Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Man, the crap you have to wade threw in this thread. First off, if you voted for obamacare, imo you got no leg to stand on criticizing this Healthcare bill. You already done enough to fuck this country up and your judgement is dog shit. Also, I don't want a party to stick together on an issue just because they are party. If half the republicans think this is a shit deal then I'm glad they're standing up to it. Not like the Democrats. All them fuckers stuck to party and didn't give a shit about Americans or the country. Party first. They all, except a few that were paid off, ran as fast as they could to sign a bill before they even knew what it was. "You have to sign it so you can see what's in it". "Uummm, who's a good boy? You are. Yes you are. Yes you are. Here's your treat, boy".
Man, the crap you have to wade threw in this thread. First off, if you voted for obamacare, imo you got no leg to stand on criticizing this Healthcare bill. You already done enough to fuck this country up and your judgement is dog shit. Also, I don't want a party to stick together on an issue just because they are party. If half the republicans think this is a shit deal then I'm glad they're standing up to it. Not like the Democrats. All them fuckers stuck to party and didn't give a shit about Americans or the country. Party first. They all, except a few that were paid off, ran as fast as they could to sign a bill before they even knew what it was. "You have to sign it so you can see what's in it". "Uummm, who's a good boy? You are. Yes you are. Yes you are. Here's your treat, boy".
Well said, Democrats want to fuck the working class and give it to the freeloaders, that's exactly what Obama care does. I have an idea, let's fuck over the rich...fuck those rich fucks
Now is time for the republican party to fulfil their other promise and cut taxes for the wealthy, and I don't me some folks on this board who feel they are wealthy, the people making 1 million plus, who are already paying very little considering their incomes.
The national debt will explode not Obamacare.

Trump promises disaster. The good thing is he may very well be impeached in 2 years.

Are you shit heads tired of winning yet? There is more losing to come, and the reason is becaue America is a nation of easy marks.

Man, the crap you have to wade threw in this thread. First off, if you voted for obamacare, imo you got no leg to stand on criticizing this Healthcare bill. You already done enough to fuck this country up and your judgement is dog shit. Also, I don't want a party to stick together on an issue just because they are party. If half the republicans think this is a shit deal then I'm glad they're standing up to it. Not like the Democrats. All them fuckers stuck to party and didn't give a shit about Americans or the country. Party first. They all, except a few that were paid off, ran as fast as they could to sign a bill before they even knew what it was. "You have to sign it so you can see what's in it". "Uummm, who's a good boy? You are. Yes you are. Yes you are. Here's your treat, boy".

When you mean "crap" are you referring to the factually incorrect statements otherwise known as fake?

Because if memory serves correctly you have been the biggest source of posting "crap".

Your always complaining about fake news and yet how many links have you posted about obama wiretapping trump?
Man, the crap you have to wade threw in this thread. First off, if you voted for obamacare, imo you got no leg to stand on criticizing this Healthcare bill. You already done enough to fuck this country up and your judgement is dog shit. Also, I don't want a party to stick together on an issue just because they are party. If half the republicans think this is a shit deal then I'm glad they're standing up to it. Not like the Democrats. All them fuckers stuck to party and didn't give a shit about Americans or the country. Party first. They all, except a few that were paid off, ran as fast as they could to sign a bill before they even knew what it was. "You have to sign it so you can see what's in it". "Uummm, who's a good boy? You are. Yes you are. Yes you are. Here's your treat, boy".

Also, I hope you realize that this new bill would of stopped the Medicade expansion. You know what 75% of medicade pays for?

Your grandmothers stay in a nursing home after 100 days. The majority doesn't go to people on welfare. People below the poverty line make up the largest enrollment but nearly all of it goes to elderly care.

I'm glad your rich where you can pay $7500 a month to have your parents in a "decent" nursing home.

But let's be honest. You probably can't afford $5000 a month for one of your parents care. So guess how her or thier care is payed for? Medicad.

I'm happy to have a portion of my taxes go to carrying for our elderly, children, people.

So, I guess the question is it exceptable to have the elderly kicked out of nursing homes? Is it exceptable to deny medical care to children because the can't pay the ridiculously expense. If it is, well I would hold off on saying others don't give a shit about this country.

