Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

It is not illegal in Oklahoma for public officials to use private email as long as they are retained and made available as public records. Pruitt's use of the private account appears to directly contradict statements he made last month as part of his Senate confirmation.

In a written questionnaire, Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., asked Pruitt whether he had ever conducted state business using personal email accounts. Pruitt responded: "I use only my official OAG email address and government issued phone to conduct official business."
Why People Are So Averse to Facts

There is more than one reason this is happening. But, one reason I think the alternative facts industry has been so effective has to do with a concept social scientists call the “backfire effect.” As a rule, misinformed people do not change their minds once they have been presented with facts that challenge their beliefs. But, beyond simply not changing their minds when they should, research shows that they are likely to become more attached to their mistaken beliefs. The factual information “backfires.” When people don’t agree with you, research suggests that bringing in facts to support your case might actually make them believe you less. In other words, fighting the ill-informed with facts is like fighting a grease fire with water. It seems like it should work, but it’s actually going to make things worse.

Well what do you know.... I guess the real answer to immigration issue was the One all liberals had been screaming for a decade......
comprehensive immigration bill that's inclusive of the 11 million plus illegals having legal status!!!
Mr Trump finally started governing maybe?????? I'm uplifted for a minute let see what comes out of his speech!!!!
Just How Abnormal Is the Trump Presidency? Rating 20 Events.

It’s understandable if President Trump’s first month in office has left your head spinning, given the pace of news, the middle-of-the-night Twitter posts and the vows to upend Washington.

To help us get our bearings, we asked experts across the ideological spectrum — people who have served in government or studied the way governments work — to rate 20 news events for importance and abnormality. More often than not, the administration’s actions have been both highly unusual and highly consequential, The Upshot’s 15 survey panelists said.

We asked our panelists: Was the event normal, like the veto of a bill in a prior administration? Or was it highly unusual in contemporary American democracy, like ordering newspapers to suspend publication of the Pentagon Papers? Also, was it unimportant, with limited or no consequences for federal policy, like the menu for a state dinner? Or was it important, creating lasting and significant changes in policy, like the establishment of Social Security?

On average, more than half the events were rated abnormal and important. The most extreme instances, they said, were the immigration ban; the use of falsehoods; and the president’s business conflicts of interest. The Supreme Court nomination and immigration raids were on average considered normal but important. The experts thought just two of the events would have limited or no policy consequences: the firing of the acting attorney general and Kellyanne Conway’s promotion of Ivanka Trump’s products.

Below are all 20 items, grouped by their quadrant on our reality-check matrix.
You are the only one who has the balls to call this what it is my friend. It is a class war and the majority for the first time facing being a minority and it's a scary times for the whites who ruled this country forever.
Actually MassTurk I really thought everybody knew this. The demograhics have been changing for a long time. And I personally do not want to be a minority in my own country. A long long time ago when I'd come back from somewhere else, from some airport that had guy's with automatic weapons and dogs walking around and a dozen languages I couIdn't understand I would always say to myself...Whew..finally home.
Well ...It doesn't quite feel like home anymore. I don't particurally like this guy Trump and I don't like a lot of what he's doing. But then again I didn't like that Bleep or her husband either.
We'll see what happens..Don't think it will be pretty one way ot the other!:eek: