Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

It's won't stop all, but other countries that have built walls or fences have drastically reduced illegal immigration. To say it won't stop anything at all is just political rhetoric and false.

And it's ok to spend God knows how many billions of dollars for a "bandaid"? Walls don't drastically cut illegal immigration. Saying that it does is as much political rhetoric as saying it stops none at all
Well we've all criticized both sides back and forth...Does anybody have any suggestions as to a solution to the immigration arguments? We have anywhere from....what?..5 to 11 million illegal aliens living here now? And more are trying to get in! It seems that a big part of the world is on the move trying to get somewhere else. I would assume something should be done sooner or later.....But what?
And it's ok to spend God knows how many billions of dollars for a "bandaid"? Walls don't drastically cut illegal immigration. Saying that it does is as much political rhetoric as saying it stops none at all
I'm not actually really for or against the wall. That being said, nothing in my statement was incorrect. I notice you didn't correct his statement which was completely incorrect. I don't think cost of going after "any" crime has a high yield or a return that would equate to the cost spent on policing it. If it were me I would have military and police training on the border, plus border patrol, fences in some areas as well as policies in place that would deter migrating illegally. That being said, the next administration would just stop enforcing such policies the next go around anyways.
I'm not actually really for or against the wall. That being said, nothing in my statement was incorrect. I notice you didn't correct his statement which was completely incorrect. I don't think cost of going after "any" crime has a high yield or a return that would equate to the cost spent on policing it. If it were me I would have military and police training on the border, plus border patrol, fences in some areas as well as policies in place that would deter migrating illegally. That being said, the next administration would just stop enforcing such policies the next go around anyways.

The incorrect part was that walls drastically reduce illegal immigration.

Jeremiah's post wasn't completely incorrect. He's absolutely correct the entire length of the wall cannot be patrolled and he is also correct that people will devise new methods making the wall almost pointless when considered financially. You already corrected him about the fact that it won't do anything part so I didn't feel the need to correct something that was already corrected.

Your comment about high yield of return.... Yes going after crime costs money and doesn't always have a return but allocating resources intelligently is what it's about. There's nothing intelligent about allocating a ridiculous amount of money for something that will have minimal impact.
The incorrect part was that walls drastically reduce illegal immigration.

Jeremiah's post wasn't completely incorrect. He's absolutely correct the entire length of the wall cannot be patrolled and he is also correct that people will devise new methods making the wall almost pointless when considered financially. You already corrected him about the fact that it won't do anything part so I didn't feel the need to correct something that was already corrected.

Your comment about high yield of return.... Yes going after crime costs money and doesn't always have a return but allocating resources intelligently is what it's about. There's nothing intelligent about allocating a ridiculous amount of money for something that will have minimal impact.
I got one better. How about a comprehensive economic policy inclusive of your southern border neighbor. How about instead of threatening economic sanctions and tariffs on Mexico help them posture up an economy which would benefit both United States and Mexico in the long run. I know everyone has shit to say about European Union but look how they postured out of a deep recession by going through it together. Greece would've been a failed state if it had to deal with it on its own. If Germany was an economic nationalist country like the one we want to become, there would have been huge turmoil in Europe that would have already spilled over to United States. Everything is globally connected. You can't change the course so drastically as a power nation and don't expect collateral damage to your own society. Working class by definition always had been THE casualty, collateral damage. The working class people who elected the regime change will most likely will suffer The most when it's all said and done. Storm is coming but we are at the wrong side of the winds.
The incorrect part was that walls drastically reduce illegal immigration.

Jeremiah's post wasn't completely incorrect. He's absolutely correct the entire length of the wall cannot be patrolled and he is also correct that people will devise new methods making the wall almost pointless when considered financially. You already corrected him about the fact that it won't do anything part so I didn't feel the need to correct something that was already corrected.

Your comment about high yield of return.... Yes going after crime costs money and doesn't always have a return but allocating resources intelligently is what it's about. There's nothing intelligent about allocating a ridiculous amount of money for something that will have minimal impact.
My comment was it has had great success in other countries which is documented. I never said it would have great success here. Fact is no one knows whether it will or if it will not. In truth, even Democrats have stated we need a wall. Chuck Schumer has said we need a wall. Democrats voted on a wall. They are now against it because the rhetoric runs counter to their base. The wall could have great success if technology and man power are allocated correctly. Also, the cost of the wall is just one aspect of the equation. It will create jobs and boost the economy in surrounding areas where work will be on going. I'm also confident that trump will get Mexico to pay for at least a large portion of the wall.
I got one better. How about a comprehensive economic policy inclusive of your southern border neighbor. How about instead of threatening economic sanctions and tariffs on Mexico help them posture up an economy which would benefit both United States and Mexico in the long run. I know everyone has shit to say about European Union but look how they postured out of a deep recession by going through it together. Greece would've been a failed state if it had to deal with it on its own. If Germany was an economic nationalist country like the one we want to become, there would have been huge turmoil in Europe that would have already spilled over to United States. Everything is globally connected. You can't change the course so drastically as a power nation and don't expect collateral damage to your own society. Working class by definition always had been THE casualty, collateral damage. The working class people who elected the regime change will most likely will suffer The most when it's all said and done. Storm is coming but we are at the wrong side of the winds.
Mexico doesn't want to be fixed. We can work our asses of and spend trillions and it will all be for not.
To say it won't stop anything at all is just political rhetoric and false.
Is it worth $20, 000, 000, 000 ? It will not stop dangerous drugs. Imo it is a complete waste of resources.

Start prosecuting people and corporations that hire them without a work permit and there is no reason to waste 20billion for a campaign promise designed to whip up the base spray tan man speaks to.
Is it worth $20, 000, 000, 000 ? It will not stop dangerous drugs. Imo it is a complete waste of resources.

Start prosecuting people and corporations that hire them without a work permit and there is no reason to waste 20billion for a campaign promise designed to whip up the base spray tan man speaks to.
How much would it be worth?
My comment was it has had great success in other countries
In Israel yes. A wall worked. In Mexico no one is trying to go to Mexico, they want to get to the US. The solution is to prosecute employers. If there are no jobs, why would people migate here illegally?

We don't need a wall. We need to enforce laws that prevent jobs for people in this country illegally.