Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

And, as is Trump’s wont and calling card, he oversold his voters a bill of goods that he would never be able to deliver. The Pied Piper of pipe dreams did in politics what he had done in business: He got people to buy into a success mythology in which he was a wizard. In this mythology, ethics, honor and truth are casualties.

Everything is going to be the greatest and the best and the most successful simply because he deems it so.

But now, the legend of Trump, the one most rigid in his own mind, is rubbing up against the harsh reality of presidential politics, where cooperation is needed and accountability is demanded. In this new world, Trumpism appears brittle, hollow and impotent.

No matter your politics, Trump’s first weeks in office have been a disaster, as his rush to action, lack of focus and absence of acuity have led him to calamitous missteps and conspiratorial misstatements.

And now his oversold promises are being exposed for the lies they were — draining the swamp in Washington, forcing Mexico to pay for his ridiculous southern border wall, the incredibly defective Obamacare repeal and replacement proposal.

In January, Trump oversold again in an interview with The Washington Post about what he would deliver. The Post reported Trump’s comments this way:

“We’re going to have insurance for everybody,” Trump said. “There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.” People covered under the law “can expect to have great health care. It will be in a much simplified form. Much less expensive and much better.”

But the plan just announced and endorsed by Trump doesn’t even come close to delivering on this promise. Not only would prices most likely rise for many Trump voters, but millions of Americans would be at risk of losing coverage under the plan.

Not only that, but as NBC reported last month:

“Donald Trump’s most ardent supporters are likely to be hit the hardest if he makes good on his promise to dismantle the Affordable Care Act and embark on trade wars with China and Mexico.”

The report continued:

“An analysis by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 6.3 million of the 11.5 million Americans who used the A.C.A. marketplace to buy their insurance last year live in Republican congressional districts. Policy analysts say that a rollback of the A.C.A. would hurt older and rural Americans — two populations that favored Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton in the presidential election.”

As he has done his whole life, Trump has sold those who follow him as some sort of money-drenched messiah a bill of goods, but this time the lie is likely to manifest in loss of life, as sick people lose coverage.

Donald Trump has sold his supporters — and by extension, this country — a ticket to hell.

Although the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was not designed with the opioid epidemic in mind, it provides valuable tools for expanding access to medication treatment: major health insurance coverage expansions through Medicaid and the establishment of state health insurance marketplaces, inclusion of addiction treatment as an essential health benefit that existing insurance plans must cover, and requirements that benefits for treatment of opioid use disorder be provided at parity with coverage of medical and surgical procedures. The dramatic rise in opioid use disorders has prompted many states to take a hard look at deficiencies in their current systems of treatment and to leverage opportunities presented by the ACA for addressing them.

Yet the future of the ACA is precarious at best. President Donald Trump has professed his intention to repeal the law, with the support of a Republican-dominated Congress. Through Medicaid expansion and state health insurance marketplaces, the ACA has extended health insurance coverage to at least 20 million Americans who would otherwise have been uninsured. This population includes more than 2 million Americans with substance use disorders, an estimated one third of whom have opioid use disorders.

Because the ACA includes addiction treatment as an essential health benefit, Medicaid expansion programs and qualified health plans offered on state health insurance marketplaces are required to cover at least some form of treatment for opioid use disorder to all these newly insured Americans. If the ACA is repealed, they will lose coverage for such treatment, including medication treatment. Lifesaving drugs such as buprenorphine and extended-release naltrexone are costly and financially out of reach for many uninsured people.

For millions more Americans, a total repeal of the ACA could reverse the expansion of parity requirements stipulated in the 2008 Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) to include all private plans, including those offered in the state health insurance marketplaces, as well as Medicaid expansion programs.
He's a class act. I wonder what ever happened to his molestation vics. Could be that they are in a Siberian gulag.

More news on Rump and Russian connection every day. Now the education Secretary's hubby is involved. Where does it all end? Impeachment hopefully.
Should've used the old cigar up the twat move like Billy. Now that there is class! Only if its a cuban though. Lol
The axis of evil: President Donald J Rump, the Vice President aka the albino and speaker of the house Eddy Munster.

