Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Do doctors have a “duty to warn” if they believe a leader is dangerously mentally ill?

US healthcare professionals are not supposed to comment on patients they have not examined themselves, and they can only discuss their patients with others if they have the patient’s consent or consider that a patient is a threat to someone else.

But in recent weeks, debate has raged within the profession about whether, if experts believe US president Donald Trump is mentally ill, they have a duty to inform the public. Many who choose to speak out opine that he has the traits of a sociopath that fall under the diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder.

Two rules govern US healthcare professionals and patient confidentiality.

The Goldwater rule states that it is unethical for psychiatrists to diagnose mental illness in people they haven’t examined and whose consent they have not obtained. The rule was issued by the American Psychiatric Association in 1973 after it surveyed its members about Senator Barry Goldwater, then Republican nominee for president. Nearly half of the responding psychiatrists said he was mentally ill, and some described him as “paranoid” and “grossly psychotic.” Goldwater successfully …

Lenzer J. Do doctors have a “duty to warn” if they believe a leader is dangerously mentally ill? BMJ.
For crying out load if the medical community doesn't speak out on trumps behavior who will?

I admit he can charm at moments, but all tyrants can. America is not fertile ground for a dictator just yet. Even the republican cunts in congress will object if spray tan man goes too far. We can thank our forefathers for having sense enough to incorporate safeguards into the constitution.
I can point out a mob of black lives matter protesters chanting kill cops especially the white ones and then black lives matter people actually kill cops and you come back with a guy walking into a church shooting people. Not the same.

Except it is the same. You're condemning an entire group over the actions of a smaller % of that group. You're calling that entire movement a terrorist group when that is NOT the reason for that group coming into existence.

The entire reason that movement was created was because of black people getting murdered, assaulted, falsely imprisoned, illegally searched etc etc etc.... Then when they resist and protest they are called a terrorist group.

I'm not saying everything they've done is good but I can't say much more for the police forces that are the cause for them coming into existence. A bunch of black people getting treated the way they are getting treated by police will tend to get violent, no fucking surprise there.
It's a small percentage.

Are you kidding? Even if it were, what kind of fucking excuse is that?

Educate yourself on what was found in Baltimore after they investigated and come back so we can discuss it accurately. It is widespread.

You know the doj found police forms that already had the words black male filled out on it? Let that sink in for a minute. Small percentage, lmao.
Are you kidding? Even if it were, what kind of fucking excuse is that?

Educate yourself on what was found in Baltimore after they investigated and come back so we can discuss it accurately. It is widespread.

You know the doj found police forms that already had the words black male filled out on it? Let that sink in for a minute. Small percentage, lmao.
Just pointing out the stupidity of the statement.
Just pointing out the stupidity of the statement.

Like I did yesterday to point out your flawed logic that all liberals are waging a jihad lol? Completely ignoring the fact your beloved conservative party does the same thing... Your bias is really profound.
Like I did yesterday to point out your flawed logic that all liberals are waging a jihad lol? Completely ignoring the fact your beloved conservative party does the same thing... Your bias is really profound.
Don't you think your bias is profound too? Isn't everybody's?
Another thing I've wondered is why do we do this? Thousands of posts and not one person changes their mind.
I'm not cutting on you. I'm here doing the same thing. We all are, although there's only about 5 of us left.
Don't you think your bias is profound too? Isn't everybody's?
Another thing I've wondered is why do we do this? Thousands of posts and not one person changes their mind.
I'm not cutting on you. I'm here doing the same thing. We all are, although there's only about 5 of us left.

Not particularly... I loathe Trump but I'm willing to admit if he does something I agree with.

The bias that blows me away is when Trump is seen as a savior to the nation but he's doing some pretty shady things and no supporters are batting an eyelash. He literally wants to make the rich richer to help middle America... And people support him and curse Obama in the same sentence on the same issue.

I'll agree, I'm harder on Trump than a completely unbiased person... But that's par for the course. He said only he could fix this country, he knows more than our generals... He ran on the premise he would fix every single issue we have in this country and make it great "again". So I'm expecting big things, none of which I expect him to deliver.
Not particularly... I loathe Trump but I'm willing to admit if he does something I agree with.

The bias that blows me away is when Trump is seen as a savior to the nation but he's doing some pretty shady things and no supporters are batting an eyelash. He literally wants to make the rich richer to help middle America... And people support him and curse Obama in the same sentence.

