Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

lmfao... Poor Melania...
Melania Trump on Her Rise, Her Family Secrets, and Her True Political Views: “Nobody Will Ever Know”
Melania Trump Speaks! Her Rise, Her Family Secrets, and Her True Political Views: “Nobody Will Ever Know”

How does a shy ex-model make her way from Slovenia to, just maybe, the White House? To Melania Trump—and to the people who know her back home—her journey to marrying The Donald is like a fairy tale, or a too-crazy-to-believe rom-com. It’s a story full of naked ambition, stunning beauty, a shockingly Trump-like dad, and even some family secrets. Maybe she’s made for Washington after all.
Who’s Afraid of Donald Trump? (Scott Adams Blog)

For new readers:

I have already disavowed Donald Trump for being scary. And by that I mean he scares my fellow citizens, which I find unacceptable.

My policy views don’t line up with any of the candidates’ positions, including Trump’s. I don’t vote and I am not a member of a political party. I try to avoid identifying with any political label because doing so would make me biased and less credible.

My interest in Trump is his persuasion skills. I have never seen better.

— start —

A Donald Trump presidency might offer a once-in-a-lifetime chance to fire the government of the United States.

Whatever that means.

If you support Trump, you probably think it means he will remove the influence of big money and make common-sense decisions based on good advice. That sounds like a good thing.

If you are anti-Trump, you probably fear he will acquire too much control and become a crazy racist dictator who declares war on China. For the record, I think that would be a bad thing.

So how would you assess the risk/reward of a Trump presidency? I’ll help you put the question in context, then you decide.

I think it's scary to have a President Clinton who is without any question the biggest flop flopper. Anti-Iraq but very pro-Libya, pro-Egypt and pro-Syrian wars. For the record, when I did my master's thesis, I had a class on international human rights. We had to look at any 5 countries of our choosing and analyze their shifts in Human Rights conditions from 2009 and 2013 to see if any changed; plus the State Departmenrs infographic map would only display 5 years back. Just for kicks I chose Libya. According to the Satate Departments data, Libya was in the green, as far as Human Rights were concerned, in 2009. In 2013, they were the darkest Amber. So they went from being the only Northern African Nation with a good human rights rating, to the worst. The same goes with Egypt in regards to nation toppling. The Bush-Clinton policy on nation Toppling has never and will never benefit the people of this nation.

If that isn't enough, any person with a secret clearance or higher knows full well her email story is a sham. If you look at the laws governing OPSEC, everything she did is explained in idiot proof training taken by any e2 fresh out of basic (Google DoD cyberawareness training v2.0). I.e. Any person in any branch headed to their military tech school knows better than to do what Hillary did with the server. What pisses me off is that the witch hunters on the right typically do not cite any of the documents governing OPSEC, and the Clintonites on the left refuse to research it or they say "Condy and Powell did it and Bush started the Iraq War." To me, a presidential candidate who is a known stolen valor shill and an OPSEC retard has now right to decide on anybody going to war.

People on all sides conveniently forget HR 4655, signed by Clinton in 98, that called for a new Iraqi Government.

Here are the documents governing OPSEC for those who want to look:

This source here is for the SAP level clearance. Only a few people have this clearance. This is the manual that governs access to above Top Secret data: This source here is the NDA that she signed and that every person with a clearance must sign (Form 11-90): ^^Worth noting is that the Secretary did not date it properly at the bottom (I love pointing that out because most in the military would have to sign a new one). This source here is the Executive Order 13526. Worth noting is found in 1.1 item (d) that states that all foreign government information being disclosed is automatically born classified, but a lot of other interesting points in there: This deals with SCI and is called the M1 This here is the FOIA website and has all of Hillary's emails: Virtual Reading Room Documents Search Results

Oh and just for kicks, here are the donors to the Clinton donation: Contributor and Grantor Information

And a very legitimate opinion on Hillary Clinton from a SEAL regarding stolen valor: Hillary stolen valor:
The Great Trump Reshuffle

A general election that pits Hillary Clinton against Donald Trump will produce a decisively more affluent and better educated Democratic presidential electorate and a decidedly less affluent and less educated Republican one than in any previous election going back as far as 1976.