Should've used the old cigar up the twat move like Billy. Now that there is class! Only if its a cuban though. Lol

Except monica luinsky was an adult. Trumps accusers were underage. Before you say fake news, the minors parents settled out of court. voted for and support a pedophile.

Make America great again! One minor at a time.
Not sure what you mean here. If you mean I got this term from blogs the answer is, no. I made it up. If it has been used elsewhere then it's not from me reading blogs. It's because the shoe fits, lol.

What I meant was you've used the term liberal jihadist or radical liberal jihadist pretty loosely to describe things you're not in agreement with or think is fake or to describe someone on the other end of the spectrum from yourself. I then asked, since you seem to be at the opposite end of the "liberal jihadis", if that would make you a conservative or far right jihadist. You replied to me you don't post anything you only found on blogs to which I responded, that many times you've used the term liberal jihadist, it had no dependence upon using blogs as a source.
Don't know where this came from but..."denigerate Secretary Clinton" ?? You got to be kidding!

Came from the office of the DNI.

I think they mean denigrate in that the Russians targeted only Clinton and not Trump. The unfairly connotation in the word denigrate I don't think is meaning to imply there is nothing to criticize Clinton about bc there's a ton of material to criticize her about.
What I meant was you've used the term liberal jihadist or radical liberal jihadist pretty loosely to describe things you're not in agreement with or think is fake or to describe someone on the other end of the spectrum from yourself. I then asked, since you seem to be at the opposite end of the "liberal jihadis", if that would make you a conservative or far right jihadist. You replied to me you don't post anything you only found on blogs to which I responded, that many times you've used the term liberal jihadist, it had no dependence upon using blogs as a source.

Liberal jihadIst out there burning cars, causing and inflicting violence, marching in the streets and stopping traffic, shutting down businesses, etc, etc. You wouldn't see the other side attempting to destroy the nation because they didn't get their way. Liberals have declared jihad against America.
Liberal jihadIst out there burning cars, causing and inflicting violence, marching in the streets and stopping traffic, shutting down businesses, etc, etc. You wouldn't see the other side attempting to destroy the nation because they didn't get their way. Liberals have declared jihad against America.

You've used the term to describe news sources. Don't move the goal posts now.
I'm really not for trump but not fully against him. He seems to look out for us military but praying he don't get us killed lol. He has no damn filter lol. I just want to preserve the peace and retire
No goal post being moved. They are a faction of the liberal extremists that have declared jihad on America.

Care to point out where in these quotes anyone burned cars or resorted to violence???

You just got caught spreading fake news. Just because the liberal jihadist say it loud and proud doesn't make it true.

I'm trying to look into the whole Steve Bannon being racist thing and coming up pretty empty. I see where some on the left are back tracking and I see where a few radical liberal jihadist are trying to reach hard to make that point by connecting some outlandish dots, but I dont see it. can you post some of the things that show he's racist?
Liberal jihadIst out there burning cars, causing and inflicting violence, marching in the streets and stopping traffic, shutting down businesses, etc, etc. You wouldn't see the other side attempting to destroy the nation because they didn't get their way. Liberals have declared jihad against America.
Extremists groups said they would start killing blacks if Trump lost. Race driven hate crimes have gone way up since Trump became pres. Running people off the road and killing them, family's being harassed. What do you call these people?

President Donald Trump has spent less than 15 minutes in the same room as reporters since he claimed on Twitter over the weekend, without evidence, that his campaign offices were wiretapped by his predecessor.

The upshot: He has yet to answer a single question about the accusation he made Saturday that former President Barack Obama had his “wires tapped” at Trump Tower, where he lived and worked during the presidential campaign.

A president can’t legally order a wiretap unilaterally, and Mr. Obama’s office flatly denied the charge.

Mr. Trump has offered no reason for his accusation, or any proof, and his allies on Capitol Hill were flummoxed by it, with many saying they have seen no evidence to support the president’s charge against Mr. Obama. White House press secretary Sean Spicer, faced with demands for evidence of the wiretapping, ultimately said the “tweets speak for themselves.”