Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

You mean our country
Yea, I guess if i need to be politicaly correct, I should have said "our". Guess I had the outdated concept of "right to anonymity" on my mind since I've been pretty much a loner all my life. My mistake, sorry, I'll try and get back in line. Don't want to upset the "groupthink"
Thanks for the reminder:D:)
I guess Nathan Hale should have said "our" also.:)
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My comment was it has had great success in other countries which is documented. I never said it would have great success here.

The few cases of a wall being successful are outliers. The majority of cases show that walls are dismal failures or only minimally effective and they also bring about new problems.

Fact is no one knows whether it will or if it will not. In truth, even Democrats have stated we need a wall. Chuck Schumer has said we need a wall. Democrats voted on a wall. They are now against it because the rhetoric runs counter to their base.

So NOW you want to listen to the liberal jihadis who are ruining the country?

The wall could have great success if technology and man power are allocated correctly.

Yes technology and manpower could make the wall more effective but I thought we are in a ridiculous amount of debt? The original cost of the wall, as ridiculous as it is, could easily be trumped (pun intended) by the cost of the technology and manpower used to support it.

Also, the cost of the wall is just one aspect of the equation. It will create jobs and boost the economy in surrounding areas where work will be on going.

It would create temporary jobs. Nothing that's significant and long lasting for most. Then the majority will be back to looking for new jobs or on the unemployment line all over again. And then, on who falls the burden of paying for it's maintenance, upgrades, repairs, etc? Those same people who are now out of jobs will be taxed to pay for it as well as the rest of our children, our grandchildren, our great grandchildren....

For reference, Egypt built a wall at the Gaza Strip. The wall is made out of bomb proof steel and goes 100ft below the surface to prevent tunneling. Within the first year of it being online, it was breached HUNDREDS of times.

I'm also confident that trump will get Mexico to pay for at least a large portion of the wall.

Wishful thinking does not equate to confidence.
Um, i believe Donald Trump refused the yearly salary us taxpayers wouldve paid him to be president. By all means continue your jump on the train mentality and i can assure you that the likes you receive in this thread alone will send you to the coveted "wkm" status. You will still be a nobody to most of us but you and Scally will be friends so theres always that.
Edit, oh see. I didnt even realize he already was a wkm. This thread HAS been good to him
Bud I always enjoyed your postings with your ideas and thoughts. I don't think it will serve you well to attack Him as a person, we should keep it to discussion of ideas
A good point. Let me put it a different way. The meme he posted makes no sense. Apologies
Not to mention... even if it were true, a few hundred bucks and we're supposed to be outraged? Lol. Are we really supposed to believe that trump sat around thinking "how can I profit probably 20 - 30 bucks out of the government" lmao.
Not to mention... even if it were true, a few hundred bucks and we're supposed to be outraged? Lol. Are we really supposed to believe that trump sat around thinking "how can I profit probably 20 - 30 bucks out of the government" lmao.

I'm more interested in the cost of protection.

It's costing a fortune to protect the Trump family

For real...

"If the Pentagon secures rental space in Trump Tower - needed for when the president returns to New York - it could cost $1.5 million per year, according to the building's website."

Um, i believe Donald Trump refused the yearly salary us taxpayers wouldve paid him to be president. By all means continue your jump on the train mentality and i can assure you that the likes you receive in this thread alone will send you to the coveted "wkm" status. You will still be a nobody to most of us but you and Scally will be friends so theres always that.

Thought you were done posting in this thread? Too much negativity and all that? Plus, your intelligence is waves about all of the others here that don't share your views, right?
Yea, I guess if i need to be politicaly correct, I should have said "our". Guess I had the outdated concept of "right to anonymity" on my mind since I've been pretty much a loner all my life. My mistake, sorry, I'll try and get back in line. Don't want to upset the "groupthink"
Thanks for the reminder:D:)
I guess Nathan Hale should have said "our" also.:)
I'm a loner as well. I don't expect to change any time soon.

America is a nation made of people who searched for a better life the last several hundred years.Everyone of them were looked at wish fear and suspicion at first.

The advantage America has over Europe or any where else in the world is that we assimilate in a generation or 2. That is one thing that does made this country great.
I'm more interested in the cost of protection.

It's costing a fortune to protect the Trump family

For real...

"If the Pentagon secures rental space in Trump Tower - needed for when the president returns to New York - it could cost $1.5 million per year, according to the building's website."

Thought you were done posting in this thread? Too much negativity and all that? Plus, your intelligence is waves about all of the others here that don't share your views, right?
Ill post wherever and whenever i like Mr @Eman. It is pointless to try to talk any sense to those of you who get your viewpoints from the small percentage of this country who are already filthy rich and are afraid their way of life is threatened by Trump wanting and advocating change. You know, the media moguls and Hollywood. You must have a lot in common with those types. I however, do not fear change but im not materialistic. Id just like for those who actually have been forgotten by a government that has not represented them and their interests to be able to succeed and have the things you and i take for granted such as food, clothing and a roof over their heads.

