Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

I recall that guy that walked into a planned Parenthood and started shooting because they were performing abortions.

By your logic, all conservatives are violent individuals with guns that will kill when conservative ideals are not met.

Or how about the DC shooting that was caused by fake news about Hilary's pizza sex ring?

Ever heard of Kaylon Johnson? He was a black campaign worker for Obama. He was attacked following the election... Three white guys shouted “Fuck Obama!” and “Nigger president!” as they broke his nose and fractured his eye-socket, requiring surgery.

Here, a picture is worth a thousand words no?

View attachment 63582

Here's a pastor burning a dummy of Obama in protest, nothing jihadist looking about this:

View attachment 63583

Here's some more reading for you, the conservatives would never do anything like ALL the horrible liberals right:

Rights group monitoring reports of attacks on U.S. minorities since Trump win

I think the last rash of hate crimes to this extent occurred when Obama was elected... Go figure.

Although I could go on, I'll leave it at that. Your logic that conservatives don't and haven't done generally the same things that liberals have done in protest makes no sense to me and never has. I for one, don't label ALL conservatives or liberals nut jobs for it, but you cant say the same.
You have cited valid instances. The difference seems to be with your examples its an individual or a small group. The lefts protests are hundreds/thousands with lots of destruction and many people injured.
You have cited valid instances. The difference seems to be with your examples its an individual or a small group. The lefts protests are hundreds/thousands with lots of destruction and many people injured.

False. The majority have been peaceful protests, the violent instances are not nearly as common.

There have definitely been more overall protests against Trump, that's true. However, he also lost the popular vote by millions so that's not surprising.
False. The majority have been peaceful protests, the violent instances are not nearly as common.

There have definitely been more overall protests against Trump, that's true. However, he also lost the popular vote by millions so that's not surprising.
Although I didn't state that I should have said "the lefts protests that turn violent" Is that better?
I think we can agree that most protests are not violent.
Although I didn't state that I should have said "the lefts protests that turn violent" Is that better?
I think we can agree that most protests are not violent.

We can. The idea that the lefts protests are so much worse and are the only ones that are violent is just a ridiculous idea, and it's pushed by many on the right... It happens on both sides.

A Fox News Radio correspondent confronted in the White House briefing room the White House reporter for a website that traffics in conspiracy theories, witnesses said on Friday.

As reporters were getting settled ahead of Friday’s briefing, the Fox correspondent Jon Decker pointed out that a reporter from Gateway Pundit, Lucian Wintrich, was in the room and that they “hate blacks, Jews, Hispanics,” according to BuzzFeed White House correspondent Adrian Carrasquillo, who tweeted about the incident.

Decker also sent an email to the entire White House reporter email listserv, noting that the White House "has admitted Gateway Pundit into today's White House Press Briefing."
Exactly ; whats the low income/homeless gonna do with "tax credits" ?? , nothing....They"ll just keep going to the ER without missing a beat....;)
They will continue to use medicaid in which tax credits and health savings accounts would not apply to them. The new plan presented by Trump and the Republicans is garbage though imo and it needs quite a bit of work.
Hell some of the republicans are coming right out and admitting that they don't care who loses healthcare. I believe many of them will lose their jobs in the next 4 years.

Both my US Senator and Representative know how I feel about them. Both republicans. I have wrote and called their offices so often we are on a first name basis. More people should be active. It feels good to rail on corruot white trash.
We can. The idea that the lefts protests are so much worse and are the only ones that are violent is just a ridiculous idea, and it's pushed by many on the right... It happens on both sides.
Using this logic skinheads and kkk are right wing.