Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Minuscule and smokescreen. The amount of money he just made with 31 trademarks and China is valued over half billion next five years. The Kushner family just from the same Chinese profited over $400 million in one transaction.his salary is Minuscule and smokescreen that's why were talking about it
Actually the reason it was being discussed was because of the fact he was not turning down the salary because by law he must receive it. So in your eyes Trump is using his salary as a smokescreen to deflect attention from shady business dealings? Is that the theory you are pushing?
Actually the reason it was being discussed was because of the fact he was not turning down the salary because by law he must receive it. So in your eyes Trump is using his salary as a smokescreen to deflect attention from shady business dealings? Is that the theory you are pushing?
What are your thoughts on tillerson traveling to China with out the press corp? Not really being discussed much.
Actually the reason it was being discussed was because of the fact he was not turning down the salary because by law he must receive it. So in your eyes Trump is using his salary as a smokescreen to deflect attention from shady business dealings? Is that the theory you are pushing?

R u denying he is profiting illegally from Chinese using his presidential powers?
One China policy ?

Another example

His Russia ties comes up all of a sudden we are talking about wire tapping in trump tower with absolutely no evidence.

Hi fires the attorney in charge of checking in to his cabinet for ethic violations and we are talking about microwave cameras....

Maybe my perception is distorted or maybe I had been watching another far right leader do the same thing for 10+ years in my birth country Turkey.

Now how ironic both Turkish president and Trump view the EU as a communist organization which ran its welcome in Europe, I wonder why

The same fired us attorney was also in charge of corruption case against the Turkish President. Mr Flynn finally registered his dealings with Turkish government and listed himself as a lobiest, not even 48 hours later Mr Bharara was fired. I gues Turkey made the best out of the 480.000$ they paid to play in Washington
I rest my case
R u denying he is profiting illegally from Chinese using his presidential powers?
One China policy ?

Another example

His Russia ties comes up all of a sudden we are talking about wire tapping in trump tower with absolutely no evidence.

Hi fires the attorney in charge of checking in to his cabinet for ethic violations and we are talking about microwave cameras....

Maybe my perception is distorted or maybe I had been watching another far right leader do the same thing for 10+ years in my birth country Turkey.

Now how ironic both Turkish president and Trump view the EU as a communist organization which ran its welcome in Europe, I wonder why

The same fired us attorney was also in charge of corruption case against the Turkish President. Mr Flynn finally registered his dealings with Turkish government and listed himself as a lobiest, not even 48 hours later Mr Bharara was fired. I gues Turkey made the best out of the 480.000$ they paid to play in Washington
I rest my case
At the moment no one knows where his financial interests are. He will not release his tax returns. We do know that his son in law's family, his daughter, is making a cool $400,000,000. See Dr Scally's post above.

Trump was right, his followers will follow him to hell and back even though we really know nothing about him.
Nothing is really wrong with it. I just found it funny he said he would only take a $1 salary while campaigning, now he's taking the whole salary and going to donate it... Which I find tremendously unlikely considering he's not nearly as generous as he wants you to think he is.

Although, maybe if the "corrupt" media pushes him hard enough like they did last time he'll donate.
trump is going to donate the money from his salary an write off $150, 000. In essence he is costing the people $550, 000. Trump style.
R u denying he is profiting illegally from Chinese using his presidential powers?
One China policy ?
Relax About Trump's China Trademarks

His Russia ties comes up all of a sudden we are talking about wire tapping in trump tower with absolutely no evidence.
These supposed non evidence based Russia ties have been ongoing for over a year. To say all of a sudden a wiretap claim pops up just to distract from that doesn't hold any water. His claim of wiretapping with no evidence is about as evidence based as Trump and Russia colluding together to throw the election.

Hi fires the attorney in charge of checking in to his cabinet for ethic violations and we are talking about microwave cameras..
The resigning of all the attorneys is normal with the change in administration. Nothing unusual here. The only thing unusual is Preet Bharara not resigning after being asked to do so. Preet decided to refuse to resign in order to set himself up as martyr. He is using it to prop himself up for a run at another political office. Again the only story here is his refusal to resign when it's common place to remove them all during a changing administration.

Now how ironic both Turkish president and Trump view the EU as a communist organization which ran its welcome in Europe, I wonder why
You think they are the only ones who view the EU in that regard? The EU is falling and it's just a matter of time before it disintegrates. Disgust for the EU is certainly not exclusive to Trump and the Turkish president.
The resigning of all the attorneys is normal with the change in administration. Nothing unusual here. The only thing unusual is Preet Bharara not resigning after being asked to do so. Preet decided to refuse to resign in order to set himself up as martyr. He is using it to prop himself up for a run at another political office. Again the only story here is his refusal to resign when it's common place to remove them all during a changing administration.
What's common is allowing these US attorneys to serve until they are finish with the cases they are pursuing.
So to suggest attorneys trying to be a martyr, administration not using its power to oust a prominent attorney is a falsehood.
You think they are the only ones who view the EU in that regard? The EU is falling and it's just a matter of time before it disintegrates. Disgust for the EU is certainly not exclusive to Trump and the Turkish president.
Absolutely not there's Puttin,there is Patrie, Le Pen, Wilders from Netherlands, Heinz-Christian Strache in Austria thats most of Europe. All has the same amount of populist following like Trump. Their ideology is the scary future buddy. We are trying to go back to right before second world war where every country is in it for themselves. I understand the skepticism of globalist economy but nationalist fascist moments that are coming our way far more dangerous and proven with history (ww1 and ww2) than the status quo.
What's common is allowing these US attorneys to serve until they are finish with the cases they are pursuing.
So to suggest attorneys trying to be a martyr, administration not using its power to oust a prominent attorney is a falsehood.
No that is incorrect. Everything that has taken place in regards to asking them to resign is routine. The only thing that is not is the refusal of Preet to resign. I can gladly share many examples of this from Clinton,Bush and most recently Obama.
No that is incorrect. Everything that has taken place in regards to asking them to resign is routine. The only thing that is not is the refusal of Preet to resign. I can gladly share many examples of this from Clinton,Bush and most recently Obama.