I'll agree, I'm harder on Trump than a completely unbiased person... But that's par for the course. He said only he could fix this country, he knows more than our generals... He ran on the premise he would fix every single issue we have in this country and make it great "again". So I'm expecting big things, none of which I expect him to deliver.
Fair enough. I'm willing to give him a chance and there was no way I was voting for Hillary (I voted for Bill twice, in one election, lol jk). I appreciate your honesty and while I don't agree with most of your viewpoint I can respect it. Carry on.
Like I did yesterday to point out your flawed logic that all liberals are waging a jihad lol? Completely ignoring the fact your beloved conservative party does the same thing... Your bias is really profound.
So you agree that liberals are waging jihad, but just that conservatives are as well?
But propaganda, like advertising, only strikes chords when the conditions are right. For all his ranting, Hitler could never have won widespread support if he had not been able to exploit the multiple miseries of the Depression. After 1929, Germans were receptive to his assertion that their sufferings were the evil fruits of the rotten Weimar system. The problem was not economic but political, he insisted, and it could only be solved by the restoration, under his leadership, of German might: “The key to the world market has the shape of the sword.” His means of grasping that sword was the Nazi party, which he organised entirely “to serve the propaganda of ideas”.

Once in power, Hitler deployed all the resources of the state and of modern technology to control German minds. He used terror and theatre, Dachau and Nuremberg. He communicated with hypnotic directness through the new media of radio and cinema – Leni Riefenstahl’s repellent film Triumph of the Will transformed propaganda into art. And Hitler engaged Josef Goebbels to impose ideological uniformity on Germany.

Death of truth: when propaganda and 'alternative facts' first gripped the world
But propaganda, like advertising, only strikes chords when the conditions are right. For all his ranting, Hitler could never have won widespread support if he had not been able to exploit the multiple miseries of the Depression. After 1929, Germans were receptive to his assertion that their sufferings were the evil fruits of the rotten Weimar system. The problem was not economic but political, he insisted, and it could only be solved by the restoration, under his leadership, of German might: “The key to the world market has the shape of the sword.” His means of grasping that sword was the Nazi party, which he organised entirely “to serve the propaganda of ideas”.

Once in power, Hitler deployed all the resources of the state and of modern technology to control German minds. He used terror and theatre, Dachau and Nuremberg. He communicated with hypnotic directness through the new media of radio and cinema – Leni Riefenstahl’s repellent film Triumph of the Will transformed propaganda into art. And Hitler engaged Josef Goebbels to impose ideological uniformity on Germany.

Death of truth: when propaganda and 'alternative facts' first gripped the world
Hitler walked hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Jews to their death because of their religion. When someone uses the Hitler reference to try and make a point it just shows their bias and ignorance. Wake me up when either political party starts executing people for no good reason.
So far trump is sticking to his guns. Finally a politician following through.

By sticking to your guns you mean still saying outrageous childish things without proof?

Yeah, he will always do that.

Sticking to his guns by sticking to his campaign promises? Big negative on that one.

No, the wall will be funded by Americans not mexico.

Providing better more affordable insurance. Nope! His healthcare plan will cost Americans more money than before.

Draining the swamp? Nope 95% of his staff are longtime Washington
Lobiysts and politicians.

Doing a better job for vets? Nope! He wants to privatize the va and basically give them a discount insurance card and they pay more out of pocket.

Do you guys even pay attention to the laws he has passed and the bills they are proposing?

Obviously not.
Don't you think your bias is profound too? Isn't everybody's?
Another thing I've wondered is why do we do this? Thousands of posts and not one person changes their mind.
I'm not cutting on you. I'm here doing the same thing. We all are, although there's only about 5 of us left.
We are all just venting. I mean nothing is going to be solved here.

The relationships we develop here between guys and gals who use PED's are more important. Once Trump closes all borders and searchs all packages coming into the USA pesonally, some of you alt right guys may need some new connections.
By sticking to your guns you mean still saying outrageous childish things without proof?

Yeah, he will always do that.

Sticking to his guns by sticking to his campaign promises? Big negative on that one.

No, the wall will be funded by Americans not mexico.

Providing better more affordable insurance. Nope! His healthcare plan will cost Americans more money than before.

Draining the swamp? Nope 95% of his staff are longtime Washington
Lobiysts and politicians.

Doing a better job for vets? Nope! He wants to privatize the va and basically give them a discount insurance card and they pay more out of pocket.

Do you guys even pay attention to the laws he has passed and the bills they are proposing?

Obviously not.
Until the heath care and va and all that has been given time to see if it works or fails you have no idea if it's gonna work or not. The rest is just rhetoric from biased organizations that claim to be Nonpartisan. Look at obamacare and all the so called Nonpartisan organizations saying it was gonna work. Hell, look at all the folks that have been saying it was working all the way up until now. Big, big fail.