Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Absolute shit show. Had 8 years to come up with something better and this is the best they could come up with. I agree with you, they should just let obamacare die and move to something else in the meantime.
They lied. They never had anything other than to return to no healthcare for millions at the same time cutting taxes for people who make much more than you or I. Romney 13% federal tax trump?

But congressional sources say that the offer by Manafort’s lawyer, Reginald Brown, a former White House lawyer under President George W. Bush, was carefully hedged. There was no explicit promise to testify in public or address a broad range of questions that have been raised about Manafort’s business and lobbying work over the years for figures closely associated with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“This is an interview, not testimony,” Jason Maloni, Manafort’s spokesman, told Yahoo News. A statement by Maloni states only that Manafort was willing to provide information about “recent allegations about Russian interference in the election.” It says nothing about recent allegations about disguised payments made to Manafort from the political party of the pro-Putin former president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, or his past work for Oleg Deripaska, a prominent pro-Putin oligarch– both of which have been cited by Democrats as evidence of close ties between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin.

Moreover, there were immediate signs that the Senate intelligence committee, which is conducting its own investigation into the Russia probe, was in no rush to take Manafort up on his offer.

“This is a PR stunt,” said one Senate source familiar with the offer made by Manafort’s lawyer. While the panel will at some point want to hear from Manafort, the source added: “I doubt this will be on his terms.”
Now is time for the republican party to fulfil their other promise and cut taxes for the wealthy, and I don't me some folks on this board who feel they are wealthy, the people making 1 million plus, who are already paying very little considering their incomes.
The national debt will explode not Obamacare.

Trump promises disaster. The good thing is he may very well be impeached in 2 years.

Are you shit heads tired of winning yet? There is more losing to come, and the reason is becaue America is a nation of easy marks.