Food for thought.
When you mean "crap" are you referring to the factually incorrect statements otherwise known as fake?

Because if memory serves correctly you have been the biggest source of posting "crap".

Your always complaining about fake news and yet how many links have you posted about obama wiretapping trump?
Bullshit. There's still post of trump russia collusion and post saying comey said there was. I seen him say in interviews multiple times there was "no" evidence there was any connection. Now I see post saying trump is helping obamacare fail. It just goes on and on. Tax cuts to the rich bullshit. Obamacare has been failing for years and even Democrats have been saying as much. You voted for a loser president who's legacy accomplishment is crashing and burning. You voted for crap and now you want to be taken seriously when you want your political views to be heard. Live with obamas failed presidency and now it's time for someone else to take the drivers seat. Sit back and enjoy the ride. We all warned you about obamacare and you didn't listen. Your judgement is in question.
Bullshit. There's still post of trump russia collusion and post saying comey said there was. I seen him say in interviews multiple times there was "no" evidence there was any connection. Now I see post saying trump is helping obamacare fail. It just goes on and on. Tax cuts to the rich bullshit. Obamacare has been failing for years and even Democrats have been saying as much. You voted for a loser president who's legacy accomplishment is crashing and burning. You voted for crap and now you want to be taken seriously when you want your political views to be heard. Live with obamas failed presidency and now it's time for someone else to take the drivers seat. Sit back and enjoy the ride. We all warned you about obamacare and you didn't listen. Your judgement is in question.

I thought you were a rational person. You sound more and more like a meth head everytime you post.
Also, I hope you realize that this new bill would of stopped the Medicade expansion. You know what 75% of medicade pays for?

Your grandmothers stay in a nursing home after 100 days. The majority doesn't go to people on welfare. People below the poverty line make up the largest enrollment but nearly all of it goes to elderly care.

I'm glad your rich where you can pay $7500 a month to have your parents in a "decent" nursing home.

But let's be honest. You probably can't afford $5000 a month for one of your parents care. So guess how her or thier care is payed for? Medicad.

I'm happy to have a portion of my taxes go to carrying for our elderly, children, people.

So, I guess the question is it exceptable to have the elderly kicked out of nursing homes? Is it exceptable to deny medical care to children because the can't pay the ridiculously expense. If it is, well I would hold off on saying others don't give a shit about this country.

Food for thought.
I had obamacare until just recently. I've been prescribed mri's, vascular Surgeon, ct's, medication, etc. Every bit of it was turned down under obamacare. I've had doctors pull me aside explaining they can't take obamacare and that obamacare has ruined everything. And none of this means shit when you need to see a specialist. You just want to see a doctor. You pay your taxes, you pay for the premium package on obamacare and and then you find out everything your forced to pay for is shit. And these doctors/surgeons pull you aside apologizing saying they wish they could take care of you for free, but they can't. Beat it obamacare. Your nothing but a taxation without representation.
Bullshit. There's still post of trump russia collusion and post saying comey said there was. I seen him say in interviews multiple times there was "no" evidence there was any connection. Now I see post saying trump is helping obamacare fail. It just goes on and on. Tax cuts to the rich bullshit. Obamacare has been failing for years and even Democrats have been saying as much. You voted for a loser president who's legacy accomplishment is crashing and burning. You voted for crap and now you want to be taken seriously when you want your political views to be heard. Live with obamas failed presidency and now it's time for someone else to take the drivers seat. Sit back and enjoy the ride. We all warned you about obamacare and you didn't listen. Your judgement is in question.
Logic offends you.

There is zero logic in anything you say or post.

Let me ask. How are you going to pay for your parents long term care?

Your not. While everyone else is footing the bill for your parents care you can still complain about how you have to pay for others care.

Where I am happy to contribute to thier care.
It amazes me how hateful people are. I understand why you love Trump. He taps into your hate, fear, and jealousy.

It's a shame you are so easily manipulated.
There is zero logic in anything you say or post.

Let me ask. How are you going to pay for your parents long term care?

Your not. While everyone else is footing the bill for your parents care you can still complain about how you have to pay for others care.

Where I am happy to contribute to thier care.

Who's the crazy? Lol. Republicans wanna kill old people? Jeez.