Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Washington (CNN) The Department of Justice [Sessions] asked the chairman and vice chairman of the House Intelligence Committee for "additional time" to collect evidence to support President Donald Trump's accusation that the Obama administration wiretapped his phones at Trump Tower during the campaign.

The House Intelligence Committee had set a Monday deadline for the agency to provide the evidence, a source familiar with the matter has told CNN, and has sent letters throughout the intelligence community this week to obtain records related to Russia.

"This afternoon, the Department of Justice placed calls to representatives of the Chairman and Ranking Member of the United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence to ask for additional time to review the request in compliance with the governing legal authorities and to determine what if any responsive documents may exist," Department of Justice spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores said in a statement.
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WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump has given the Central Intelligence Agency secret new authority to conduct drone strikes against suspected terrorists, U.S. officials said, changing the Obama administration’s policy of limiting the spy agency’s paramilitary role and reopening a turf war between the agency and the Pentagon.

The new authority, which hadn’t been previously disclosed, represents a significant departure from a cooperative approach that had become standard practice by the end of former President Barack Obama’s tenure: The CIA used drones and other intelligence resources to locate suspected terrorists and then the military conducted the actual strike. The U.S. drone strike that killed Taliban leader Mullah Mansour in May 2016 in Pakistan was the best example of that hybrid approach, U.S. officials said.

The Obama administration put the military in charge of pulling the trigger to promote transparency and accountability. The CIA, which operates under covert authorities, wasn’t required to disclose the number of suspected terrorists or civilian bystanders it killed in drone strikes. The Pentagon, however, must publicly report most airstrikes.
Middle-Schooler Who Wrote G.O.P. Health-Care Bill Claims He Has Not Been Paid.
Middle-Schooler Who Wrote G.O.P. Health-Care Bill Claims He Has Not Been Paid

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—The middle-school student who wrote the Republican health-care bill that was unveiled earlier in the week complained on Friday that he still has not been paid for his work.

Kevin Tenco, a seventh grader from House Speaker Paul Ryan’s congressional district, in Wisconsin, said that Ryan hired him two weeks ago to write the American Health Care Act with the promise that it “wouldn’t be too much work” and that he would be paid handsomely for his effort.

“He said I would get paid, like, five hundred dollars, and I could buy a Nintendo Switch,” Tenco said.

Taking Ryan at his word, the thirteen-year-old, from Twin Lakes, Wisconsin, “pulled several all-nighters” to complete the health-care bill in time for its Monday unveiling.

“I basically went to the Wikipedia page for Obamacare, cut and pasted a bunch of stuff and then threw in some tax cuts and whatnot,” he said. “It doesn’t sound like a lot of work, but I was super tired by the end of it.”

According to Tenco, Ryan’s failure to pay him in a timely fashion for writing the American Health Care Act has left him “feeling really bad about our government.”

“I was all set to write an immigration reform bill for Congressman Ryan, but now there’s no way,” he said.

Kushners Set to Get $400 Million From Chinese Firm on Tower

A company owned by the family of Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, stands to receive more than $400 million from a prominent Chinese company that is investing in the Kushners’ marquee Manhattan office tower at 666 Fifth Ave.

The planned $4-billion transaction includes terms that some real estate experts consider unusually favorable for the Kushners. It provides them with both a sizable cash payout from Anbang Insurance Group for a property that has struggled financially and an equity stake in a new partnership.

The details of the agreement, which is being circulated to attract additional investors, were shared with Bloomberg. It would make business partners of Kushner Cos. and Anbang, whose murky links to the Chinese power structure have raised national security concerns over its U.S. investments. In the process, an existing mortgage owed by the Kushners will be slashed to about a fifth of its current amount.​
Republicans say repealing ACA will save 300 billion dollars over 10 years. That's 30 billion a year. For that 14-25 million will lose health insurance.

Trump wants to spend 600 billion this year on defense. Who the fuck are we defending? Sure as fuck isn't 14-25 million Americans.

A blood bath is waiting for the GOP in 2018, and in 2020 Democrats will have both houses of congress with a super majority and the white house.

Buyers remorse is what a lot of people who voted trump will have only to get fucked in the ass by that 2 bit con artist.
On page 368, 366 and 365 at a quick glance I found that I talked about the party as a whole, including party leaders, endorsing. Previous to that I called it the media and party as a whole and was pretty vocal about the liberal jihadIst in the streets.

These are your quotes from pages 364-368. You start off by saying liberals burn cars, cause violence, etc. Are you talking about the Democratic Party including Obama and other Democratic Party leaders bc I sure as hell don't remember Obama ever burning cars on fire lol. Logic says you meant normal people, not party leaders who are doing these things since it's not the leaders. You also state no one on the other side would do anything remotely similar.

