Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

False. The majority have been peaceful protests, the violent instances are not nearly as common.

There have definitely been more overall protests against Trump, that's true. However, he also lost the popular vote by millions so that's not surprising.
Maybe he is referring to the kind of folks that rioted during wto in seattle. Are they left?
Exactly ; whats the low income/homeless gonna do with "tax credits" ?? , nothing....They"ll just keep going to the ER without missing a beat....;)
Without serious cost cutting and I mean serious, no healthcare system will work in this country. Start with pharmaceutical companies. If Americans cared enough to see how much Medicare is being billed they would be outraged.

This is why America is doomed. This government will be fucked in the ass until the country really does go broke, and its not the poor bankrupting us. We deserve it for being so fucking stupid and complacent.
Our governments ability to manage health care is shown very clearly by looking at the VA.
Its a total failure BECAUSE it's run by government. The government will act as the middle man in any system they create so its flawed from the start. People should be able to go directly to a provider without need for government intervention. It would be cheaper for everyone involved and the doctors who are willing and able could work with the patients who have financial problems.

The Governments only role in this process would be to protect the insured from being screwed over with ridiculous premiums, copays and over priced procedures. If our government even remotely cared about its populace, it would never allow billion dollar tycoons like UPMC to continue to monopolize health care.
There you go moving the goal posts AGAIN....

You stated "you wouldn't see the other side attempting to destroy the nation bc they didn't get their way".

And now you say "you'll see instances like this on all sides".

So now, not only are you spreading fake news, but you're also refusing to accept when you're wrong and move the goalposts to save face.

As to the point of seeing it on all sides, here's a couple excerpts I find interesting regarding the year 2015 and quoted from the. SPLC:

"Last year brought more domestic political violence, both from the American radical right and from American jihadists, than the nation has seen in many years (see timeline of violence, below)."


"They laid plans to attack courthouses, banks, festivals, funerals, schools, mosques, churches, synagogues, clinics, water treatment plants and power grids. They used firearms, bombs, C-4 plastic explosives, knives and grenades; one of them, a murderous Klansman, was convicted of trying to build a death ray."


"The bulk of that anger is coming from beleaguered working-class and, to a lesser extent, middle-class white people, especially the less educated — the very same groups that most vociferously support Trump. They are angry over the coming loss of a white majority (predicted for 2043 by the Census Bureau), the falling fortunes of the white working class, worsening income inequality, the rise of left-wing movements like Black Lives Matter, major advances for LGBT people, growing numbers of refugees and undocumented workers, terrorism, and more."

It seems as if Trump has given these people a new voice and platform with which to spread their destruction. While this falls short of an active endorsement, I've yet to see active endorsement of violence by the other side also; so please feel free to post where it's occurred.
Like I said, I'm not talking about instances of violence. I'm talking about a party that endorses the groups that cause the violence. I'm talking about riots and mobs not single instances. I can point out a mob of black lives matter protesters chanting kill cops especially the white ones and then black lives matter people actually kill cops and you come back with a guy walking into a church shooting people. Not the same. I can point out instances where the Democrat leaders including the president defending and clearly siding with said organizations and you can come back with white racist guy voted republican. I'm not moving the goal post. Your putting a net in front of it when it's my turn to kick a field goal.
Do doctors have a “duty to warn” if they believe a leader is dangerously mentally ill?

US healthcare professionals are not supposed to comment on patients they have not examined themselves, and they can only discuss their patients with others if they have the patient’s consent or consider that a patient is a threat to someone else.

But in recent weeks, debate has raged within the profession about whether, if experts believe US president Donald Trump is mentally ill, they have a duty to inform the public. Many who choose to speak out opine that he has the traits of a sociopath that fall under the diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder.

Two rules govern US healthcare professionals and patient confidentiality.

The Goldwater rule states that it is unethical for psychiatrists to diagnose mental illness in people they haven’t examined and whose consent they have not obtained. The rule was issued by the American Psychiatric Association in 1973 after it surveyed its members about Senator Barry Goldwater, then Republican nominee for president. Nearly half of the responding psychiatrists said he was mentally ill, and some described him as “paranoid” and “grossly psychotic.” Goldwater successfully …

Lenzer J. Do doctors have a “duty to warn” if they believe a leader is dangerously mentally ill? BMJ.


  • Do doctors have a “duty to warn” if they believe a leader is dangerously mentally ill.pdf
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Our governments ability to manage health care is shown very clearly by looking at the VA.
Its a total failure BECAUSE it's run by government. The government will act as the middle man in any system they create so its flawed from the start. People should be able to go directly to a provider without need for government intervention. It would be cheaper for everyone involved and the doctors who are willing and able could work with the patients who have financial problems.

The Governments only role in this process would be to protect the insured from being screwed over with ridiculous premiums, copays and over priced procedures. If our government even remotely cared about its populace, it would never allow billion dollar tycoons like UPMC to continue to monopolize health care.

The idea was in the beginning to provide healtcare to ALL Americans. The flaw is in controlling cost, so until the dems have a supermajority universal health care will not happen. We pay more to cover fewer people.

Most Americans are incoherent, but after trump we will have an awakening. If not fuck America for being naive and a nation of fucking sheep.