Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I believe that you believe these things matter. So your truth is that they do matter while my truth is different. I believe I alone am responsible for my happiness and that i am also responsible for what i CHOOSE to let into my reality. There are equal measures of positive and negative events here in classroom Earth for me to choose from. I can choose to let who is president upset my entire existence, or i can choose to put my energy into more productive thoughts and actions and be positive regardless of what's going on in the outside world. The world around me will always be chaotic. I realize this and go with the flow. Others like to try to swim against the current, making an already difficult classroom even tougher on themselves. What can be more crazy or stressful than resistance to what has already happened?

See you have the option to let it bother you or not. Me on the other hand stuck with the reality of my kids may not be able to see their grand parents every summer like they used to. I'm afraid I have the right to complain about things beyond my control but immoral. I don't believe my kids deserve any less freedom than yours. They love their grand parents and their uncle and his family so on and on :(
See when the shoe is on the other foot, it's easy to say you would do thing differently. Empathy is an dyin trade these days. I still have some so I understand your point. Please consider mine :)
Knew you'd be chiming in soon enough ;):)
Can't debate with your fellow Americans so cry to the Canadian lol
Well, everybody's crying foul when it comes to deporting illegal immigrants. The countries they came from don't want them back. Who will do the humanitarian thing and take them? Remember I said I'm not allowed in Canadian because of something I did 2 decades ago? What if i we're to sneak in to Canada and protest at a Capitol building saying I have rights and you can't deport me? Would half of Canada March along side me chanting the same thing? Should Canada have the right to deport me?
Well, everybody's crying foul when it comes to deporting illegal immigrants. The countries they came from don't want them back. Who will do the humanitarian thing and take them? Remember I said I'm not allowed in Canadian because of something I did 2 decades ago? What if i we're to sneak in to Canada and protest at a Capitol building saying I have rights and you can't deport me? Would half of Canada March along side me chanting the same thing? Should Canada have the right to deport me?
Maybe learn about our deportation laws first then speak brother.
Maybe learn about our deportation laws first then speak brother.
Ok, learned. Not much different than the inhumane laws of the US. Oh, except that you won't allow them services including medical even in case of emergency. Here in the US we give them every assistance. now, can you answer my questions? You gonna take all these illegal immigrants? I see, now that there are a few hundred illegal immigrants from US Crossing over to Canada it's becoming a crisis.
Well, everybody's crying foul when it comes to deporting illegal immigrants. The countries they came from don't want them back. Who will do the humanitarian thing and take them? Remember I said I'm not allowed in Canadian because of something I did 2 decades ago? What if i we're to sneak in to Canada and protest at a Capitol building saying I have rights and you can't deport me? Would half of Canada March along side me chanting the same thing? Should Canada have the right to deport me?
Not everyone. I think most people feel that people in this country should be here legally. Until the people who hire those here illegally are punished, I don't want to here about punishing those who are being used to increase someone or a corporations bottom line.

Any non citizen working here should have a work visa and pay taxes like everyone else. Farm labor should be exempt because that would be a regressive tax that would hurt those with lower incomes.

Not worries spray tan man is here to make the rich richer and deport everyone because he is a bigoted cock sucker. Maybe he is compensating because his mama was domestic help before she started sucking daddy trumps dick.
Maybe learn about our deportation laws first then speak brother.
Canada has been a safe haven in the past. Canada was very understanding during the Vietnam war. I'm sure trump would have been there if he couldnt buy a deferment. I believe he had a bone spur. It doesn't seem to hurt his golfing much, but no way in hell is he doing the fighting. He is above that. That is for the stupid and the poor. John McCain is a good example. Trumo likes people who don't get shot out of the sky and tortured for years. Trump would have done so much better. Believe me. He knows more than the Generals, and is more of patriot than anyone. He has built magnificent buildings. That is how he shows his patriotism.
Ok, learned. Not much different than the inhumane laws of the US. Oh, except that you won't allow them services including medical even in case of emergency. Here in the US we give them every assistance. now, can you answer my questions? You gonna take all these illegal immigrants? I see, now that there are a few hundred illegal immigrants from US Crossing over to Canada it's becoming a crisis.
You don't know what you're talking about dude. Taking immigrants won't help your country at this point XKawN. Bigger problems are just around the corner imo :oops::eek:
You don't know what you're talking about dude. Taking immigrants won't help your country at this point XKawN. Bigger problems are just around the corner imo :oops::eek:
I realize I don't know what I'm talking about. That's why I got my information from Canada's border service agency.
Is that please tell us how many immigrants has Canada murdered because we refused medical care? Lol :rolleyes:
Thank you for deflecting every comment I made with nonsense. Pretty telling. Here's one little story of a million.

The Federal Court of Appeal has denied an illegal immigrant coverage under Canada's universal health care system, a precedent-setting decision that could discourage others from travelling to the country to obtain free treatments.

