Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Critics are charging that billionaire investor Carl Icahn has used his position as Donald Trump’s deregulatory czar to strong-arm the ethanol lobby into agreeing to a change that will save one of Icahn’s companies $200 million a year.

If so, this would be the most obvious example yet of crony capitalism in the Trump era.

Trump named Icahn as deregulatory czar in December, saying he would be “a leader in helping American entrepreneurs shed job-killing regulations that stifle economic growth.” But because Icahn was a “special adviser” to the president with no formal White House position, the administration said he did not have to divest from any of his prodigious financial holdings. At the time, observers noted that Icahn would have a perfect opportunity to advise on deregulatory actions that would line his own pockets.

Tyson Slocum, director of the Energy Program at Public Citizen, said that is exactly what has come to pass. “There’s no question that Icahn is playing a very big role here,” he said. “People need to call it what it is, the administration manipulating the system.”

Didn't read this article but how many Mexican and Central American youths have been and are crossing this border daily, monthly, yearly? Are most of them looking for and getting jobs as cooks or gardners? I tried looking up a list of gangs and sizes and locations...pretty impressive.
( - "Mexican transnational criminal organizations (TCOs) remain the greatest criminal drug threat to the United States; no other group can challenge them in the near term," says the released on Wednesday by the Drug Enforcement Administration.

"These Mexican poly-drug organizations traffic heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine, and marijuana throughout the United States, using established transportation routes and distribution networks," the report says"
Didn't read this article but how many Mexican and Central American youths have been and are crossing this border daily, monthly, yearly? Are most of them looking for and getting jobs as cooks or gardners? I tried looking up a list of gangs and sizes and locations...pretty impressive.
( - "Mexican transnational criminal organizations (TCOs) remain the greatest criminal drug threat to the United States; no other group can challenge them in the near term," says the released on Wednesday by the Drug Enforcement Administration.

"These Mexican poly-drug organizations traffic heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine, and marijuana throughout the United States, using established transportation routes and distribution networks," the report says"

Very true. And should be dealt with Within the criminal justice system and ICE. As a progressive my only reservation is the way to handle it with that wall. Those drugs and gang members come through the border In way of tunnels not walking across the border. So I guess the only place I would disagree with you is how to stop it. 20+ billion dollar wall is the most expensive Band-Aid on a broken bone. Doesn't make much sense
Very true. And should be dealt with Within the criminal justice system and ICE. As a progressive my only reservation is the way to handle it with that wall. Those drugs and gang members come through the border In way of tunnels not walking across the border. So I guess the only place I would disagree with you is how to stop it. 20+ billion dollar wall is the most expensive Band-Aid on a broken bone. Doesn't make much sense
We should probably just give that money to Iran and Solyndra instead ;).