Liberal jihadIst out there burning cars, causing and inflicting violence, marching in the streets and stopping traffic, shutting down businesses, etc, etc. You wouldn't see the other side attempting to destroy the nation because they didn't get their way. Liberals have declared jihad against America.

Then when confronted with evidence that "your side" does it too, you change the story to "only one side endorses it". Then confronted with more evidence that "your side" endorses it as well, the story changes yet again.

There will be instances like this on all sides. Difference is... your side endorses it.

Here you make mention of BLM. Does black lives matter represent the democrats? Did Donald trump denounce the white guys who murdered an undocumented immigrant??? Nope, he said, and I quote, "maybe they should have roughed him up". Did trump denounce the white supremacists who preach violence against minorities???

Most of the hate crimes alleged that were pro trump turned out to be faked. Turned out to be liberals trying to paint trump as a white supremacist. But what would I call a group that did that? I would call them a hate group. I would denounce them as quick as I would denounce the terrorist group known as black lives matter. Did the Democrat party denounce black lives matter? Did they denounce the groups creating havoc out there right now protesting in the street and beating people up for being trump supporters?

This post we've already poked enough holes in to make it leak like Trump's White House lol.

Like I said, I'm not talking about instances of violence. I'm talking about a party that endorses the groups that cause the violence. I'm talking about riots and mobs not single instances. I can point out a mob of black lives matter protesters chanting kill cops especially the white ones and then black lives matter people actually kill cops and you come back with a guy walking into a church shooting people. Not the same. I can point out instances where the Democrat leaders including the president defending and clearly siding with said organizations and you can come back with white racist guy voted republican. I'm not moving the goal post. Your putting a net in front of it when it's my turn to kick a field goal.

And you know darn well I'm not talking about single instances.

Really I did?!?! Apparently Eman and myself both thought otherwise as well as possibly Dr. Scally and Millard Baker.

I'm talking about the party and the mob in the streets. You can find instances of racism and violence on both sides. I'm not talking about just random acts and you know this.

Yes you can find violence on both sides but you seem prejudicial towards only one side and conveniently ignore the other.

You don't have a leg to stand on in this argument so your making the conversation twist and turn.

That's called projection when you defend against your own unconscious impulses and qualities by denying they exist in you and while attributing them to others....

The radical racist group black lives matter is out there in mobs causing violence and preaching hatred towards the government and towards white people. Yet, Obama welcomes them to the white house, Clinton praises them and when Bernie sanders shouts "all lives matter" he has to quickly retract so his party doesn't turn on him. Wake me up when trump invites the Arian brotherhood to the white house. The left has gone so radical that conservatives can't give speeches in colleges. Republican town halls are being shut down, free speech is being trampled, liberals are going to conservative events to cause violence and chaos. You say you can point out the white supremacist chanting kill black people and a few do it? Well, from one of @Eman's post I could say it's only a small percentage that actually do the violence so basically you can't condemn the whole group, right? But instead i will say that would be a racist hate group that deserves any term they are called. And if the republican party invites them to the white house or stands by their side I will disavow the republican party. But we got Obama standing side by side with the "new black panther" party at a function and when he takes office drops charges when they were caught voter suppressing with Billy clubs at the voting areas. I could go on all day. But I have to get back to work so I can support a liberal. Lol.

This is why law enforcement views conservative extremists as more dangerous to Americans than Muslim extremists are? That's why right wing extremists are more dangerous than BLM?

Or how about republicans threatening to expose voter choices if they didn't vote republican in Iowa and Florida? How about a north Caroline senator threatening black people with jail time if they voted? These aren't voter suppression methods of those wacky conservative jihadists?

Obama invited Deray McKesson to the White House yes. Deray did not commit any violence, he did not instigate violence, he spoke out against the violence in Dallas and Baton Rouge, he is a lecturer at Yale university, he writes part time for a large newspaper, he's worked with unprivileged kids in inner city youth groups, and also worked for the Baltimore school yea, I'm really crying a river that he was invited to the White House to meet with law enforcement officials to try and find common ground o_O

And to your point about if republicans invite hate groups to the White House, does that include people who violate even the most basic human right to life? Bc trump invited Rodrigo Duterte to come to the White House. I'll wait your disavowment
These are your quotes from pages 364-368. You start off by saying liberals burn cars, cause violence, etc. Are you talking about the Democratic Party including Obama and other Democratic Party leaders bc I sure as hell don't remember Obama ever burning cars on fire lol. Logic says you meant normal people, not party leaders who are doing these things since it's not the leaders. You also state no one on the other side would do anything remotely similar.