The case relates to Nell Toussaint, a Grenadan national who entered Canada in 1999 as a visitor and has lived in Toronto since then. Suffering from a kidney ailment, by 2006 she was too ill to support herself. Among other ailments, she suffered from blood clots, diabetes and tumours.
Facing hospital and other medical bills she could not pay, she applied to become a permanent resident in 2008 so she could qualify for health care coverage in Ontario. However, she did not pay the fees for her applications, so they were not considered.

She applied for the federal government to pay her health care bills under a 1957 Order in Council that extends coverage to anyone who is being handled by the immigration system. The government refused and she twice appealed the decision, arguing that her rights to life, liberty and security of the person under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms had been violated. Her second appeal was turned down in a decision released Friday.

Judge David Stratas, writing for the three-member Federal Court of Appeal, argued that the federal government was not obliged to pay her medical bills because, as an illegal immigrant who had not paid the fees to have her application processed, her case was not being handled by the immigration system. The Order in Council, it found, was designed to help only people who enter the country legally.

While the court agreed that Ms. Toussaint suffered from severe medical problems that could lead to her death if left untreated, it found that the lack of medical coverage was her own fault since she had not applied to legally immigrate until she had lived in Canada for nearly a decade.

"The appellant by her own conduct - not the federal government by its Order in Council - has endangered her life and health," Judge Stratas wrote. "The appellant entered Canada as a visitor. She remained in Canada for many years, illegally. Had she acted legally and obtained legal immigration status in Canada, she would have been entitled to coverage under the Ontario Health Insurance Plan."

He further ruled that the court should reject her appeal in order to defend the country's immigration process and avoid setting a precedent.

"If the appellant were to prevail in this case and receive medical coverage under the Order in Council without complying with Canada's immigration laws, others could be expected to come to Canada and do the same," he wrote. "Soon, as the Federal Court warned, Canada could become a health care safe haven, its immigration laws undermined."

Her legal saga may not be over yet: another court has ruled the government must consider waiving the fees on her residency application, which could restart the immigration process. If she is successful in qualifying as a temporary or permanent resident, the government of Ontario could end up paying her health care bills.
Thank you for deflecting every comment I made with nonsense. Pretty telling. Here's one little story of a million.

The Federal Court of Appeal has denied an illegal immigrant coverage under Canada's universal health care system, a precedent-setting decision that could discourage others from travelling to the country to obtain free treatments.

The case relates to Nell Toussaint, a Grenadan national who entered Canada in 1999 as a visitor and has lived in Toronto since then. Suffering from a kidney ailment, by 2006 she was too ill to support herself. Among other ailments, she suffered from blood clots, diabetes and tumours.
Facing hospital and other medical bills she could not pay, she applied to become a permanent resident in 2008 so she could qualify for health care coverage in Ontario. However, she did not pay the fees for her applications, so they were not considered.

She applied for the federal government to pay her health care bills under a 1957 Order in Council that extends coverage to anyone who is being handled by the immigration system. The government refused and she twice appealed the decision, arguing that her rights to life, liberty and security of the person under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms had been violated. Her second appeal was turned down in a decision released Friday.

Judge David Stratas, writing for the three-member Federal Court of Appeal, argued that the federal government was not obliged to pay her medical bills because, as an illegal immigrant who had not paid the fees to have her application processed, her case was not being handled by the immigration system. The Order in Council, it found, was designed to help only people who enter the country legally.

While the court agreed that Ms. Toussaint suffered from severe medical problems that could lead to her death if left untreated, it found that the lack of medical coverage was her own fault since she had not applied to legally immigrate until she had lived in Canada for nearly a decade.

"The appellant by her own conduct - not the federal government by its Order in Council - has endangered her life and health," Judge Stratas wrote. "The appellant entered Canada as a visitor. She remained in Canada for many years, illegally. Had she acted legally and obtained legal immigration status in Canada, she would have been entitled to coverage under the Ontario Health Insurance Plan."

He further ruled that the court should reject her appeal in order to defend the country's immigration process and avoid setting a precedent.

"If the appellant were to prevail in this case and receive medical coverage under the Order in Council without complying with Canada's immigration laws, others could be expected to come to Canada and do the same," he wrote. "Soon, as the Federal Court warned, Canada could become a health care safe haven, its immigration laws undermined."

Her legal saga may not be over yet: another court has ruled the government must consider waiving the fees on her residency application, which could restart the immigration process. If she is successful in qualifying as a temporary or permanent resident, the government of Ontario could end up paying her health care bills.
Slow clap ! Not deflecting just don't care at 630am lol Need fucking breakfast first haha
The republicans think the rich should have everything and the poor should have nothing. That is the bottom line. They can't do that, so they throw some crumbs to the peasants.

Americans are so fucking stupid they think the rich deserve the lives they live. They live in the most wealthy country in the histiry of mankind, and a small minority have rooms fulls of cash, and they have enough to pay the bills. They don't realize that the economy is "rigged" Stupid fuckers should be fucked.