Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

By sticking to your guns you mean still saying outrageous childish things without proof?

Yeah, he will always do that.

Sticking to his guns by sticking to his campaign promises? Big negative on that one.

No, the wall will be funded by Americans not mexico.

Providing better more affordable insurance. Nope! His healthcare plan will cost Americans more money than before.

Draining the swamp? Nope 95% of his staff are longtime Washington
Lobiysts and politicians.

Doing a better job for vets? Nope! He wants to privatize the va and basically give them a discount insurance card and they pay more out of pocket.

Do you guys even pay attention to the laws he has passed and the bills they are proposing?

Obviously not.
I liked his campaign promises, so get fucked asshole
By sticking to your guns you mean still saying outrageous childish things without proof?

Yeah, he will always do that.

Sticking to his guns by sticking to his campaign promises? Big negative on that one.

No, the wall will be funded by Americans not mexico.

Providing better more affordable insurance. Nope! His healthcare plan will cost Americans more money than before.

Draining the swamp? Nope 95% of his staff are longtime Washington
Lobiysts and politicians.

Doing a better job for vets? Nope! He wants to privatize the va and basically give them a discount insurance card and they pay more out of pocket.

Do you guys even pay attention to the laws he has passed and the bills they are proposing?

Obviously not.

“Those who can make you believe absurdities [promises], can make you commit atrocities.”

― Voltaire, Questions sur les Miracles à M. Claparede, Professeur de Théologie à Genève, par un Proposant: Ou Extrait de Diverses Lettres de M. de Voltaire

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — A former White House spokesman during the Obama administration said Sunday he believes more will come to light regarding ties between Russia and aides to President Donald Trump.

Josh Earnest pointed in part to political consultant Roger Stone's communication with an individual involved in hacking Democratic National Committee emails. And when asked about Trump's claim, made without evidence on Twitter, that Obama ordered a wiretap on him, Earnest simply said: "The bigger the scandal, the more outrageous the tweet."

"It's undeniable that there's a lot of really good unanswered questions about why senior Trump officials are, at best, not being forthcoming about their interactions with Russians," Earnest told The Associated Press. Stone "is somebody that we know, that President Trump has acknowledged, that he relies on for political advice.

"These are questions that need answered and it's not particularly surprising to me that President Trump is looking for some colorful ways to distract from that line of questioning," he said.

Every good brand needs a theme and an aesthetic, and President Donald Trump has spent decades cultivating both. The theme is success, wealth, winning, and the aesthetic is bright, brassy, loud—or, depending whom you ask, gaudy and fake. In person, the Trump look is that distinctive hair, oversized suits (apparently from the expensive Italian clothier Brioni) and long, shiny, red ties. Architecturally, it’s gilt and mirrors, as in his famous marble-and-gold Trump Tower apartment, photographed many times over the years, with its canopy beds, fresco-style ceilings and colossal chandeliers.

Trump’s design aesthetic is fascinatingly out of line with America’s past and present. If you doubt it, note that the interiors of the apartments his company actually sells bear no resemblance to the one he lives in. But that doesn’t mean his taste comes from nowhere. At one level, it’s aspirational, meant to project the wealth so many citizens can only dream of. But it also has important parallels—not with Italian Renaissance or French baroque, where its flourishes come from, but with something more recent. The best aesthetic descriptor of Trump’s look, I’d argue, is dictator style.
First-Trump isnt keeping his promises huh? Lets consider the facts shall we. he's faced more opposition from the alt left, dnc and media who have created so many roadblocks the guy cant even get a cabinet together in a timely manner. He cant even take a shit without someone criticizing the type of toilet paper he uses. Every single cabinet pick, every member of his team has their entire life personal and professional picked apart by the same political entity who then complains when he cant "keep his promises." So, they intentionally create the roadblocks, then complain when he doesn't get through them fast enough.

Id say he's done a fine job of staying focused and trying to keep the promises that got him elected in the first place. It must be very difficult trying to stay focused when so many are biting at your heels and fabricating stories about you. He just keeps plowing right ahead though, doesn't he?

I don't know whats worse. The fact that our economy is on the brink of meltdown, or that a minority wants to see it happen so they can be right. Some of you obviously have no idea what failure means. If Trump fails, we're looking at a financial meltdown here. There shouldn't be a single person wanting him to fail unless they live in a bubble and have no idea what's at stake.