Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Donald Trump is now the least popular American politician in three decades
Donald Trump is now the least popular American politician in three decades

For months, as Donald Trump lurched from controversy to controversy, commentators marveled that his voters remained loyal: Trump is impervious to political attack, some said.

Not so. Trump wasn't immune; analysts were just failing to look at the whole board.

While Trump’s polarizing campaign did not dent his standing with core supporters in the Republican primaries, it took a punishing toll on how the rest of the electorate views him. Trump’s image, which was poor even before he ran for president, has plunged to an unequaled low. Among scores of major political figures measured in polls over the last 30 years, Trump’s numbers are the worst.

If Trump were to win the GOP presidential nomination with his current public image, he would be the most unpopular nominee in the history of U.S. opinion surveys, veteran Democratic pollster Peter Hart said in an email.

“By a lot,” he added.

The share of Americans with an unfavorable view of Trump is extraordinary: 68% in the most recent Bloomberg poll, 67% in the CNN/ORC survey, 67% in the ABC/Washington Post poll, 65% from Gallup. The 57% unfavorable rating he received in the most recent CBS/New York Times survey looks mild by comparison.

Punish Women Over Abortions, Mr. Trump? They Already Are Being Punished.

Chris Matthews’ recent interview with Donald Trump on MSNBC is, in my view, the most important exchange on abortion in television history.

Matthews excelled on two points. First, he forced Trump to answer a hard question thoughtfully. Then he brought clarity to the absurdity of the so-called “pro-life” position on abortion.

The “Hardball” daily news show host is renowned for a blunt style that nails his subjects at the most vulnerable point of their position. Matthews exposed not only the weakness of Trump’s intellectual capacity, but the weakness of the anti-abortion movement’s foundational goal.

“I’ve never understood the pro-life position,” Matthews said. He asked Trump a series of the most basic questions anti-abortion advocates must answer: “Should a woman be punished for having an abortion? ... If you say that abortion is a crime or abortion is murder, you have to deal with it under the law. … Do you believe in punishment for abortion, yes or no, as a principle?”

All Donald Trump, all the time: How our dumbed-down media creates a dumbed-down electorate
All Donald Trump, all the time: How our dumbed-down media creates a dumbed-down electorate

We live in an age where journalists are dedicated to generating outrage. The question in editorial meetings is not, “How can we best inform our audience?” Rather, editors and producers want to know, “How can we get viewers, listeners and readers angry? How can we generate heat so they’ll keep watching, listening and reading?”

We live in an age where the priority at most news organizations is no longer to enlighten the public; it’s to attract and hold the audience. The concept of news as a prestige loss leader went out the window at the TV networks many years ago. Today, it’s all about ratings and eyeballs. That’s the case for virtually all news organizations struggling under the economic weight of an Internet that has vastly increased the flow of information but made its users think news is a commodity one need not pay for, since an endless supply of it is available gratis online.

We live in an age where political reporting is all about the horse race, not about issues that impact voters and determine the future of the nation. When was the last time you watched a story devoted entirely to policy positions? Given their scarcity, one has to actively search for policy stories, but how many Americans take the time to dig beneath the surface of the latest campaign news?

You know, Trump is either lethally economically stupid, or insane. Wait, I'm going for "both". Sorry to belabor the obvious, but the presumptive Republican nominee has no fucking idea what he's talking about. On literally every subject. Run, Trump, Run!!!

In a revealing interview, Trump predicts a ‘massive recession’ but intends to eliminate the national debt in 8 years (In a revealing interview, Trump predicts a ‘massive recession’ but intends to eliminate the national debt in 8 years)
Transcript: Donald Trump interview with Bob Woodward and Robert Costa (Transcript: Donald Trump interview with Bob Woodward and Robert Costa)

On Thursday, Donald Trump, with campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, press secretary Hope Hicks and son Donald Trump Jr., sat down at the soon-to-be-finished Trump International Hotel in Washington with reporters Bob Woodward and Robert Costa. Over the course of the discussion, the Republican front-runner made it clear that he would govern in the same nontraditional way that he has campaigned, tossing aside decades of American policy and custom in favor of a new, Trumpian approach to the world.

Here is a lightly edited transcript of the interview. (Man climbs Vancouver's Trump tower to send Donald Trump a message)
Larry Flynt unveils Trump porn parody
By NICK GASS 04/11/16 02:21 PM EDT

Larry Flynt, whose Hustler studio in 2008 brought the world the political pornographic satire "Who's Nailin' Paylin," announced Monday that Donald Trump will be the subject of his latest porn parody video, titled simply "The Donald."

“The downward spiral of name-calling in the GOP Presidential primary campaign is a national embarrassment and an insult to the intelligence of the American people,” Flynt said in a press release circulated by his management group, “but it’s also the perfect catalyst for the debauchery that HUSTLER Video has concocted in ‘THE DONALD.’ This parody is my contribution to the most entertaining Republican Party contest in recent history.”

Read more: Larry Flynt unveils Trump porn parody