Controlled mass media
6. Obsession with national security
7. Religion and government intertwined
8. Corporate power protected
9. Labor power suppressed
10. Disdain for intellectual and the arts
11. Obsession with crime and punishment
12. Rampant cronyism and corruption

You can follow the links above, but it shouldn’t be necessary if you’ve been paying any attention. Trump’s message is based on putting America “first,” making America “great again,” and is clearly a powerful form of nationalism that we’re also seeing arise in other countries in Europe and Asia. These are the 12 early warning signs of fascism
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Lol, what does one have to do with the other? The wall will stop what the wall stops. It's like saying "why have the FBI? They won't stop people from speeding".

The wall won't stop anything at all. The entire wall cannot be patrolled. The level of ingenuity people exhibit when desperate can blow your mind. main-qimg-55ec79fea7860e8c8bafafab9f56678e-c.jpg main-qimg-2e9839afbda7619213933565ed63e523-c.jpg main-qimg-b5b6bf1cf6c7cdff70cd963dc3ac8a7c-c.jpg