Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Lol. A little dramatic isn't it?
Maybe for someone who has no idea whatsoever about our propped up stock market or what it means when an economy is on a downward trend and the stock markets reflection is to continue to rise. Dramatic? Ive stated this many times in this thread. Just because i dont worry about what tomorrow may bring, doesn't mean i cant see what's going on.
Lol. A little dramatic isn't it?
You obviously dont know just how close we came to a total economic collapse a mere 8 years ago? Since then, we've not only not changed the factors that made it possible back then, but we've been pumping air into an already inflated market bubble to put it simply.
You obviously dont know just how close we came to a total economic collapse a mere 8 years ago? Since then, we've not only not changed the factors that made it possible back then, but we've been pumping air into an already inflated market bubble to put it simply.
No I definitely understand how close we were to economic collapse 8 years ago. No argument there. We definitely have different viewpoints on a lot of issues but I agree with you on some things. But I find it more than a little ironic to blame opposition tactics for stalling trumps cabinet picks. We have watched 8yrs of opposition tactics employed by republicans have we not? And To that end Trump has not faced a crisis on the scale of what you were discussing above. I truly hope he does not.

It's almost as though the entire bureaucratic immune system of the government is reacting to an invading virus. The worst thing any of us can do is assume that the ascent of El Caudillo del Mar-A-Lago was not the sui generis event that it clearly was, and that he, himself, is not the sui generis occupant of the White House that he clearly is, and that he has not surrounded himself with dubious quacks and hacks that are sui generis in their approach to government as they clearly are.

There is a level of intellectual—and, perhaps, literal—corruption that is unprecedented in the modern history of the presidency and that is a genuine and unique threat to democratic institutions that are the objects of destructive contempt. The man ran on chaos. He won on chaos. And now he's governing on chaos. The checks and balances and safety valves of the Constitution—the things that, well, constitute—the immune system of this self-governing republic are facing a threat that is as different as it is lethal.
The danger we face is that every day that is spent trying to tie the hands of the opposing party, is a day we are not using to focus on our failing economy. I honestly don't see anything changing in that regard. Parties will continue to fight each other and not put the people they are supposed to be representing first. They put themselves first, they worry only about their own agendas and because we have a gridlocked system, nothing is accomplished. Picture a runaway train(economy) and everyone on board is arguing with each other instead of working to slow it down and get it back on track. The situation is extremely frustrating for everyone, especially those who've lost decent jobs and now are forced to rely on government aid. Our government is broke. Its worse than broke, its leaking money like a bucket with no bottom.
Sounds dramatic i know, but thats the reality we all face. It's a LOT easier to just not worry about it, but when the government refuses to take action, its people have to.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) and ranking member Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) have asked the White House to offer by Monday any evidence showing Trump Tower was wiretapped.

A congressional aide confirmed to The Hill that Schiff and Nunes made the request in a letter to the White House. The letter was first reported by The Associated Press.

Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) took the White House's “deep state” conspiracy theory and added some mustard to it in a newly uncovered speech last week. Kelly said that not only is there a widespread government effort to undermine President Trump, but that it's being led by none other than former president Barack Obama — who is running a “shadow government.”

But while the conspiracy theory is strange enough, the explanations offered by Kelly's office are something to behold.

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) has gained notoriety for his often contentious — and, occasionally, almost overtly racist — comments about immigration and the demographics of the United States. On Sunday, in a tweet about the nationalist Dutch politician Geert Wilders, King again appears to have crossed the line.

“Wilders understands that culture and demographics are our destiny,” King wrote. “We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.”

The formulation of “our” civilization being at risk from “somebody else’s babies” is a deliberate suggestion that American civilization is threatened by unnamed “others” — almost certainly a reference to non-Westerners. The idea that national identity and racial identity overlap entirely is the crux of white nationalism; King’s formulation above toes close to that line, if it doesn’t cross. American culture, of course, was formed over the past two centuries by the assimilation of immigrants from a broad range of nations — first mostly European but later a broader diaspora. Iowa, the state King represents, remains one of the most homogeneously white in the United States.