It is no secret that Trump is the driving force behind this year’s reconfigured coalition on the right. He has successfully appealed to middle- and lower-income white voters motivated by opposition to liberalized attitudes and social norms on matters of race, immigration and women’s rights.

Public Opinion Strategies, a Republican polling firm, analyzed a survey conducted in April by NBC and The Wall Street Journal. Respondents were asked to choose between Clinton and Trump, and the results demonstrate that there will be substantial shifts in the income and education levels of Democratic and Republican voters, at least as far as this presidential election is concerned.

Trump is the smartest candidate: He’s running on American pain
Trump is the smartest candidate: He’s running on American pain

In 2008, the United States plunged into a massive recession from which it never recovered. Unemployment soared, full-time careers were converted to part-time gigs and middle-class jobs were replaced by low-paid positions. In the midst of this financial collapse, Donald Trump achieved popularity as the host of the reality-television series The Apprentice.

His catchphrase was “You’re fired.” And Americans loved him for it.

This is the psychology of Donald Trump. He sells the suffering of others as a salve to the wounded. The smartest thing any candidate can do in the 2016 election is run on American pain. That is the U.S. growth industry in an era of economic decimation, war recovery and racial strife.

Unlike Hillary Clinton, who seeks to continue Barack Obama’s legacy, or Bernie Sanders, who offers hope through sweeping change, Mr. Trump hones in on anguish. He assures Americans that their fate is not their fault. He pledges to end their pain. And he does so by promising the public persecution of the most vulnerable citizens: ethnic, religious and racial minorities.

In Mr. Trump’s campaign, long-time losers – the mostly white industrial workers whose jobs began to disappear in the Reagan era – are promised to become instant winners, through means he has yet to articulate. The rest will be fired: denounced, deported, devalued. Mr. Trump redefines America through the politics of exclusion. He is tearing the country apart, and he will likely win what is left of it in November.

Trump on CNN: "I've given up a tremendous amount to run for president. I gave up two more seasons of Celebrity Apprentice." Not The Onion.
How Trump supporters view Trump:

Right-Wing Extremists Hail the Ascension of ‘Emperor Trump’ as GOP Nominee
Right-Wing Extremists Hail the Ascension of ‘Emperor Trump’ as GOP Nominee

White supremacists, nationalists and antigovernment conspiracists feverishly embrace the Republican candidate as their Great White Hope, not to mention a 'Patriot sleeper cell.'

It’s a happy time out there in the land of the extremists.

“White men in America and across the planet are partying like it’s 1999 following Trump’s decisive victory over the evil enemies of our race,” (exulted) Andrew Anglin at the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer.

"He is getting white people excited for the first time in my memory,” said a Stormfront participant. “Look at the crowds when he gets the cameras to pan out. They're huge (or should I say YUGE?) and almost 100% white. It is fantastic to see.”

Conspiracy-meister Alex Jones, in the meantime, embraced Trump as being "basically like a Patriot sleeper cell," but warned him darkly against betraying their movement to fight "the New World Order."

“I absolutely do believe that this is an important day, a pivotal day,” proclaimed David Duke. “It really has been a referendum on nationalism. It has been a referendum on populism. It’s been a referendum on political correctness. It’s been a referendum against the controlled Establishment, both the media and the political Establishment in America. And so far, Trump has whipped them.”

The Internet was buzzing this week with the celebratory boasts of a broad range of right-wing extremists, from the ranks of neo-Nazi haters, Klansmen and other white supremacists, to the hunkered-down conspiracy-spinning paranoids of the antigovernment movement – all of them cheering on their new hero, Donald Trump, after he secured the Republican nomination for the 2016 election this week. Most of them made it clear he was perhaps the first presidential candidate most of them could get behind unreservedly.

