Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

By the same token, do you think that if trump had any shred of evidence of being tapped, he'd have posted it by now on twitter? It's even more ridiculous to entertain the thought that Obama tapped trump until such a time that trump can provide evidence.

I honestly don't know on this one. I would assume this kind of stuff is happening all the time so it doesn't seem like some outlandish thing.
Liberal jihadIst out there burning cars, causing and inflicting violence, marching in the streets and stopping traffic, shutting down businesses, etc, etc. You wouldn't see the other side attempting to destroy the nation because they didn't get their way. Liberals have declared jihad against America.

I recall that guy that walked into a planned Parenthood and started shooting because they were performing abortions.

By your logic, all conservatives are violent individuals with guns that will kill when conservative ideals are not met.

Or how about the DC shooting that was caused by fake news about Hilary's pizza sex ring?

Ever heard of Kaylon Johnson? He was a black campaign worker for Obama. He was attacked following the election... Three white guys shouted “Fuck Obama!” and “Nigger president!” as they broke his nose and fractured his eye-socket, requiring surgery.

Here, a picture is worth a thousand words no?


Here's a pastor burning a dummy of Obama in protest, nothing jihadist looking about this:


Here's some more reading for you, the conservatives would never do anything like ALL the horrible liberals right:

Rights group monitoring reports of attacks on U.S. minorities since Trump win

I think the last rash of hate crimes to this extent occurred when Obama was elected... Go figure.

Although I could go on, I'll leave it at that. Your logic that conservatives don't and haven't done generally the same things that liberals have done in protest makes no sense to me and never has. I for one, don't label ALL conservatives or liberals nut jobs for it, but you cant say the same.

Ive spoken to a few people about this recently and it's true but kinda fucked up. Take Wal-Mart for instance they added about 10k jobs this year by giving people about 14-16 hour weeks. Allowing them to say they added a shit ton of jobs but not pushing out more wages or even adding stores. I actually spoke to management about this it's sad. Just enough to have a lil money and still get government aid. I'm sure many businesses are doing the same
Ive spoken to a few people about this recently and it's true but kinda fucked up. Take Wal-Mart for instance they added about 10k jobs this year by giving people about 14-16 hour weeks. Allowing them to say they added a shit ton of jobs but not pushing out more wages or even adding stores. I actually spoke to management about this it's sad. Just enough to have a lil money and still get government aid. I'm sure many businesses are doing the same
The same metric is being used. It's still a good report.
I recall that guy that walked into a planned Parenthood and started shooting because they were performing abortions.

By your logic, all conservatives are violent individuals with guns that will kill when conservative ideals are not met.

Or how about the DC shooting that was caused by fake news about Hilary's pizza sex ring?

Ever heard of Kaylon Johnson? He was a black campaign worker for Obama. He was attacked following the election... Three white guys shouted “Fuck Obama!” and “Nigger president!” as they broke his nose and fractured his eye-socket, requiring surgery.

Here, a picture is worth a thousand words no?

View attachment 63582

Here's a pastor burning a dummy of Obama in protest, nothing jihadist looking about this:

View attachment 63583

Here's some more reading for you, the conservatives would never do anything like ALL the horrible liberals right:

Rights group monitoring reports of attacks on U.S. minorities since Trump win

I think the last rash of hate crimes to this extent occurred when Obama was elected... Go figure.

Although I could go on, I'll leave it at that. Your logic that conservatives don't and haven't done generally the same things that liberals have done in protest makes no sense to me and never has. I for one, don't label ALL conservatives or liberals nut jobs for it, but you cant say the same.
There will be instances like this on all sides. Difference is... your side endorses it.
There will be instances like this on all sides. Difference is... your side endorses it.

There you go moving the goal posts AGAIN....

You stated "you wouldn't see the other side attempting to destroy the nation bc they didn't get their way".

And now you say "you'll see instances like this on all sides".

So now, not only are you spreading fake news, but you're also refusing to accept when you're wrong and move the goalposts to save face.

As to the point of seeing it on all sides, here's a couple excerpts I find interesting regarding the year 2015 and quoted from the. SPLC:

"Last year brought more domestic political violence, both from the American radical right and from American jihadists, than the nation has seen in many years (see timeline of violence, below)."


"They laid plans to attack courthouses, banks, festivals, funerals, schools, mosques, churches, synagogues, clinics, water treatment plants and power grids. They used firearms, bombs, C-4 plastic explosives, knives and grenades; one of them, a murderous Klansman, was convicted of trying to build a death ray."


"The bulk of that anger is coming from beleaguered working-class and, to a lesser extent, middle-class white people, especially the less educated — the very same groups that most vociferously support Trump. They are angry over the coming loss of a white majority (predicted for 2043 by the Census Bureau), the falling fortunes of the white working class, worsening income inequality, the rise of left-wing movements like Black Lives Matter, major advances for LGBT people, growing numbers of refugees and undocumented workers, terrorism, and more."

It seems as if Trump has given these people a new voice and platform with which to spread their destruction. While this falls short of an active endorsement, I've yet to see active endorsement of violence by the other side also; so please feel free to post where it's occurred.
There will be instances like this on all sides. Difference is... your side endorses it.

Yeah, my side... :rolleyes:

You've really taken to the alternative facts pretty heavily... I can keep citing instances to prove you wrong but your blinders will continue to stay on I guess. Par for the course with a conservative, they never believe they're wrong...
Yeah, my side... :rolleyes:

You've really taken to the alternative facts pretty heavily... I can keep citing instances to prove you wrong but your blinders will continue to stay on I guess. Par for the course with a conservative, they never believe they're wrong...

Don't forget moving the goalposts