Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

It's not shocking to me to witness people being denied healthcare and left to die. Republicans respect only money. Those who are cast out of the economy are worthless parasites according to eddie munster, speaker of the house.

Many Americans these days don't care about the disenfranchised. What they don't realize is that soon they will be in that position. I heard on the news the other day that truck drivers will be phased out because of automation.

Soon all the wealth will be heald by those that had the money to redesign our economy to profit the elite.

Americans who don't fight for their rite to profit in this economy that we will have soon, deserve to eat out of dumpsters. Now those same morons complain about the poor sucking them dry,not understanging its the fuckers who they vote for year after year who could not care less if they can't provide for their family's. Fucking ignorant losers they are.
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President Trump doesn't like high deductibles, and he's not alone. High deductibles, provisions of health insurance plans that leave people on the hook for thousands of dollars of medical costs before insurance coverage truly kicks in, are an unpopular part of health insurance.

But if Republicans' health care bill becomes law, more people would land in insurance plans with high deductibles, according to the Congressional Budget Office analysis.

The same CBO that underestimated Obamacare costs by 10s of billions. Yeah, ok.
It's not shocking to me to witness people being denied healthcare and left to die. Republicans respect only money. Those who are cast out of the economy are worthless parasites according to eddie munster, speaker of the house.

Many Americans these days don't care about the disenfranchised. What they don't realize is that soon they will be in that position. I heard on the news the other day that truck drivers will be phased out because of automation.

Soon all the wealth will be heald by those that had the money to redesign our economy to profit the elite.

Americans who don't fight for their rite to profit in this economy that we will have soon, deserve to eat out of dumpsters. Now those same morons complain about the poor sucking them dry,not understanging its the fuckers who they vote for year after year who could not care less if they can't provide for their family's. Fucking ignorant losers they are.

Neither party is doing the middle class and working poor any favors, Paul. I always hear the term "elite" used when referring to liberals but aren't the rich Republicans the same?
If there is nothing to hide, than release all years [and schedules]. Unless ...

The new return, as The Post is reporting, shows Trump paid about $38 million in income taxes on more than $150 million in income in 2005. The White House has confirmed those figures, while accusing MSNBC of illegally releasing the return.

But the White House may be protesting too much. While Trump may want to discourage similar disclosures in the future, this particular return suggests the worst assumptions about Trump's tax habits haven't been borne out. That doesn't erase the myriad other questions which we unfortunately haven't been able to answer given Trump's decision to break with decades of precedent on not release his returns, but it is news.

Indeed, if there were a return to release, this might actually be a good one for Trump. And the journalist who obtained the document, David Cay Johnston, said in his interview with Maddow that the return was mailed to him anonymously and may have even come from Trump.

"It's entirely possible that [Trump] sent this to me," he said in his first comments, citing Trump's habit of leaking things about himself. (The documents read "client copy" which adds to that idea.) (Analysis | It turns out Donald Trump didn’t avoid income taxes for 18 years, after all)
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The Justice Department is set to announce Wednesday the indictments of two Russian spies and two criminal hackers in connection with the heist of 500 million Yahoo user accounts in 2014, marking the first U.S. criminal cyber charges ever against Russian government officials.

The indictments target two members of the Russian intelligence agency FSB, and two hackers hired by the Russians.

The charges include hacking, wire fraud, trade secret theft and economic espionage, according to officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the charges have not yet been announced. The indictments are part of the largest hacking case brought by the United States.
Relax About Trump's China Trademarks

These supposed non evidence based Russia ties have been ongoing for over a year. To say all of a sudden a wiretap claim pops up just to distract from that doesn't hold any water. His claim of wiretapping with no evidence is about as evidence based as Trump and Russia colluding together to throw the election.

Quite the opposite. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence wrote a briefing paper about how Russia did in fact attempt to influence the direction of the election but meanwhile Comey asked the DOJ to dismiss the wiretap claims bc presumably it never happened nor did trump cite any evidence to support it.

The resigning of all the attorneys is normal with the change in administration. Nothing unusual here. The only thing unusual is Preet Bharara not resigning after being asked to do so. Preet decided to refuse to resign in order to set himself up as martyr. He is using it to prop himself up for a run at another political office. Again the only story here is his refusal to resign when it's common place to remove them all during a changing administration.

The resignations of the attorneys is normal in that they usually change with every president. What makes it UNUSUAL here is that they aren't asked to resign until replacements have been chosen. Also unusual is that Bharara was told he would be allowed to stay on....guess that was a lie or was it that he would have been investigating trump lol?
Quite the opposite. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence wrote a briefing paper about how Russia did in fact attempt to influence the direction of the election but meanwhile Comey asked the DOJ to dismiss the wiretap claims bc presumably it never happened nor did trump cite any evidence to support it.

The resignations of the attorneys is normal in that they usually change with every president. What makes it UNUSUAL here is that they aren't asked to resign until replacements have been chosen. Also unusual is that Bharara was told he would be allowed to stay on....guess that was a lie or was it that he would have been investigating trump lol?
No story on the US attorneys. They resign. How its done differs but the end result is the same.
As far as the one that was told he could stay. Things change. The only story is him getting some extra milage out of it.
Quite the opposite. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence wrote a briefing paper about how Russia did in fact attempt to influence the direction of the election but meanwhile Comey asked the DOJ to dismiss the wiretap claims bc presumably it never happened nor did trump ci
Not the opposite actually. Show me one shred of evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians to throw the election. I won't hold my breath because there is none. That doesn't stop the left from pushing that narrative with zero evidence. Trump made the wiretap claim with zero evidence. Not what I call exactly opposite.

The resignations of the attorneys is normal in that they usually change with every president. What makes it UNUSUAL here is that they aren't asked to resign until replacements have been chosen
I'm not aware of how unprecedented it is to not have replacements in place immediately after having the attorneys resign or be fired as I can't find anything confirming or denying it. I'm sure you can post some type of evidence to back that claim so I will wait for that. The only thing unusual about this process was Bharara refusing to resign and having to be fired.

Also unusual is that Bharara was told he would be allowed to stay on....guess that was a lie or was it that he would have been investigating trump lol?
Another conspiracy theory, what a surprise. You are right, it makes complete sense that Trump and his team were completely ignorant of the fact that Bharara could investigate Trump if asked to stay on. They then realized later that monumental error and swiftly asked him to resign in order to avoid prosecution. That makes much more logical sense except he could of just not asked him to stay from the start.

It now appears Ricardel will be moving out of the OPP position soon. The administration source said she is in line for a senior position with the Department of Commerce that deals with the national security world.

Sources from the Pentagon say that the move comes after a major clash with Mattis, with one source familiar with the discussions saying “Mattis told the White House either Mira goes, or he walks. They blinked.”