With all of the real problems existing here, i actually find it disheartening and sad that the focus is on 1 singular personality(Trump) and those who have chosen to stand beside him. Are we truly worried about whether or not Ms Conway had her feet on an expensive couch? How nice it must be to focus on these kinds of issues when there are people living right next to you who go to soup kitchens for their meals.

Politics has a tendency to bring out the worst in people, myself included. Its an emotionally charged topic and i realize that I've gotten sucked into its depths to a point where i was not being very considerate to those with opposing views. To them i say im sorry, i really am. To @ronin17 , @MassTurk , BP , @Jeremiahflex and anyone else i got out of line with.
Ill post wherever and whenever i like Mr @Eman. It is pointless to try to talk any sense to those of you who get your viewpoints from the small percentage of this country who are already filthy rich and are afraid their way of life is threatened by Trump wanting and advocating change. You know, the media moguls and Hollywood. You must have a lot in common with those types. I however, do not fear change but im not materialistic. Id just like for those who actually have been forgotten by a government that has not represented them and their interests to be able to succeed and have the things you and i take for granted such as food, clothing and a roof over their heads.

With all of the real problems existing here, i actually find it disheartening and sad that the focus is on 1 singular personality(Trump) and those who have chosen to stand beside him. Are we truly worried about whether or not Ms Conway had her feet on an expensive couch? How nice it must be to focus on these kinds of issues when there are people living right next to you who go to soup kitchens for their meals.

Politics has a tendency to bring out the worst in people, myself included. Its an emotionally charged topic and i realize that I've gotten sucked into its depths to a point where i was not being very considerate to those with opposing views. To them i say im sorry, i really am. To @ronin17 , @MassTurk , BP , @Jeremiahflex and anyone else i got out of line with.

Well speaking of media moguls and Hollywood, here's a no no viewpoint from the crazy anti-Semetics in response to what I posted a few day's ago.

" Unz’s article offers dumb or no solutions except to continue the capitalist status quo. But it thoroughly analyses the basis of identity politics and unintentionally shows the use of racism for plutocratic hegemony in U.S. politics, culture, and economy.
Its dissection of the facts is excellent. What’s bizarre is that it completely overlooks the problem—total control of public opinion by monopoly media owned by a handful of Zionist plutocrats—and of electoral politics by those same plutocrats by the sheer force of money to hire party staff and, above all, public relations research so the parties will know what lies the masses want to hear through those media. And it overlooks the only solution: tax the rich and use our resources to provide housing, medical care, education, and dignified employment to our own people (Deleted). And that won’t happen because the hegemony of Zionist plutocrats is virtually absolute."

NO..I didn't write this. And NO I'm not anti-Semetic.... Just anti-Zionist.
Look at this!... I've been attacked and badgered so much about this taboo subject I feel I need to apologize up-front:eek:
I Don't know who owns or controls Hollywood or the media!...:confused::)
Um, i believe Donald Trump refused the yearly salary us taxpayers wouldve paid him to be president. By all means continue your jump on the train mentality and i can assure you that the likes you receive in this thread alone will send you to the coveted "wkm" status. You will still be a nobody to most of us but you and Scally will be friends so theres always that.
Why you mad bro? Also what difference does it make if he turns down a yearly salary if he's still living lavish on our tax dollars. Edit: yea let's not attack one another, I never get mad over this stuff (maybe sometimes)everyone has a right to their views
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IMG_0385.JPG Makes sense. The billionaire whose properties make the white house look like a suburban ghetto became president so that he could live lavish on our tax dollars. You must have him confused with the Clintons. I now understand how a meme that stupid could be regurgitated.
Read this and then come talk to me:
View attachment 62605 Makes sense. The billionaire whose properties make the white house look like a suburban ghetto became president so that he could live lavish on our tax dollars. You must have him confused with the Clintons. I now understand how a meme that stupid could be regurgitated.
Read this and then come talk to me:
Speaking of the Clintons...their a pair....been following them since he was the Arkanasas Governer in 78....
View attachment 62605 Makes sense. The billionaire whose properties make the white house look like a suburban ghetto became president so that he could live lavish on our tax dollars. You must have him confused with the Clintons. I now understand how a meme that stupid could be regurgitated.
Read this and then come talk to me:

Honestly you can't trust any of these corrupt politicians, but to think Trump is not like the rest is crazy to me. Shady shit with the Russians, and hiding his tax returns is not even half of the stuff that will be brought to light. Seems even fox news is turning on him. Lifting/easing sanctions on Russian fsb. None of that smells right. Defend him if you like but with something more then deflecting to other shitty people or calling us idiots.