“Why not take a chance on him?” asked one Stormfront participant. “The choice of Clinton vs cuckservative isn't particularly good. Trump, by contrast, has said/proposed many things that are more implicitly pro-white than anything offered by an American politician in my lifetime.”

“Trump doesn't have to support our movement to help us save our people from what is being done to us: All he has to do is stand up for what's right and it will badly damage the anti-White agenda,” observed another Stormfront member. “They know this. They cheat to get ahead. If cheating is prohibited, their power evaporates.”

Anglin, who also posted a long page’s worth of exultant memes celebrating Trump’s ascension, was downright giddy at (The Daily Stormer): “This is a buzz that won’t soon wear off. Sort of like an IV drip of pure cocaine. Or perhaps like having a computer chip implanted in your brain which electronically stimulates continual dopamine release.”

Anglin also (promoted) a bizarre “parody” video made by someone under the nom de plume “Aryan Wisdom” in which the faces of Trump, President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and a host of other political and media figures have been superimposed over the action of the film 300, and the soundtrack features actual speeches by Trump.

Right-Wing Extremists Hail the Ascension of ‘Emperor Trump’ as GOP Nominee
Right-Wing Extremists Hail the Ascension of ‘Emperor Trump’ as GOP Nominee

White supremacists, nationalists and antigovernment conspiracists feverishly embrace the Republican candidate as their Great White Hope, not to mention a 'Patriot sleeper cell.'

It’s a happy time out there in the land of the extremists.

“White men in America and across the planet are partying like it’s 1999 following Trump’s decisive victory over the evil enemies of our race,” (exulted) Andrew Anglin at the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer.

"He is getting white people excited for the first time in my memory,” said a Stormfront participant. “Look at the crowds when he gets the cameras to pan out. They're huge (or should I say YUGE?) and almost 100% white. It is fantastic to see.”

Conspiracy-meister Alex Jones, in the meantime, embraced Trump as being "basically like a Patriot sleeper cell," but warned him darkly against betraying their movement to fight "the New World Order."

“I absolutely do believe that this is an important day, a pivotal day,” proclaimed David Duke. “It really has been a referendum on nationalism. It has been a referendum on populism. It’s been a referendum on political correctness. It’s been a referendum against the controlled Establishment, both the media and the political Establishment in America. And so far, Trump has whipped them.”

The Internet was buzzing this week with the celebratory boasts of a broad range of right-wing extremists, from the ranks of neo-Nazi haters, Klansmen and other white supremacists, to the hunkered-down conspiracy-spinning paranoids of the antigovernment movement – all of them cheering on their new hero, Donald Trump, after he secured the Republican nomination for the 2016 election this week. Most of them made it clear he was perhaps the first presidential candidate most of them could get behind unreservedly.

“Why not take a chance on him?” asked one Stormfront participant. “The choice of Clinton vs cuckservative isn't particularly good. Trump, by contrast, has said/proposed many things that are more implicitly pro-white than anything offered by an American politician in my lifetime.”

“Trump doesn't have to support our movement to help us save our people from what is being done to us: All he has to do is stand up for what's right and it will badly damage the anti-White agenda,” observed another Stormfront member. “They know this. They cheat to get ahead. If cheating is prohibited, their power evaporates.”

Anglin, who also posted a long page’s worth of exultant memes celebrating Trump’s ascension, was downright giddy at (The Daily Stormer): “This is a buzz that won’t soon wear off. Sort of like an IV drip of pure cocaine. Or perhaps like having a computer chip implanted in your brain which electronically stimulates continual dopamine release.”

Anglin also (promoted) a bizarre “parody” video made by someone under the nom de plume “Aryan Wisdom” in which the faces of Trump, President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and a host of other political and media figures have been superimposed over the action of the film 300, and the soundtrack features actual speeches by Trump.

I prefer putting myself and my family and the families of those who pay taxes and are in this country legally before citizens of another country, regardless of race. If that makes me an "ist" of any kind, sign me up sir.