Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Very true. And should be dealt with Within the criminal justice system and ICE. As a progressive my only reservation is the way to handle it with that wall. Those drugs and gang members come through the border In way of tunnels not walking across the border. So I guess the only place I would disagree with you is how to stop it. 20+ billion dollar wall is the most expensive Band-Aid on a broken bone. Doesn't make much sense
I don't think we have a disagreement. I don't believe I've taken a stance one way or the other on anything except maybe my intense dislike of the Clintons and politicians in general. My opinion on a wall is that it's a stupid Idea. So we have to deal not only with illegal immigration inbound but also with the 11 million or so that are already here. Any thoughts? Anyone have a realistic solution?....Probably not... Don't think there is one!
In November 2011, the former governor of Texas famously forgot that the U.S. Energy Department was one of the agencies he had pledged to eliminate if he were to become president.

Pence had his email hacked as govoner of Indiana and the attorney General met with a top Russian spy! Lmao
Has anyone in the current administration not met with Russian spies?
Jared kushner also met with a top Russian spy:) send him to the same prison his father went to. Except this bitch goes down for treason.
Trump’s World Increasingly Shaped by Fox News, and Fox by Trump
Trump’s World Increasingly Shaped by Fox News, and Fox by Trump

Donald Trump’s TV viewing habits have changed since he became president -- networks he views as hostile have fallen out of favor, Fox News is in heavy rotation -- creating an unusually close relationship between a president and a news outlet.

Long a voracious consumer of cable news, Trump has cut back how much he watches CNN and MSNBC in recent weeks, having sworn off the latter network’s “Morning Joe” after criticism from its hosts, according to a senior White House aide privy to the president’s viewing habits.

Instead, the president now spends hours some mornings watching Fox News, switching occasionally to CNBC for business headlines, along with a daily diet of newspapers and press clippings, said the official, who asked not to be identified discussing private information. On the evenings when he doesn’t have a dinner or briefing, Trump will spend most of his TV-viewing time watching Fox News shows hosted by Bill O’Reilly or Sean Hannity, the aide said.