Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Nunes Backs Down From Assertion Trump Was Monitored
Intel Chair Devin Nunes backs down from assertion Trump was monitored

The chairman of the House intelligence committee has backed down from his dramatic assertion that Donald Trump and his aides were "monitored," by U.S. spies — a claim the Republicans have cited this week in fundraising emails.

Rep. Devin Nunes told reporters Friday he can't be sure whether conversations among Trump or his aides were captured in the surveillance that has become a source of controversy since Nunes made it public in two news conferences this week.

"He said he'll have to get all the documents he requested from the (intelligence community) about this before he knows for sure," his spokesman, Jack Langer, said earlier.

Nunes continued to refuse to say how he had learned about the surveillance, including whether his source was in the White House.

I wonder how many white working class folks that voted trump will get fucked if the gop passes their healthcare bill?

If my memory serves me right, trump promised a better plan, not no plan or one that actually cost more.

This is nothing more than a tax break for the wealthy at the expense of the most vulnerable.