Then when confronted with evidence that "your side" does it too, you change the story to "only one side endorses it". Then confronted with more evidence that "your side" endorses it as well, the story changes yet again.

Here you make mention of BLM. Does black lives matter represent the democrats? Did Donald trump denounce the white guys who murdered an undocumented immigrant??? Nope, he said, and I quote, "maybe they should have roughed him up". Did trump denounce the white supremacists who preach violence against minorities???

This post we've already poked enough holes in to make it leak like Trump's White House lol.

Really I did?!?! Apparently Eman and myself both thought otherwise as well as possibly Dr. Scally and Millard Baker.

Yes you can find violence on both sides but you seem prejudicial towards only one side and conveniently ignore the other.

That's called projection when you defend against your own unconscious impulses and qualities by denying they exist in you and while attributing them to others....

This is why law enforcement views conservative extremists as more dangerous to Americans than Muslim extremists are? That's why right wing extremists are more dangerous than BLM?

Or how about republicans threatening to expose voter choices if they didn't vote republican in Iowa and Florida? How about a north Caroline senator threatening black people with jail time if they voted? These aren't voter suppression methods of those wacky conservative jihadists?

Obama invited Deray McKesson to the White House yes. Deray did not commit any violence, he did not instigate violence, he spoke out against the violence in Dallas and Baton Rouge, he is a lecturer at Yale university, he writes part time for a large newspaper, he's worked with unprivileged kids in inner city youth groups, and also worked for the Baltimore school yea, I'm really crying a river that he was invited to the White House to meet with law enforcement officials to try and find common ground o_O

And to your point about if republicans invite hate groups to the White House, does that include people who violate even the most basic human right to life? Bc trump invited Rodrigo Duterte to come to the White House. I'll wait your disavowment
Just keep reading my last post as it debunks your posts like as if it was on loop.

Kushners Set to Get $400 Million From Chinese Firm on Tower

A company owned by the family of Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, stands to receive more than $400 million from a prominent Chinese company that is investing in the Kushners’ marquee Manhattan office tower at 666 Fifth Ave.

The planned $4-billion transaction includes terms that some real estate experts consider unusually favorable for the Kushners. It provides them with both a sizable cash payout from Anbang Insurance Group for a property that has struggled financially and an equity stake in a new partnership.

The details of the agreement, which is being circulated to attract additional investors, were shared with Bloomberg. It would make business partners of Kushner Cos. and Anbang, whose murky links to the Chinese power structure have raised national security concerns over its U.S. investments. In the process, an existing mortgage owed by the Kushners will be slashed to about a fifth of its current amount.​

This will be the most corrupt presidency in American history.

A White House analysisof the GOP plan to repeal and replace Obamacare shows even steeper coverage losses than the projections by the Congressional Budget Office, according to a document viewed by POLITICO on Monday.

The executive branch analysis forecast that 26 million people would lose coverage over the next decade, versus the 24 million CBO estimates. The White House has made efforts to discredit the forecasts from the nonpartisan CBO.

White House officials late Monday night disputed that the document is an analysis of the bill’s coverage effects. Instead, they say it was an attempt by the Office of Management and Budget to predict what CBO’s scorekeepers would conclude about the GOP repeal plan.

“This is not an analysis of the bill in any way whatsoever,” White House Communications Director Michael Dubke told POLITICO. “This is OMB trying to project what CBO’s score will be using CBO’s methodology.”

The analysis found that under the American Health Care Act the coverage losses would include 17 million for Medicaid, six million in the individual market and three million in employer-based plans.

A total of 54 million individuals would be uninsured in 2026 under the GOP plan, according to this White House analysis. That’s nearly double the number projected under current law.

The CBO predicts that in 2026, 7 million fewer people would receive employer-based insurance, either because their employers would choose to stop offering insurance or because the employees would opt out because the new law, unlike the ACA, doesn’t require everyone to be insured or pay a penalty. Many of these people, including the young and healthy, would buy insurance on the individual market, in part using age-based tax credits provided by the proposed law, called the American Health Care Act (the AHCA).

All those people dropping off the employer insurance rolls actually makes the individual market – part of what the ObamaCare tried to fix – look better in 2026. The CBO indicates that’s a mirage. The CBO says 2 million fewer people would be buying individual insurance compared to current law in 2026. That’s in part because the 7 million people not getting insurance through their employers are buying individual insurance. If they weren’t switching from employer insurance to individual insurance, the individual market would be down 9 million people.

Instead, those 7 million young, healthy people who would have been covered by their employers are using a federal tax break to help buy insurance. “It’s probably not a good use of public dollars,” says Matthew Fiedler, a fellow at the Brookings Institution.