I will check into that for all three president. There was never a controversy that I remember about an attorney been fired before a very high-profile case he's working on had been finalized. I'm referring to the Rezza Zarrap case, Iranian individual who is being charged in federal court for violating the embargo against Iran using his ties with Turkish government. And world international criminal politics this is a humongous case. My point was how half a million spent by Turkish government can stop that case against them...... whatever statement they may put out from White House regarding to this matter is deflection. Reality only benefits one man only....
The Turkish president,who paid to play in Washington.
I will check into that for all three president. There was never a controversy that I remember about an attorney been fired before a very high-profile case he's working on had been finalized. I'm referring to the Rezza Zarrap case, Iranian individual who is being charged in federal court for violating the embargo against Iran using his ties with Turkish government. And world international criminal politics this is a humongous case. My point was how half a million spent by Turkish government can stop that case against them...... whatever statement they may put out from White House regarding to this matter is deflection. Reality only benefits one man only....
The Turkish president,who paid to play in Washington.
Again there is nothing unusual about all of the attorneys being asked to resign. When it happens all the attorneys have a person under them who continue with the investigations until another attorney is appointed. I believe Clinton asked over 90 to resign in one day. All attorneys were going to be asked to leave regardless of Flynn because again it's how things are done in most recent times. If there is something more sinister in regards to Flynn I'm sure it will be looked at. Now it will be looked at by a Trump pick and not an Obama pick. I get that it's bullshit from your perspective but it's a consequence of losing an election.
Honestly the only thing will convince me that the new US attorney will do it's job is a conviction on open and shut case. I don't know how familiar you are with the case but it's an interesting one. I completely understand the political aspect of governing. I just want to point out how things get affected with a political move where the criminal element should be considered the most.
Honestly the only thing will convince me that the new US attorney will do it's job is a conviction on open and shut case. I don't know how familiar you are with the case but it's an interesting one. I completely understand the political aspect of governing. I just want to point out how things get affected with a political move where the criminal element should be considered the most.
Wasn't familiar with it at all until you just mentioned it. Read quite a bit about it and I can agree with you that the case against him should go forward. Just according to what I have read I don't see any reason why his prosecution shouldn't continue after another attorney is appointed. I would understand your views if his case wasn't fully prosecuted going forward.
Wasn't familiar with it at all until you just mentioned it. Read quite a bit about it and I can agree with you that the case against him should go forward. Just according to what I have read I don't see any reason why his prosecution shouldn't continue after another attorney is appointed. I would understand your views if his case wasn't fully prosecuted going forward.

The whole world is on a high tide. When it's pulled back, we will see what was underneath the tide!!! Its an interconnected world with every player smarter than the other looking out for their interest. I don't see Trump or Obama any different in that aspect. My only worry is the far right world view being put forward by Trump and rest of the world. I am watching my own birth country being decimated by it's president for personal gain using nationalism as his tool( he was elected with the help of Puttin years back too). Ruling class will always be in odds with the academics and socialist thinkers. Personally I just don't want to live in an era of a global war. Because the ruling class don't fight in the trenches, we do !
And any historian will tell you,the nationalist tide we are seeing now in the world, what caused the world wars 1,2

Some of our more liberal friends here see the nationalist view by the administration as hitlerist movement I don't. Hitler used the tools of nationalism to murder people. In my eyes it's different. But cost of this kind of nationalism is going to be global catastrophe so I understand their rhetoric and worry I share the sentiment.
What's common is allowing these US attorneys to serve until they are finish with the cases they are pursuing.
So to suggest attorneys trying to be a martyr, administration not using its power to oust a prominent attorney is a falsehood.
It doesn't work like that. Every new president brings on new US attorneys. What makes this unique is that the US attorney responsible for investigaing the Kushner family is one of them.

The trump administration will go down in infamy for being the most corrupt in US history.

I want that cocksucker's returns subpoenad if he will not cough them up. It will happen eventually. Trump is a fake and a fraud.
Wasn't familiar with it at all until you just mentioned it. Read quite a bit about it and I can agree with you that the case against him should go forward. Just according to what I have read I don't see any reason why his prosecution shouldn't continue after another attorney is appointed. I would understand your views if his case wasn't fully prosecuted going forward.
At least you are reasonable. I give you respect for that even though we disagree most of the time.

President Trump doesn't like high deductibles, and he's not alone. High deductibles, provisions of health insurance plans that leave people on the hook for thousands of dollars of medical costs before insurance coverage truly kicks in, are an unpopular part of health insurance.

But if Republicans' health care bill becomes law, more people would land in insurance plans with high deductibles, according to the Congressional Budget Office analysis.